Chapter 15?



Anybody know what chapter 15 is and how to access it- when you go to load a new game it gives you the option to load all of the previous 14 chapters that you have completed- but there is no way to get to chapter 15.
ringo919 said:
Anybody know what chapter 15 is and how to access it- when you go to load a new game it gives you the option to load all of the previous 14 chapters that you have completed- but there is no way to get to chapter 15.
Because Dark Energy is the last chapter, crazy boy.
Yeah, dude. You no read good? If you count the CREDITS as a chapter, then they're chapter 15.
right- just checked and it finally appeared on my system- guess my computer is just a little slow- thanks though
ringo919 said:
nope- dark energy is Chapter 14
DUDE. Dark Energy is the last playable chapter. Directly after Dark Energy is the credits. If you want a chapter 15, then the credits are your man. That's it.

Edit: *sigh*...what a relief. Glad ya finally got it working.
I thought it was pretty lame how the credits were a chapter :|
I thought I had more game coming.
Yeah, it sucks. I was looking forward to another chapter of the game, and then it just ended on chapter 14 :\
f|uke said:
I thought it was pretty lame how the credits were a chapter :|
I thought I had more game coming.

Indeed :(
I got to Dark Energy and I was like "AWESOME! not the end yet!...wait...WAHT THE F**K?!"
None the less, it still doesnt affect how much I love teh game :D

chimpmunk said:
Is the outro shown in the credits?
if you refer to the gman speec as outro the answer is no
if you refer to the lamar/kleiner scene as outro the answer is no
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
No, that was only for the E3 video.
what was only for the e3 video?
what was only for the e3 video?

E3 2003: Well, Well. Isn't this just like... old times?

E3 2004: Thats all for now. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in world. I will see you up ahead.
f|uke said:
I thought it was pretty lame how the credits were a chapter :|
I thought I had more game coming.

The credits on a DVD are a chapter unto themselves. Why should a game be any different.

If for some reason you wanted to see the credits again after finishing the game, you would have to replay (or re-load just before) the last game chapter to see them. Just seems sensible.
Rolf my waffle! The biggest 1.

anyway nice to hear its working.
why can any pc game company make a fps with a long story line and game time i dunno but hl3 better be longer i belive it took me 4 days on hard to beat hl 2 and i didnt play like a man addicted to it
hl3 will just have an unbeatable boss so that people wont be able to ever complain about finishing it too soon.
spencerjrus said:
hl3 will just have an unbeatable boss so that people wont be able to ever complain about finishing it too soon.
That sound like what they did in Jet force gemini ;)
Chapter 15 was the best level!
jk But I did like the music. ;)