Characters eyes


Sep 30, 2003
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I know that the eyes of characters can move about and have a specualar highlight, but will the iris change size ? I watched one of the MOH: pacific assault and in that the iris will change size according to the brightness.
hmmm...not sure but I don't think we'll be able to get up that close to notice...
Nope, the iris does not change size. Sorry.

Originally posted by csmighty
hmmm...not sure but I don't think we'll be able to get up that close to notice...
You will.
it would be nice to have on alyx and those main characters, it does look great
Doesn't change in size at this point in time... but that very well could easily change in the final release :D. Have faith; ya' never know how it could turn out.
gabe newell confirmed in an email that the eyes wont be added to the final version
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
gabe newell confirmed in an email that the eyes wont be added to the final version

OMG! They'll all be blind!

Poor buggers.
the problem is not with such sarcastic coments. the problem is with people who actually take them seriously.
I can almost see a n00b emailing gabe asking him why the final version won't have eyes!!!!
Umm... Iris changing size due to brightness... Total Waste of Resources (TM)
Originally posted by Faravid
Umm... Iris changing size due to brightness... Total Waste of Resources (TM)

agreed. how often are you talking to/looking at someone in real life and you notice their irises contracting/relaxing??
why i do it all the time

maybe thats why people run away when i start talking =/
Originally posted by Typhon
agreed. how often are you talking to/looking at someone in real life and you notice their irises contracting/relaxing??

maybe we notice it subconsciously. they do say when you see someone you fancy that your pupils dilate. But yeah I agree, at this stage in graphics technology i do think whether the Irises contract or not is rather insignificant when there are much more obvious areas of reality that need work.
Originally posted by frances_farmer
at this stage in graphics technology i do think whether the Irises contract or not is rather insignificant when there are much more obvious areas of reality that need work.

Youre right.. Why "waste" cpu on such a little detail, theres so much else that could be more realistic.. Btw Frances Farmer, are you fan of the
actor, I heard about her before, what was up with her, she ended up at some institution right?
Another thing I heard about the eyes is that they weren't perfectly round just like real eyes. Is that also true?

I think I read it in a magazine, but those were really over enthusiastic back then about HL2, lot's of nonsense.
Iris changing size is important imho. One thing about Half Life 2 is the real life characters, you've got these amazing eyes that glisen and stare at you, why not just add sizing on the iris.

*emails gabe*
it would be cool to implement it on the new model skins such as aliens eyes or ....etc
The eyes do make a big difference, I was watching a H&D2 rolling demo on TV.. I think it was that lame sky|one show and I hadn't switched over from the simpsons.. and the characters in that looked dead, their eyes were just lifeless. HL2's look much much much x12 nicer

I hope HL2 allows you to change the texture map used in them, would be cool making proper alien looking eyes or zombie ones where its become all milky and nasty looking :)
the iris does change due to emotional response as well as light difference, and as cool as this would be, and as detailed as theyv gotten, I dont think such detail wouldnt benefit the game just yet. I think probably in the future, when charector detail gets even better, and charector interactions become of higher importance (in-game), then it might make a significant impact, but just not yet.
I would love to have it but its not necessary. I would rather get them game first.

Patch maybe?
Adding pupil dialation and contraction to the animation "key frames" would add a decent degree of realism and would barely tax your cpu. Our pupils naturely dialate and contract when we widen and squint our eyes, and depending on our mood.

The tough part would be determining how much light is entering the characters eyes in the game and having the pupils react accordingly. That would tax the crap out of your cpu.
Originally posted by Jens-k
Youre right.. Why "waste" cpu on such a little detail, theres so much else that could be more realistic.. Btw Frances Farmer, are you fan of the
actor, I heard about her before, what was up with her, she ended up at some institution right?

im not so much a fan of the actress Frances Farmer. I really got my name from the Nirvana song "Frances Farmer will have her revenge on seattle" cos they're my favourite band. However she did end up in a mental asylum where she died.
Originally posted by iamironsam
The tough part would be determining how much light is entering the characters eyes in the game and having the pupils react accordingly. That would tax the crap out of your cpu.

I dont know how much that would tax the cpu.. i mean it depends on how it owuld be handled, if they were able to simply have the surface of the eye determine the amount of light being projected onto it from any lightsource in front of the charector..

[edit] now thinking about it thought, they might also want to add in a 'noise' filter on the key frames of the iris animation based on the mood of the charector... but as things get more and more complicated I dont think this be much of a hurdle [/edit]

however It could also become serilously the most hilarious bug ever, just imagine Alyx turning to face Gordon, and her eyes reacting to the different light sources, shed just be talking as her eyes are just bugging out!,. hah....
Originally posted by antistructure
I dont know how much that would tax the cpu.. i mean it depends on how it owuld be handled, if they were able to simply have the surface of the eye determine the amount of light being projected onto it from any lightsource in front of the charector..

[edit] now thinking about it thought, they might also want to add in a 'noise' filter on the key frames of the iris animation based on the mood of the charector... but as things get more and more complicated I dont think this be much of a hurdle [/edit]

however It could also become serilously the most hilarious bug ever, just imagine Alyx turning to face Gordon, and her eyes reacting to the different light sources, shed just be talking as her eyes are just bugging out!,. hah....

It's not so much having the pupils react to the brightness of the surface they're looking at, but to the amount of light entering the characters eye. I think it would take a lot more work than you'd think.
I emailed my best bud gabey

No. Easy to do in a MOD if someone wants to.

Kill Bill was disappointing.

From: azz0r [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:21 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Iris

Will the iris change size depending on light and situation?

Kill bill was lame wasn't it, admit it :P You forgot all about it after 2 hours.

--- azz0r,
Originally posted by iamironsam
It's not so much having the pupils react to the brightness of the surface they're looking at, but to the amount of light entering the characters eye. I think it would take a lot more work than you'd think.

i dont know, I think you would only have to calculate the amount of light going into the pupil if it was a model to be true to nature, but frankly, no game engine is up to that challenge. It would simply have to be a simulation of the true natural occurance, not an exact replication. Simplifing it, by having the animation of a texture on the eye react to a particular stimuli (ie; light and mood), would be alot easier than trying to overcomplicate it. I dont think there would be a significant difference in the two, especially considering the limitation of the technology.

In consideration of the limitations of technology, it is speeding blaringly fast by, and I think perhaps a more complicated model would do in the future. Anyways this might be something fun or interesting for a mod to do.
Originally posted by frances_farmer
im not so much a fan of the actress Frances Farmer. I really got my name from the Nirvana song "Frances Farmer will have her revenge on seattle" cos they're my favourite band. However she did end up in a mental asylum where she died.

Yea, heh thats where I heard her name first, actually im a fan of Nirvana too.. I can play the Frances Farmer song on guitar :cool:
sorry for off topicness :dork:
Originally posted by antistructure
i dont know, I think you would only have to calculate the amount of light going into the pupil if it was a model to be true to nature, but frankly, no game engine is up to that challenge. It would simply have to be a simulation of the true natural occurance, not an exact replication. Simplifing it, by having the animation of a texture on the eye react to a particular stimuli (ie; light and mood), would be alot easier than trying to overcomplicate it. I dont think there would be a significant difference in the two, especially considering the limitation of the technology.

In consideration of the limitations of technology, it is speeding blaringly fast by, and I think perhaps a more complicated model would do in the future. Anyways this might be something fun or interesting for a mod to do.

Just incorporationing pupil dialation into the key frame animations would be enough for me.
I haven't seen the videos but if you shoot/hit some one in the eye will it get squished realisticlly?
There are some dynamic pain skins; so basically if you shot someone somewhere, it'd show up as a bloody mark. I think you'd need to wait for SOF3 on either the Doom3 or Source engine to get that kinda thing.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Just incorporationing pupil dialation into the key frame animations would be enough for me.

exactly what im saying, at this point in time (and technology) i dont think youd be able to notice the difference if it was anymore complicated..
IMHO... waste of resources. Just my opinion though, so yeah.
I'm behind anything that makes games look more realistic. Personally, I'd like to see photorealism in games while I'm young enough to still care.
I think we will allmost definatly see photo realism in games within the next 3 to 5 years. But there are still many problems before we reach anything like total simulation. Fluid dynamics. Actually altering surfaces when objects such as bullets hit them instead of just putting a texture on. I could go on about all sorts of little details. But I wont. Cos I really cant be bothered :). You get the idea :)
d³ was one HUGE step in gaming industry in the terms of realism, i think this game will change gaming forever, a shame that d³ multi sucks.... :\