Castro Steps Down

The US government should really use this chance to try to improve relations, give things a fresh start. This decades old embargo and hostility is so stupid. If anything, improved relations and trade would hasten the end of communism in the country, I think.
The US government should really use this chance to try to improve relations, give things a fresh start. This decades old embargo and hostility is so stupid. If anything, improved relations and trade would hasten the end of communism in the country, I think.

The Kant known as Bush and the Kant known as Brown are already talking about him as of he was the world biggest dictator ever and that this will pave the way for 'liberty and freedom', as if either of those numb nuts even knew what the words mean (or actually believe in them). Contrary to US propaganda, Cuba isn't that bad a place, and despite a few dissidents, Castro is generally well thought of by the people, and has been for many years (you can't please all the people all the time). The only suffering the Cubans have endured are generally a result of the US governments continued embargos against them, which are a political hangover from JFKs was public humiliation by the whole bay of pigs fiasco.

It's embarrassing to read the sheer effrontery of the American perspective, where in overthrowing governments is considered acceptable, when their views conflict with yours. :dozey:
Many Cuban Americans are heavily anti-Castro, being or descending from those who left the country when he took over. It's not a demographic you want to piss off when trying to get elected.
I'm totally going to go brag to my art teacher how Castro is no longer all-powerful in Cuba.
[Her last name is Castro, no relations.]
The Kant known as Bush and the Kant known as Brown are already talking about him as of he was the world biggest dictator ever and that this will pave the way for 'liberty and freedom', as if either of those numb nuts even knew what the words mean (or actually believe in them). Contrary to US propaganda, Cuba isn't that bad a place, and despite a few dissidents, Castro is generally well thought of by the people, and has been for many years (you can't please all the people all the time). The only suffering the Cubans have endured are generally a result of the US governments continued embargos against them, which are a political hangover from JFKs was public humiliation by the whole bay of pigs fiasco.

It's embarrassing to read the sheer effrontery of the American perspective, where in overthrowing governments is considered acceptable, when their views conflict with yours. :dozey:

yeah right and the soviet union fall cuz gorbachov was sent by the CIA
and the people leaving by boats,even athletes that dessert while in the exterior are all prey of the capitalist manipulation

but dont worry,since everybody follows castro like a god there things will be the same
They call me cuban pete, I'm the king of the rhumba beat when I play my maracas I go chick chicky boom, chick chicky boom..
Castro was never actually a communist until he sided with the USSR to annoy America.
The US government should really use this chance to try to improve relations, give things a fresh start. This decades old embargo and hostility is so stupid. If anything, improved relations and trade would hasten the end of communism in the country, I think.

Now that would make Bush' last few months quite memorable. Not that it will happen.
Well, about frigging time.

The CIA should send the new president.
What makes you think that?

He led the socialist revolution in Cuba.

The socialist rhetoric was to annoy America and gain the support of the USSR, the Cuban communist party was formed after the revolution had already happened.
Oh, that Numbers!

*canned studio laughter*
The Kant known as Bush and the Kant known as Brown are already talking about him as of he was the world biggest dictator ever and that this will pave the way for 'liberty and freedom', as if either of those numb nuts even knew what the words mean (or actually believe in them). Contrary to US propaganda, Cuba isn't that bad a place, and despite a few dissidents, Castro is generally well thought of by the people, and has been for many years (you can't please all the people all the time). The only suffering the Cubans have endured are generally a result of the US governments continued embargos against them, which are a political hangover from JFKs was public humiliation by the whole bay of pigs fiasco.

It's embarrassing to read the sheer effrontery of the American perspective, where in overthrowing governments is considered acceptable, when their views conflict with yours. :dozey:

Right, and Cubans paddle to Florida in cardboard boxes across an ocean for shits and giggles?
Right, and Cubans paddle to Florida in cardboard boxes across an ocean for shits and giggles?

Was the uncle that touched you when you were a wee lad a socialist or something?
I still don't understand what was so bad about the guy.
I met Che Guevera's daughter once. She was kinda chubby.
What makes you think that?

He led the socialist revolution in Cuba.

The revolution didn't become socialist until many months after it occurred. Castro actually toured the US afterwards looking for support.
the brother raul got elected as new president

not even the oracle could see that coming
Yeah well at least it's not as bad as in Venezuela.

Also your macarena sig is broken
raul isn't much better, castro was political minded, raul was military, and che was intimidation.

Cuba is still fuxed
Hey come on, he is one guy who made his country survive the onslaught of the Russians and Americans. He played intelligently, making friends with the Russians and Americans (who later turned on them) without affecting ties from either one of them.
you call turning a 1st world country into a 3rd world tourist trap, survive?
Batista's regime was crueler then Castro's by a good margin.
Also it's 3rd word becuase of the US trade embargo.
batista's was corrupt, but it didn't have secret police seizing property and sending people to firing squads or jail around the clock. And the communist government ruined the economy pretty fine by itself well before the embargo took effect. Hell, Cuba's government makes a killing every year on tourism,but i doubt you'll see any of that money going back into the communities, it just cycles back into the tourism industry to attract more european travelers
Just because Batista was bad doesn't man that Castro was good.
Yeah but it does make it suspect to claim that Castro 'ruined the country'.
how many people were trying to row free of cuba before batista, how many after?
It used to be a 1st world country before, 3rd world after
Used to have a sizable middle class before, vast majority poverty stricken now unless they are high up in the government.
used to have freedom of speech before, none to speak of now

how exactly is that not ruining?