catz0rs or d0gzors

catz0rs or dogz0rs?

  • catz0rs, yay

    Votes: 64 61.0%
  • d0gz0rs, b00

    Votes: 41 39.0%

  • Total voters
i restarted my game once because i put a cat on the end of a shotgun... then couldnt take it off again!!! i couldnt live with myself ;(
dood wha iz rong wif u?

you're going to give yourself a tumor
HeinrichKuunt said:

you're ****ed.

to put it politely ;)

id expect a banning as soon as the mods get the report i sent.
HeinrichKuunt said:

lol, i hope you het banned as wel... plus im 14, and i do have pubes...lots :|

btw i was kindof in a strange, happy mood then :D
I already do have a Tumor, what about it? I only have 17 Months to live? Who cares?
Suicide42 said:
lol, i hope you het banned as wel... plus im 14, and i do have pubes...lots :|

btw i was kindof in a strange, happy mood then :D i guess you havent sen any of CB's recent posts ;)

Ahhh, 14, that explains it, good day madame. Im German, don't listen to me.
HeinrichKuunt said:
I already do have a Tumor, what about it? I only have 17 Months to live? Who cares?
ok, i take this back if that is true, but seriously go away now. you arent funny. i find what you saud offensive and i tred to hide it... but im not going to anymore.

just... go away.
HeinrichKuunt said:
I already do have a Tumor, what about it? I only have 17 Months to live? Who cares?

obviously not us

good luck with what's left of your 17 months
HeinrichKuunt said:
I already do have a Tumor, what about it? I only have 17 Months to live? Who cares?

Not me, kindly go away and die
I hate cats, they think they are so much better then you.
Foxtrot said:
I hate cats, they think they are so much better then you.

carfull, your about to be linched ;)

edit: i aint even quick enough to warn you :LOL:
Haha, that was fast. Cats are always like, hey get the hell over here wench! I need to be pet! DAMNIT NOW!!! And then it runs at you and scratches your face up.
Foxtrot said:
Haha, that was fast. Cats are always like, hey get the hell over here wench! I need to be pet! DAMNIT NOW!!! And then it runs at you and scratches your face up.

where were you a page or two ago :LOL:
That's it, you've forced me to name off all my pets:

1. Angel, 16 year old short haired Collie. She has a few health problems now :(
2. Skippy, 9 year old mutt. Lab, Border Collie, Cockerspaniel, and uhh.. who knows what else :D
3. Nala, 2 (soon to be) year old Cockerspaniel.
4. Poe(t), 2 (soon to be) year old Cockerspaniel. Nala's sister! lol
5. Bear, 1 1/2 year old Chow Chow. She has alot of health problems, she wandered onto our property and we never found her owner.
6. Abby, 2 year old Chihuahua. We rescued her, pretty much. She was pregnant at the vet, and her owners couldn't afford to pay for her cesarean section, so my mom opted to pay for it and adopt her and her soon to be born pup :)
7. Jonah, Abby's son, 8 months old now, I believe. Named because he was stuck inside his mother's belly, so to speak ;)

6 of our 7 dogs are purebreed, and it wasn't even intentional

now, for the cats!

1. Daisy, 16 year old who's as healthy as a horse (only on 1 med, despite that she's very very healthy, which is good)
2. Midnight, 11 (I think) year old male.. a few health problems (
3. Tasha, 8 year old female tabby. Crazy cat
4. Miisha, 7 year old female.. black cat! My favorite cat
5. Calvin, 5 (? lol) year old male.. oddest cat I've ever seen
6. Sammy, 2 (3?) year old male, he almost died about a year ago, had a sudden liver problem, but he got better :)
7. Sally, a stray cat we caught and brought indoors.. she's maybe a year old, scared to death of humans still

OKAY! Thanks for reading :)
man you must have an endless supply of shopping bags
Shuzer said:
That's it, you've forced me to name off all my pets:

Yikes! 14 pets? You'd have to be an animal lover to have that many.
Pobz said:
Shuzer lives at the cat+dog zoo :D

:( I also have 2 birds, a hamster, 3 fish and a turtle.. lol

OKAY, maybe my family does have alot of animals, but it's all in good company!

..stop looking at me like I'm a psycho! I'm not.. really :eek:
We've got just a dog, 2 rabbits, a guinea pig, a parrot (african grey), and a hamster. We had some fish too, till they snuffed it.
Shu -Pet Shop- zer...

I have 3 cats, Diamond, Fluff (Fluffy) and Susey. Diamond is the mother of Fluffy. She has actually had 13 cats in total. The first litter consisted of 4 kittens and the second obviously 9. That was quite cool :)
Had 2 cats before, and I loved them. So cats get my vote.
I have two cats. One is big and fat and slow and has arthritus...

And the other one is the first ones mother and is old but still incredibly active and lively. She still chases her own tail!! :D

I love cats so very very much... They are so damn funny! :D
I like cats but im allergic to their fun, My Sister has a cat called Minski, its the complete opposite of what a cats should be:

1: Never lands on feet, always head, runs off the couch and does a forward roll off it to get down.

2: Sleeps in the bed, not on it.

3: Spends most of the day inside the couch, it gets in through the gap between the coushins, the next thing you feel is it prodding you from inside.

Dogs are cool but they hate me, i've been bitten by some many its not even funny anymore, a police dog even went off the track of a handbag thief in town just to get me...little buggers.
they sense your fear. never look a unknown dog in the eye..never approach it with your hand extended unless; you're not looking at him and your hand is extended with the palm facing up. Seriously, people get bit all the time becasue they do all the wrong things
Two is scared of everything, and one is a POSER :naughty: , see if you can tell them apart :rolleyes:
simmo, your cats are making me hungry... you give them tasty names!
i just want to ask... do your cats have any... bowel problems?? :)

when my cats are under a lot of stress from neigbouring pets.. they tend to... piss on things :|

can be a bit annoying.. but luckily for me all my electronics in my room have never been touched, only plants and books downstairs... but its still not very nice...

but scince my neighbours have moved out (with their "devil" cats) my cats have been well behaved... and go outside with no prying eyes :)
Suicide42 said:
i just want to ask... do your cats have any... bowel problems?? :)

when my cats are under a lot of stress from neigbouring pets.. they tend to... piss on things :|

they're marking territory
Cats are the smartest of us all, they succesfully acheived a life of only sleeping and eating. Why cant we, humans, learn from them ???? :frown:
nicrd said:
Cats are the smartest of us all, they succesfully acheived a life of only sleeping and eating. Why cant we, humans, learn from them ???? :frown:

Because we're too busy taking care of the cats to have time to learn new things. :p
CptStern said:
they're marking territory

no, cats mark territory in my house all the time, and it doesnt involve large amounts of urine... only a light "spray" over the object.

but i think both "spraying" and "pissing" are ways for the cats to mark territory.. its just one is much harder to clean up.

and it was undoubtably started by neighbouring cats putting pressure on my cats... damn it, if only i had burnzies cat on my side maybe we couold fight back...

(burnzie shouting from the distance) NOOO!!! fool, you know it can never be controlled!!! it could turn on you!

Suicide42 said:
no, cats mark territory in my house all the time, and it doesnt involve large amounts of urine... only a light "spray" over the object.

but i think both "spraying" and "pissing" are ways for the cats to mark territory.. its just one is much harder to clean up.

and it was undoubtably started by neighbouring cats putting pressure on my cats... damn it, if only i had burnzies cat on my side maybe we couold fight back...

(burnzie shouting from the distance) NOOO!!! fool, you know it can never be controlled!!! it could turn on you!


My cat always used to spray things....things such as the curtains, my computer desk :| and clothes etc....but hes stopped doing it now. So yeah, it could of been stress you know :)
i have 5 cats, well had 5, now i only got 1 :bonce: :x we gave away 3 and one ran away thier names are biddy,scotch,lenny,kally and never named the other and i have 1 dog named bubbles. but i like them both, but i like cats better. only cat i got left is kally ;(

Kally is the mother and is also the biggest (duh), biddy is the small dark colored calico, the one we never named is a lighter colored calico, lenny is black,scotch is a tannish color, and bubbles is well... the dog ;(
and just one more picture, lenny and scotch ;(

you should have called the black one Carl...and the lighter cat Lenny