changing the world


Dec 21, 2005
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Today I saved a butterfly from heat exhaustion. What have you all done today? discuss.
Got my car back with a new clutch installed on my lunch break....

Damn Butterfly.
I created a time machine and went into the future. Unfortunately my arch rival Biff went to 1955 to give his self a sports almanac, guaranteeing him riches. I had to travel back to 1955 and steal the sports Almanac back off him before he could use it.
I helped with the yard sale we're having this weekend.
made my cat piss scared by looking straight into her eyes for 20 minutes straight, seriously, if you do that to a cat they freak out

oh wait, that has nothing to do with the world outside my house
I was asked if I wanted to be an organ doner, I wasn't sure what that entitlement had in for me, so I said "no".

That's when I realized they really only take the organs when you are dying or dead. Someone is going to die because of me, and that death will affect lives all around them, and it will have a ripple effect.

I was drunk all day on wednesday. Yesterday, I spent the day being mildly hung over. Today, I intend to have sex with at least one woman.

I slept, ate and played games. Didn't walk anywhere, therefore didn't produce any carbon footprint so I changed the world a little bit
I was discussing whether Alyx would change her thong in Episode Two.
I knocked on a door instead of using the door bell, therefore reducing my carbon foot print and saving the world.

I am hero.

/looks in mirror and masturbates

I've not actually been outside my house today. I've done absolutely nothing.
I put a spider in the sink and turned the tap on.
I watched a dragonfly's struggle to escape a spider's web and the spider trying to reach it as it was twitching and flapping it's wings. I did not interfere.

A freak tornado destroyed my village, killing everyone but me.

Probably due to that butterfly that Kamikazi saved. Elementary chaos theory, my friend.

I put a spider in the sink and turned the tap on.

I will put you in a sink and turn the tap on. Then I will laugh as you drown helplessly.

Today, I walked around Carlisle city, looking creepy and staring at people.
V-Man's contribution to the world

I made a dumbass post.
That's when I realized they really only take the organs when you are dying or dead.

Don't be so sure: Meaning of Life Part V


A freak tornado destroyed my village, killing everyone but me.

Hi! Good thing your computer survived, too :)

I knocked on a door instead of using the door bell, therefore reducing my carbon foot print and saving the world.

Come to think of it, I did this today, too, but I wasn't thinking about it at the time...

I slept, ate and played games. Didn't walk? anywhere, therefore didn't produce any carbon footprint so I changed the world a little bit

I made people happy and laugh for once.




I had to do this, too - it seriously ate into my "world changing" time... :(

I hung out with someone early in the morning, so they would have to sit around waiting for work to start. (They'd have to wait about 3 hours, so I hung around with them for the last 2 hours)
I exploited a developing third world country and rendered it back to the stone ages to justify the 600k I get every year.
I said goodbye to several of my good friends for the next few months and moved half of my stuff into my dorm room... I move in officially tomorrow morning.
I am getting a hydrogen car rather than a gasoline one, thereby stopping the world from assploding.
I let two of my friends hang out at my house for a couple hours even though I wasn't expecting them... and because of that, we were riding my wagon down a hill and I ran through the web of a big spider :(

Now he's gotta make himself a new home and I got willied out.
I rubbed a butterfly's wings so that it can't fly and will eventually starve or be eaten by a predator.
I've contemplated many deep thoughts regarding the decisions of my close friends and how life could be for all of us if they had strayed from their current path.

Not in a sad way, but in a curious and happy way.

Which was nice.
I stepped over a line of ants who were moving some debris, instead of stepping on their line and killing them.
I did the dishes, purged some files from the computer, 'shopped an image for a different thread here, and oiled the bikes for a ride to the lake.
I painted the side of my house and fed Japanese beetles to spiders.
I then proceeded to wreck said spider webs accidentally by walking though one.
I hate spiders.
I went out with my girlfriend after having dinner with the parents...

Oh and I went for a walk...
i kicked a snail and it fell on its back.

next morning, i saw it still there, and i kicked it over to a direction it can move in, and then it moved. i was happy.