Chavez addresses UN General Assembly


Jul 2, 2003
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here are various paintings despicting bush as the devil

and the reason was cus there is a legend that say that the devil appeared dressed in black,and since bush appeared dresed in a black suit...
also progragandas showing a grey devil whit uncle sam hat

also I remenber some anti-chavez propaganda where they sayd "remnber the devil where allways red" and red is the color of chavez
If George Bush is the devil, Chavez is Arnold Schwartzenegger in "End of Days".
**** chavez

i just love it when world leaders with even dirtier hands than ours or who associate with leaders with blood encrusted hands criticize our actions, i just love it.
:LOL: you'd have a really hard time proving chavez' hands (or anyone else for that matter) are dirtier than bush's ..I mean bush isnt winner of the "Facilitator of murderous mayhem of the year" 5 years in a row for nothing
I quite like Chavez.
He's the peoples hero.
here are various paintings despicting bush as the devil

and the reason was cus there is a legend that say that the devil appeared dressed in black,and since bush appeared dresed in a black suit...

How about G-man????:LOL:
I have to admit that I agree with Bolton--this sort of cartoony attempt at politics is just absurd and has no place in the UN. Chavez is a fool for saying this to the UN. I am glad most world leaders are staying pretty quiet about Mr. Chavez's rant. And poor Noam Chomsky--he's got a hot seller on his cold dead hands!!

That said, Bush has brought this country lower than it has been in a great long while and that is something to consider as well.
Chavez is outspoken and defiant to the US, which his large oil supplies allow him to do.

The reason they detest him has nothing to do with Socialism, it's because Chavez has significant influence in Latin America, and parts of the world where America would prefer him not to. Otherwise they wouldn't care about him.

Chavez has considerable clout, and that has the US squirming a bit, especially as their hands are tied elsewhere.

But yeah, sounds like he wants to help the poorer American citizens out (something their own government is not prepared to do).
Hey, quit raggin on Chavez. He's only speaking the truth :)
heh, funny the US ambassador Bolton to Chavez:
"The real issue here is he knows he can exercise freedom of speech on that podium and, as I say, he could exercise it in Central Park, too. He's not giving the same freedom to the people of Venezuela."

He's right though, but still Chavez is funny.
"I have to go, because i have a meeting with the axis of evil"
-> lol

I still having problems as to how that would fit..
I have to admit that I agree with Bolton--this sort of cartoony attempt at politics is just absurd and has no place in the UN. Chavez is a fool for saying this to the UN. I am glad most world leaders are staying pretty quiet about Mr. Chavez's rant. And poor Noam Chomsky--he's got a hot seller on his cold dead hands!!

That said, Bush has brought this country lower than it has been in a great long while and that is something to consider as well.
Umm... if i'm reading this right, you are saying that Chavez should not be saying that Bush is evil, and then right after that you are saying (essentially) that Bush is evil.

He's as bad as Bush saying that God told him to invade Iraq!

What's with these religious zealots all over the place in seats of power?!
Huh? Since when has Chavez used religion to justify his actions? I wasn't aware that Chavez was overtly religious at all.


Personally, I congradulate Chavez for telling it like it is. I'm glad that Cuba, Venezuala, and Iran are standing in solidarity against what the US is doing.

The third world is standing up against these offenses.
"I have to go, because i have a meeting with the axis of evil"
he just jumped a few notches higher in my opinion of him - I just hope he doesnt screw it all up by becoming a dictator
I think Mr. Chavez should be shot.

Nothing big, perhaps a tiny .22...
jeez ..what would bush get? flame thrower? human catapult? 120mm shell fired from an Abrams 6 feet away? strapped to the back of a Taepodong-2 missile?
.50 to the stomach?

Really, if I ruled the world, a lot of people would get shot. :p
.50 to the stomach?

Really, if I ruled the world, a lot of people would get shot. :p

ya that's pretty obvious: anyone even remotely exhibiting non-fascist tendencies is automatically worm-food, but not too worry you'll get your chance to shoot protestors/hippies/the unbrainwashed/etc once you join the military
I actually like the attempt of some countries like Venezuela and Bolivia in South America to stay independent from the United States of America, but calling Bush a :devil: is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? ;) And I think it's not really fitting in a speech in front of the UN General Assembly.
Though I have to admit that I found it funny, too. :LOL:
Umm... if i'm reading this right, you are saying that Chavez should not be saying that Bush is evil, and then right after that you are saying (essentially) that Bush is evil.
Nope, you're not reading it exactly right. I am saying that Bush certainly deserves lots of criticism for his actions (esp. pertaining to the Iraq War), but Chavez should know better than to speak to the UN in such an unprofessional and childlike manner.

Huh? Since when has Chavez used religion to justify his actions? I wasn't aware that Chavez was overtly religious at all.
Hahaha! This is a joke relating to his use of religious symbolism to get his point across.
You all missed the point! This was a compliment to Bush, after all Satan's done a damn good job managing hell, with several milennia of experience.

While the comments were fairly out of line, he was making a point, and guess what, we're still talking about it, hence it worked.
Nope, you're not reading it exactly right. I am saying that Bush certainly deserves lots of criticism for his actions (esp. pertaining to the Iraq War), but Chavez should know better than to speak to the UN in such an unprofessional and childlike manner.
I totally agree that Bush deserves an enourmous amount of criticism (and, as has been pointed out several times before, a large amount of lead :sniper: :sniper: ) for his actions invading Iraq, invading Afghanistan, threatening Iran, threatening numerous other countries, imposing his views of democracy upon the world as if he owns it, stripping civil liberties, using torture methods on untried suspects, and in general being an asshole.

But I disagree that Chavez behaved in an unprofessional and childlike manner. Compared to Bush himself, Chavez behaves like a saint. Ok, so maybe not "professional", but I personally feel Chavez said those things to make a point and make it stick. He certainly did that, what with all the news coverage of it. Yea, I agree he's a bit crass in places, but the UN is full of bullsh*t. I mean, what is a democracy whose any decision can be overturned by any one member of only the most powerful nations?

Hahaha! This is a joke relating to his use of religious symbolism to get his point across.
Oh!! Now I get it!! AHHAHAHAHA!! funny :LOL: :LOL:
Yeah. We really do need to bomb chavez now.

Solutions are always easy, just not humane.