

Dec 4, 2004
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I JUST got a cell phone today after not having one...ever. Am I the only 15 (and over) that just got or doesn't have a cellphone? Jw
I've never had a cell phone. I appreciate the convenience, but its not enough to entice me to pay for it.
cellphone takes your soul away...

(takes out ringing phone from pocket) hello...
I just got mine and im 17 (nearing 18), people who have them younger are spoiled :p
i hardly use my phone unless im trying to chat up a girl. i remember not having one though, and i really did panic when things happened and i had to contact someone, say before they left home. they are convenient things, but very expensive... i mean, the price of text messages, 12p. absolute rip off, but there is no competition between the companies on prices at all.
I got my first one in 2000, ye olde nokia 5110 :) I was 17 or 18 I think, but back then not many people had 'cell phones' (us normal people call them mobile phones, so as not to be confused with cordless phones that also have cells (us normal people call cells 'batteries' btw))

Having a mobile is great, I'd hate to have to live without one any more.
I got mine when I was 15, not a good one, mind. It's my dad's after he bought a new one
Anyone know if those target cell phones are a rip off or not? You know the ones you buy and then you buy the minutes.
lol, i didnt have internet till december of last year, i was using my schools. I also didnt have a cell phone till june of last year too. We still dont have any form of cable tv, rock on 13 channels, rock on.
I got mine on my 18th birthday, which is extremely late in the area I live in. I see 6th graders walking home with cell phones when I drive past them. It makes me puke.
DarkSin said:
Anyone know if those target cell phones are a rip off or not? You know the ones you buy and then you buy the minutes.
Prepaid ones are good but it depends on who you get it from.

Well i live in Cali and see like 11 year olds with them and i needed one but i think you should probably have one once u have freedom to go places
70% of Asian kids owns cell phones, hell I even once saw a 1st grader talking to his mom on a brand-new Nokia...
I got one when I was 16..waste of money at the time in my opinion, good for being out and about but other than that it was 40 bucks a month gone
Any you would recommend? I'm looking to buy a cell phone, but I don't want to be overcharged/ripped off/flooded with stuff I don't want. Those Target Pay-As-You-Go phones looked neat, but the documentation for their plans scared me out of the store.
i don't have one and i'm 18

i dont really care though, my dad asked if i wanted one and i said "naww"
:) I'm 16 and i've a cell phone. Yes, they are expensive, yes I don't really really need one, but hell having cell phones nowadays just for kicks is very much a valid answer! But when you're tending to your social life, they come very much in handy. Especially text messaging; up in class and TEXT TEXT TEXT AWAY! Even if you have to text a fellow classmate that's like in the other half of the room!
I'm 15 and got 1 for Christmas. It's nice to be able to keep in contact with people when they're not at home :p
Have a sister on a contract deal. That way, she gets free upgrades every year, and you keep her old phone.

Worked for me :E
I don't have a mobile/cell phone :(.

then again, neither do my friends ;)
I've got a mobile, hardly ever use it though, and I just have it so people can contact me. (Haha, not wasting any of my phone credit :LOL:)

Why use a mobile when you have MSN and hl2.net?
Yeah I've gone through quite a few phones, I'm clumbsy as hell and lose them/break them. It seems in the US mobile phones aren't that popular with kids - here in the UK every kids got one pretty much.
I got my first at 14, an amazing nokia 3210, upgraded to a sendo m550 just cos its small and light. I hate all the 'camera' crap on phones its pathetic. I just use mine for talking to mates with (occassion text or call) security so my parents can find me, and for the girls as pobz said. So they may be a pain, but they are useful items to have on your person.

I'm on virgin (3p texts across other virgin phones how good?) possible poll thread on networks if anyone cares. *opportunity*
I'm 17 and I still don't have one... ;(
I got my first when I was ten. The one I have now is the forth in the order.
Asians where i live walk around with the miobile phones (cell phones) playing music, now not the radia stations, they actually listen to their ringtones and think thats it hard to do so. TBH i finl they bloody look stupid
SpuD said:
I just got mine and im 17 (nearing 18), people who have them younger are spoiled :p

I Never had one and 17 at the moment. And yes spud thats mainly true. All ways hate seeing people under 15 use a mobile phone a lot when there going to meet who ever there talking to in 2 or 3 hours any way.
MarcoPollo said:
If ur in england or america T Mobile is good.

Bullshit, you obviously didn't see the people that have hacked t-mobile about a dozen times, one actually got a list of peoples names/number/social security number/etc. And then the paris hilton hack....Good service right there.... :rolleyes:
So what HL2 was leaked..does that make it a crappy game?
Any service could get hacked the way that they did it but they chose T mobile caz they knew Paris hilton had T mobile. Jebus christo!
I got my first one at 12..then at 14 my brand new phone got stolen, then i was without a phone until i was 18..
I got one when I was 18 (still am 18) which is really surprising considering my Dad works for Orange (one of the biggest mobile phone service providers in the U.K. for those who don't know!).
Finally got one at 22. Verizon is a ripoff, but the LG VX7000 and LG VX8000 are awesome phones. It was pretty ironic for me, considering that I work at a cell phone game company, but I cleared that up. My excuse up to that point was that I just didn't have a good reason to have one. Then I locked my keys in my car in a remote area and had to walk back to civilization, rather than just call someone to pick me up. That sucked. It was cold, windy, and I was in just a t-shirt and shorts.
I got mine when i was 15 and upgraded it every 12 months i;m 18ish now.

mobile phones are alright jus dont get too cared away talkin to ur girlfriend and get a £300 phone bill :( ...really don;t...
MuToiD_MaN said:
Finally got one at 22. Verizon is a ripoff, but the LG VX7000 and LG VX8000 are awesome phones. It was pretty ironic for me, considering that I work at a cell phone game company, but I cleared that up. My excuse up to that point was that I just didn't have a good reason to have one. Then I locked my keys in my car in a remote area and had to walk back to civilization, rather than just call someone to pick me up. That sucked. It was cold, windy, and I was in just a t-shirt and shorts.

:sleep: Verizon does indeed suck! I've got a V710 and it's pretty cool, despite the fact it has a sorry flash, under dim-low lighting the picture quality sucks, but well lit area's are pretty feasible. Verizon butchered some of the V710's Bluetooth features like PC to Phone or Phone to PC transfers of files. Also compared to something like T-Mobile their prices on packages and whatnot are high... WAY HIGH. But, yeah the new LG's are nice.
MarcoPollo said:
Any service could get hacked the way that they did it but they chose T mobile caz they knew Paris hilton had T mobile. Jebus christo!

No they hacked it because they knew they could access it easy, months before millions of people got their information taken from the database. Maybe you should read up on it before jumping into things...