

Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Lets make a forum thats censored so people cant speak their minds or poke fun at authority! Oh wait that would be useless and suck.

I dont know what was said in this post or what lead to this banning,http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=38196, but I think it would be interesting to guess gabes weight and I think halflife2.net moderators should be ashamed for censoring some kids post because it might offend an authorative figure (if that is indeed the reason he was banned)

Moderators chill out!

have a winge why dont ya... :hmph:

I think ther reasons were pretty obvious...
It offended me, no one is perfect, and it is out of line to make fun of someone. And Gabe is freaking awesome. And threads like that one are not needed at all. They do not contribute anything positive or intellectual to these forums.

Also, you may have freedom of speech, but it is illegal to yell fire in a movie theatre. Just becuase you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
this is an internet forum, the admins run it like a dictatorship, and they're perfectly entitled to stifle your freedom of speech and anyone elses they wish to.


although you don't really have the right to freedom of speech here.
1. It's not "mods*, it was soley my decision
2. It was and extremely disrespectable Poll/Thread
3. He wasn't banned for that post...He was banned when he made another thread about it...after I warned him
Also i belive this belongs in site discussion if anywhere outside of PM's...
Mentioning Gabe's weight in a inappropriate manner like that is like breaking a very serious law.

Tredoslop said:
Hmm...42 is the new number of Satan!
42= 6x6+6.
Holy shit! Satan!

holy crap ...........42 = satan...........42 = meaning of life (hitchhikers)

meaning of life = satan :O
I'm leaving this thread here becasue we have so many in site discussion...after it dies down I'll move it
why you're right! lets start a thread guessing your mothers weight and see how you like it.
Allow rudeness is a choice of the moderators/admins. That decision will affect the type of community that gathers here. Since this is a private forum, they are perfectly within their rights to censor whatever they want. This is not a public soapbox. You don't like the rules, start your own forum. I'd suggest returning to the signup agreement and actually reading it this time. For your convenience:
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As mentioned in another thread, these forums currently have a very amiable community feel -- especially when you consider their size, popularity, audience, and subject matter. This is due largely to the conscious efforts of the moderators to maintain that feel. I for one applaud their efforts.
anarchy said:
Lets make a forum thats censored so people cant speak their minds or poke fun at authority! Oh wait that would be useless and suck.

I dont know what was said in this post or what lead to this banning,http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=38196, but I think it would be interesting to guess gabes weight and I think halflife2.net moderators should be ashamed for censoring some kids post because it might offend an authorative figure (if that is indeed the reason he was banned)

Moderators chill out!
If you dislike this forum's understanding that assholes aren't tolerated, there are plenty other forums just crawling with other pre-pubescent jerks like you. People like you disgust me.

I mean that.
This one goes out to all the wingie bastards...

I'm sick of people winging about mods (Icarus in particular). They're here to do a job. That job is to keep things under control. To get rid of the shit. To make these forums a place where people can come, chat, get help, and whatever else. Not to see theads like "G4b3z fat!!!11144 L0LZ". And this fredom of speach bullshit. Sure the internet is "free speach" thats fine if you have your own website, for you to post whatever crap you like about anything. Whether you like it or not, you are on a private site. You aggreed to the rules when you signed up to the forums. Therefore, if you dont follow the rules and post shit and generaly act like an asshole than you are gonna get your theads locked, deleted, and banned time and time again. When will people understand that it is not their forums. The forum belongs to Munro. He sets the rules. You dont follow them you're gonna get a ban from him and his merry band of loyal mods and admins.

As for Icarus being hard. Yeah, he can be a Hard Ass, to be honest this forum needs more mods like him to keep this place in line. he doesnt take shit. He shouldnt have to. People should be more warey of the rules. He follows them. You get warned, you do it again. You're out. Its all there in the forum rules kids. You hit the "agree" button when you joined. If you didnt agree than why did you click the button?

Tredoslop said:
Mentioning Gabe's weight in a inappropriate manner like that is like breaking a very serious law.

mentioning Gabe's weight at all is pointless in HL2 General Discussion period.
now if his weight was being discussed in the Off topic section relating to being healthy.. or in some positive manner, then perhaps it would be okay... but in all my time here, i have yet to see a thread talking about Gabe's weight in a manner which acceptable.. let alone being in the right section.
hype.db said:
If you dislike this forum's understanding that assholes aren't tolerated, there are plenty other forums just crawling with other pre-pubescent jerks like you. People like you disgust me.

I mean that.


while i may not always agree with some of the more "optomistic" people around here in relation to Valve, theres considerably less BS and idiots posting dumb threads.
anarchy said:
Lets make a forum thats censored so people cant speak their minds or poke fun at authority! Oh wait that would be useless and suck.

I dont know what was said in this post or what lead to this banning,http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=38196, but I think it would be interesting to guess gabes weight and I think halflife2.net moderators should be ashamed for censoring some kids post because it might offend an authorative figure (if that is indeed the reason he was banned)

Moderators chill out!
FYI - I would have done the same.

It's mean, disrespectful and offensive
I can't imagine who finds such a thing entertaining. Well, it's obviously someone with they're own sort of problems. I guess immature outcast is the right word, and they should keep away from these forums IMO.
anarchy said:
Lets make a forum thats censored so people cant speak their minds or poke fun at authority! Oh wait that would be useless and suck.
Moderators chill out!
This service promotes the enjoyment of all things-HL and gaming in general. If you need a forum to poke fun at your benefactors, go ask Daddy if you can kick his shins.
And how do you take Gaben to be an authority-figure? "He's all grown up and writes games for me!" ??
Having fun is your right, but its no one's obligation to participate - not even your friendly HL2.net.
Ya you guys are right, im just a 14 year old kid ( not a 24 year old college student)

Lets just toss freedom of speech out the window, after all it will lead to a community of assholes, just like any nation that has freedom of speech is a horrible one. Yup, good idea guys. It might make gabe sad and he wont give halflife2.net any exclusives so dont say anything that might offend him. Thats why we are all going to give the game a perfect 10 when we review it, despite its shortcomings, otherwise it might offend him. Forget thinking for yourselves, its over rated.
Posting isn't a right, it's a priviledge.

And we'll censor what we see fit, thank you.

That said, we do have fun too, and tbh, you all know we aren't nazis.
anarchy said:
Ya you guys are right, im just a 14 year old kid ( not a 24 year old college student)

Lets just toss freedom of speech out the window, after all it will lead to a community of assholes, just like any nation that has freedom of speech is a horrible one. Yup, good idea guys. It might make gabe sad and he wont give halflife2.net any exclusives so dont say anything that might offend him. Thats why we are all going to give the game a perfect 10 when we review it, despite its shortcomings, otherwise it might offend him. Forget thinking for yourselves, its over rated.

Posting and You: a Quintessential Guide to Posting in a HL2 forum

And here are some threads that have discussed this topic before.


Thank-you, come again.
Lets just toss freedom of speech out the window

Freedom of speech is guaranteed in public, from the government. You aren't in public, and the mods are not part of the government. Welcome to real life.
When you sign up to a forum, you "sign" an agreement to say you will follow the moderator's decisions and obey their rules when posting here, freedom of speech has no place in here and is wavered when you "sign" the agreement.
Welcome to Halflife2.net. You obey OUR rules or get out. Simple really. :)

You really think its soo crap. How do explain our absolutely HUGE membership...

We have more regulars than all the other HL2 sites put together :p ;)
anarchy said:
Ya you guys are right, im just a 14 year old kid ( not a 24 year old college student)

Lets just toss freedom of speech out the window, after all it will lead to a community of assholes, just like any nation that has freedom of speech is a horrible one. Yup, good idea guys. It might make gabe sad and he wont give halflife2.net any exclusives so dont say anything that might offend him. Thats why we are all going to give the game a perfect 10 when we review it, despite its shortcomings, otherwise it might offend him. Forget thinking for yourselves, its over rated.

What's your point? I don't understand what you're trying to say here?

Some headcrab was spamming some non-sense, so he got banned, what's the big deal? and what does it have to do with freedom of speech? how can you even bring that up in a gaming forum? it's mind boggling...
ComradeBadger said:
...you all know we aren't nazis.
That's right, Mein Fuehrer. *salute* :p

But seriously, I think you are a bit confused about things here, bud. Freedom of speech? It's a gaming forum, man. I don't even know what to say - whatever you are ranting about makes no sense. :|

ComradeBadger said:
Posting isn't a right, it's a priviledge.
Q.F.E. :D
mirageacg said:
It offended me, no one is perfect, and it is out of line to make fun of someone. And Gabe is freaking awesome. And threads like that one are not needed at all. They do not contribute anything positive or intellectual to these forums.

Also, you may have freedom of speech, but it is illegal to yell fire in a movie theatre. Just becuase you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

It's NOT ILLEGAL to speak your mind. However it might be illegal to set off such a panic in a public area, that doesn't really concern the thread.

And while I might agree that discussing someone's weigh, be it a symbol for our affection or not, is a bit off, it doesn't mean we have the right to opress him. However, this is not a public service board and the moderators/admins can set whichever rules they feel like.

My point is that if they did find it offending (It wasn't as if someone yelled Death to all jews... all hail Hitler, or something) then they should indeed ban him.

It's really easy to remedy this problem.. Lets just leave.. I have been here for a week and already its clear that this site caters to the desensitised inverted people who cant handle much of anything... Once HAlf life 2 comes out the few hardcore people who I feel deeply sorry for will have it to themselves.. It boggles my mind that this board caters to people who probably arent handling the real world very well outside of there existence in computers and possibly on this message board.. Its too bad you guys have so much news here and your message board is moderated so poorly.. I personally think its just as childish if not more so to close a thread about guessing gabe's weight.. Good luck with making poor descions..
Making a disrespectful thread about "guessing Gabe's weight" is childish
Shutting it down isn't
Well, we've been running this forum for well over a year now, and the member numbers just keep going up. So I think we'll stick with keeping the majority happy, rather than trying to cater to the needs of a few peurile trolls.

Or, in other words, Bye!
Rellik Restam said:
It's really easy to remedy this problem.. Lets just leave.. I have been here for a week and already its clear that this site caters to the desensitised inverted people who cant handle much of anything... Once HAlf life 2 comes out the few hardcore people who I feel deeply sorry for will have it to themselves.. It boggles my mind that this board caters to people who probably arent handling the real world very well outside of there existence in computers and possibly on this message board.. Its too bad you guys have so much news here and your message board is moderated so poorly.. I personally think its just as childish if not more so to close a thread about guessing gabe's weight.. Good luck with making poor descions..

The people here simply think it's unfair to make fun of someone's weight. The mods think this, and are here to make this place more enjoyable for those who agree. Is it that hard to understand? If you don't like it, you're always free to leave like you said, but you seem to be really blowing this out of proportion.
I see this all the time in a battlefield community that I administrate.. once in a while, someone will post to complain that this or that person kicked them from their server, and that they have a right to a fair trial or something. You don't. Whoever owns the server sets the rules, and he can kick whoever he pleases without a reason. This goes for messageboards as well, even though almost all of them have set rules instead of banning everybody.

If Hl2.net decided that expressing anti-american sentiments was against the rules, that would be their choice and it doesn't matter if you like it or not. It's not your website, it's not your messageboard and it's not your right to post. If you want a forum that disallows cheese discussions, go right ahead, you pay the server bills and you do the work.

Excuse me while I generalize, but this is an age of whiny little spoiled brats who assume they have some god-given right to have their way anywhere on the internet, got banned? Tough luck.

The only excuse for whining like this is if the rules state this, and you get punished for that.. and even then does it have be conclusively wrong for anybody to even hear you out.

Rant Lizard, over and out.

[EDIT] One more thing, if these boards were really as censored as you portray them, do you really think they would let this thread stay open? Most threads criticizing the administration aren't closed unless they violate rules. That's good moderating right there.
DvS said:
*snip*...Rant Lizard, over and out.

Not only that, but usually the point the person is trying to make is rendered void simply by the fact that so many people are happy with the way the forum is. I certainly am. I feel the amount of censorship in the forum, as well as the methods the moderators employ, is appropriate and it clears the way for more meaningful discussion.

People want a relaxed environment where they can speak their minds, regardless of forum status. As far as I'm concerned, any post with the sole purpose of insulting another member does not belong here. So what if Gabe has a large figure? Doesn't make him any less of a person in my eyes.

Thank you.
Well, I'd agree that the moderation here can be a bit overly strict... And on principal I don't agree with the 'majority rules' argument.

On the other hand, there are some 18000 plus members, hundreds visit every day. Despite this, this board is really rather polite, on the whole. That's a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. There been several times in the last year-and-a-half where the level of spam and other crap got rather disturbingly high. I'd leave, come back, and find that things were pretty reasonable again. If it takes a few dozen bans to accomplish this, fine. If it means personal attacks and insults are rather strictly dissalowed, fine. This is a place to converse (whether meaningfully or not) and discuss half-life 2. They let you get pretty off-topic here sometimes. That's a good thing, to a certain degree. But rarely does it devolve into something worse. I think that would drive away a lot of people who come here for information, or to have a rational discussion about something. I don't like having to wade through a mountain of abusive crap to get to something meaningful.
on principal I don't agree with the 'majority rules' argument.

Oh right, well, we'll do what the minority wants from now on, shall we?

It's not a democracy. If the majority want something specific, they don't automatically get it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Oh right, well, we'll do what the minority wants from now on, shall we?

It's not a democracy. If the majority want something specific, they don't automatically get it.
uhhhh. i'm not sure whether you just agreed with me or not. :O

I'm saying that the majority can sometimes fail to consider the needs of the minority. Occasionally, there needs to be rules that transcend the wants of the majority, so as to maintain a higher ideal...