


How do I manage to get the car cross the bridge? Everything is falling apart and I can`t find a way to jump the gap. Yes, I am a novise, casual gameplayer.

The bridge works as a gigantic seesaw. Move the abandon cars to your side.
Not at all. I discovered it by ACCIDENT in my first playthrough. (Throwing cars out of the bridge in frustration :p)
Not at all. I discovered it by ACCIDENT in my first playthrough. (Throwing cars out of the bridge in frustration :p)

Thats what i did. For some reason i didn't think 'hmm, a broken bridge with cars on it. It's likely to sway if i move them'

I thought 'how the hell am i gonna get across this bridge if there are loads of cars on it?' and proceeded to punt them all off.
Old Half-Life farts like me

These kinds of puzzles are standard for the HL game series. They love using these "physics" gimmicks, and they are great! Been at this since the release of the first Half-Life. Valve is awesome!

Any more questions, post away!
I thought the grenade puzzle was clever, though they made it too obvious with the box of frags near it.
funnily enough it didn't occur to me to throw a grenade under the grate the first play through. I ended up using the grav gun by standing on the very edge of it with my back to the second story. It worked, after a few tries.

...scorch marks and a box of frags...
There is even an achievement in Orange Box for solving the grenade puzzle: Rocket Propelled Gordon. :p (Or is that Gordon Propelled Rocket?)
I had no freaking idea what to do at the part where I got the car. I eventually peeked at a guide, and wow! I saw a way for clearing the cars out!
I had no freaking idea what to do at the part where I got the car. I eventually peeked at a guide, and wow! I saw a way for clearing the cars out!'s REALLY not that hard...



Stop telling everyone how dumb they are and how much of a genius you are just because you solved some physics puzzles. It doesn't make you cool. plzkthx.
When I saw the Bridge, I remembered that scene from "Lord of the Rings" in the Mines, where Aragorn and Frodo balanced on the broken Stairwells... So I guess it was kind of easy after that. :D
Despite Valve's fondness for seesaw-based physics puzzles in the past, this one actually took me a minute to figure out. After I fell off the bridge twice trying to make the jump, that is >_>
I've got to admit I had I had some trouble figuring this one out for some reason. Most of the puzzles in the HL games are so very easy I've never had to resort to a walkthrough to deal with them. Tough enemies on occasion yes, but not the puzzles. But this one was a real head scratcher. The problem I had was not so much figuring out what to do once you're on the bridge it's kind of obvious the biggest problem I had was figuring out how to get onto the bridge in the first place. I tried climbing up on the right hand side but that side of the bridge always collaspses. It took me a while to figure out to drive the car close to the left side and use it climb up that side and get onto the bridge that way. I'm not sure why it took me so long I think I was pretty tired that day. The grenade puzzle had me foxed for a while too. The standard of puzzles has definately been better this time around.
As soon as I jumped onto the bridge I thought "They really weren't kidding about that big physics puzzle they mentioned in the previews". I understood it immediatly.
ffs people, this is the most simple one ever! Even more simple than the floating barrel one in Water Hazard!
funnily enough it didn't occur to me to throw a grenade under the grate the first play through. I ended up using the grav gun by standing on the very edge of it with my back to the second story. It worked, after a few tries.

I was a bit puzzled at first to. I came back out the building to check around it for a clue, and Alyx gave me that "never mind" line that just made me more determined not to leave till I got it, I did try half heartedly with the gravity gun.

Went back in and THEN I remembered my grenades, THEN I noticed the scorch marks. Got it first try. Got my rocket launcher. Wub wocket wauncher.

I'm the kind of player that would never turn down a rocket launcher, especially if there is plenty of ammo on offer, their just so handy (as Alyx stated to).

As for the bridge I didn't even think at all. Saw the little twisted strip of metal, used it to get on the seesaw bridge section, punted the cars off, came back to the car side, the bridge leaned over, jumped off, got my car and turbo'ed across. Never really seemed a big deal to me, a fairly brainless "puzzle" that didn't require thinking, but oh well.
I was a bit puzzled at first to. I came back out the building to check around it for a clue, and Alyx gave me that "never mind" line that just made me more determined not to leave till I got it, I did try half heartedly with the gravity gun.

Went back in and THEN I remembered my grenades, THEN I noticed the scorch marks. Got it first try. Got my rocket launcher. Wub wocket wauncher.

I'm the kind of player that would never turn down a rocket launcher, especially if there is plenty of ammo on offer, their just so handy (as Alyx stated to).

As for the bridge I didn't even think at all. Saw the little twisted strip of metal, used it to get on the seesaw bridge section, punted the cars off, came back to the car side, the bridge leaned over, jumped off, got my car and turbo'ed across. Never really seemed a big deal to me, a fairly brainless "puzzle" that didn't require thinking, but oh well.

It's like me with assault rifles. Just can't pass them up.
I was really thankful for that rocket launcher in the final segment when I kept running out of ammo for all my other guns while killing all the hunters (the ones I didn't just run down or pummel with logs, that is). Took me about 20 tries to get up there though, and my grenades kept rolling out when I tried to alt. fire them under. >_<