Changes That Should Occur

Whats a deathmatch game without the powerful weapons. Come on look at all the excellent DM games out there.

For example what would UT be like if the flak cannon did the same amount of damage up close as one shot from the Shock Rifle? Sheesh

Hl2DM doesn't need to be nerfed it needs more guns. Bring back the Tau cannon, crowbar, snarks etc
the weapons don't bother me. yes, I would absolutely love a gauss, bh, and faster default speed, but it's not this game, that was hldm. but I can deal.
Just counter the orbs with the gravity gun.

As for changes, bring back the crowbar.
ok fine dont tone down the rpg.
how bout take off the laser point.
ComradeBadger said:
weapon_gauss - the Tau cannon. The single best weapon in any FPS, ever.

Kill with it, BH with it, fly with it... the memories :O

You could mention 'Blow yourself up on the dammed bridge post in bootcamp'. as well ;)

Yes, Hl2DM is not the same w/o it. Sigh. But good to hear you miss it, too :)
How about a grenade throw key. So if you press key 'X' then a grenade is launched and you go back to previous weapon.
Also, on the <tab> screen, it shows kills and deaths only. It should be more informative. So it shows time in the game for all players, time remaining/frags limit, map name and maybe a coupla other things.
How about a grenade throw key. So if you press key 'X' then a grenade is launched and you go back to previous weapon.

you're thinking of cs :p you could do that with an alias, anyway...
Synthos said:
Small objects (those frickin chairs) can be hard to get over sometimes...

I suppose you've never actually tried to get over a clutter of small objects in real life before? I can see clipping problems not letting you get over a single chair, but then again, why would you go over it and not around it?

Lots of small objects (file cabinets, couches, chairs, radiators) tossed together make perfect barriers in Hl2 -and- real life, it's difficult to find stable footing among the mess.
Dinkleberry said:
How about a grenade throw key. So if you press key 'X' then a grenade is launched and you go back to previous weapon.

this would be a useless feature that takes away from the skill.
weapon switch as it is, is almost instant.
Wow, I disagreed with everything you just said. Except the lag of course. But other than that, I think your view sucks. Horribly. All of those additions/changes would make the game much worse.
Please, please, please valve don't touch the combine ball. Nothing puts a bigging smile on my face then shooting it off into a over crowed room and getting 3 or more players. Well thats not true I get a nice grin going with each tolet kill or rolling cars over players. The bouncing of the combine ball is what sets it apart from all other weapons, and people that play or know of the game pool can use that to there advantage. As is, the ball is slow and easy to dodge when you can see it (if you don't see it, too bad for you) and the ball can be cought and thrown back with the grav gun.

Really I think some poeple just need to learn how to work with and against the weapons rather then whining to get then narfed. Infact I'm sad they removed the hand guns rapid shot as it took some skill to use.
man i once was 1 vs 3 in team DM game. I was one resistance guy vs 3 combines. I shot a guy with the orb but missed. He goes to shoot me but gets nuked by the orb when it bounced back at him. The ball then bounces out of view and nukes another combine player. Then just before it blow up it catches another player.

I inadvertantly took out an entire team with 1 ball.

that's the problem.. I don't think the combine ball requires as much skill as the other weapons. It's luck if you don't die by one.. or luck if you do..

good point on those small objects, but for some reason one chair can be a bitch to jump over..

the red dot is the thing which sets hl2's rocket launcher apart from every other in every other game. don't lose it

why the heck do you guys want to get rid of sprint in this? if you want just jog and gun, go play unreal tournament.

i think orbs are fricking fast, imho... but maybe i'll get better

btw.. I am NOT whining for weapons to get nurfed. I mentioned reasonable things to be changed.. then people are taking this thread and throwing weird ideas out there...
there aren't a lot of combine balls... so when you get one it's pretty much a guaranteed kill, which I have no problem with.
They also need to add a way to disable the way it automatically selects the gun you pickup. I hate that.
I want a couple of new weapons (satchel charges ie), a lot of new maps and less lag. Other from that its a great game
i just played a match where me and the other guy must have switched combine balls with eachother 3 or 4 times each time it was shot...
so if you dont like dieing in instantly get faster reflexes,
Gdawg, that doesn't mean you repost it.

And use the "Edit" button to add on to your posts.