Chavez addresses UN General Assembly

name a single reason why. Dont just shoot your mouth off, explain your reasons

Second coming of Mr. Hitler?

I hate racism, don't care where it's directed.

And, other than that, he is a damn evil lefty. And we all know what evil lefties can do. Normal lefties are for the most part, somewhat fine, but evil lefties are well... evil.
Your mom didn't make the cut, but I still did her.

Ok that was low. :p

Also it's a source so stop yer bitchin'.
I dont think chavez hav said that(of the jews) however I heard venezuela cut relationships whit israel during the lebanese conflict

also I feel reliefed that he said all that stuff about peace and shit cuz it will hav been the limit if he encouraged to attack the USA

also dont think that guy is that nice person he pretends to be

I remenber he made a speech saying "if the imperialism invade venezuela we will fight to death" and was talking like the tipical dictator in a "I rule and you all love me" way and that hav keep me worried
also that our new "friend" is iran which president was a terrorist "right?"

if you want to know what kind of plans he hav I heard he plan to use a chinese satellite to "avoid the imperialism to geting in" meaning blocking everything from outside,and "special send goverment kids" to "monitorate the class in the schools" and more brainwashing stuff,also a law to not let anyone under 18 to leave the country

and he said that poverty decreased 50%,I call bullshit,he hav give free medicines and services from crappy cuban doctors and class where you graduated by looking videos and in less that a week,but dont think thats a good thing
Im tired...go browse
its on there some where.

EIDT :I hope you will apologize,not very nice responding like that.

that translation is bullshit (the first part that is bolded is not a faithful translation of what he said ..he didnt say "2005 years after they killed Jesus Christ" he said this: "que nunca antes jamas en 2005 anos nos hace falta Jesus el Cristo" which means "never before have we needed jesus christ like we do now" ..he specifically says those with power/wealth ..not solely jews

Second coming of Mr. Hitler?

I hate racism, don't care where it's directed.

ya well your link is bullshit

And, other than that, he is a damn evil lefty. And we all know what evil lefties can do. Normal lefties are for the most part, somewhat fine, but evil lefties are well... evil.

name one "evil" lefty ...I can name a whole whack of "evil" righties ..but I dont have all day
name one "evil" lefty ...I can name a whole whack of "evil" righties ..but I dont have all day
Indeed, I'm quite curious about this one as well. Like CptStern I can think of far too many "evil" righties, but who are these "evil" lefties we hear so much about? I can't name a single one...
hitler! .....oh wait, he's a righty

Bush! .......oh wait

ok now I have one

Jesus!!! ............oh wait
Indeed, I'm quite curious about this one as well. Like CptStern I can think of far too many "evil" righties, but who are these "evil" lefties we hear so much about? I can't name a single one...

Kim Jong Il, Kim il sung, Stalin, Mao, Our current president, CptStern :)P), Castro, ect.
Remember, that the UN Assembly meets in many places. If on American Soil, leaders from other countries should only be allowed the laws on they're soil because our laws will not oversee nor facilitate protection over those who do not belong to us.

In short, we can murder you without penalty if it is so sought. Welcome to hell, Chavez!


Also, Chavez drew applause from only a few countries -- not all of them. He was also targeting the large consensual belief that most people following the religious propaganda machine in the middle east belief America to be a Great Satan. Which is where he drew most of his applause. Count the countries. Six or Seven? Out of ... more then 100+?
Delusional, how can you determine Kim Jong Il, Kim il Sung, to be righties when they do not embrace conversatisms and they're ideals?

Comparing them to righties would be like Clinton was a righty, not a lefty.
Also, Chavez drew applause from only a few countries -- not all of them.
Rounds of applause and chants of ''Long live socialism for the 21st century!'' and ''The people united will never be divided!'' punctuated Chavez's lengthy speech.

His speech was received with thunderous applause.

He was also targeting the large consensual belief that most people following the religious propaganda machine in the middle east belief America to be a Great Satan.
First, any belief is consensual.
Belief is usually defined as a conviction of the truth of a proposition without its verification; therefore a belief is a subjective mental interpretation based in perceptions, contemplation/reasoning, or communication.
Informed consent is a legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given consent based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of an action

Though of course beliefs may be ingrained during childhood, as we will see below this is often not the case in the belief you are referring to:

Second, the belief that America is a "Great Satan" is not primarially religious. In the context we are talking about here, it is because the US has illegally and immorally invaded the countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti (to name a few), and overthrown their governments and oppressed their peoples. It is also because the US maintains an unjust and immoral blockade on Cuba, while harbouring anti-cuban terrorists (For example: ). Finally, in the direct context of Venezuala, it was the US who organized the 2002 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government and insert a buisinessman in the place of Chavez.,6903,688071,00.html
they are authoritarians are they not?
right and left originated during the french revolution where left opposed authoritarinism while the right embraced it.
'Left' and 'Right' are, by and large totally irrelevant and thoroughly inadaquate in today's complex political environment.
Chavez is a glimmering light of hope in a world full of curropt politicians. Nothing said gets any attention in the UN and his statements give me and millions around the world hope that their are those who stand up the Bush and he's ways.
Chavez is a glimmering light of hope in a world full of curropt politicians. Nothing said gets any attention in the UN and his statements give me and millions around the world hope that their are those who stand up the Bush and he's ways.

that chavez is not corrupt?

*dies laughing*

stuff like that are what worries me,the fact that people in other countries think that every venezuelan is a chavez lover
Though of course beliefs may be ingrained during childhood, as we will see below this is often not the case in the belief you are referring to:

Oh, to the contrary ...

Thunderous applause

The spinners can only spin so much. The videos out there to watch, for anyone whose seen it.

Chavez has been criticised - even by opponents of Bush - for his series of anti-Bush statements.

John Bolton, Washington's UN ambassador, dismissed Chavez's speech at the General Assembly as a "comic strip approach to international affairs".

Charles Rangel, a Democrat who represents Harlem, condemned Chavez even though he is also a Bush critic.

I guess my question to you is: What makes Chavez's speech so important to you or pertinent that it needed to be addressed to the UN General Assembly?
Chavez is a glimmering light of hope in a world full of curropt politicians. Nothing said gets any attention in the UN and his statements give me and millions around the world hope that their are those who stand up the Bush and he's ways.




Chavez not corrupt? W..T..F..
He's not a "demon" like Hitler, or a "madman" like Saddam, but definatly corrupt in his ways to dominate media and alot of state affairs.
For a nice history on this "wonderfull guy" Read This

Anti Chavez March:

Pro Chavez March:


I personally don't see anything majorly wrong with Chavez. I mean, come on, how can you not love a guy who "promotes his vision of democratic socialism, Latin American integration, and anti-imperialism. He is also an ardent critic of neoliberal globalization and U.S. foreign policy." (Wikipedia) and who has the people on his side?

Through his Bolivarian Missions, he has helped with construction of thousands of free medical clinics for the poor, the institution of educational campaigns that have reportedly made more than one million adult Venezuelans literate, and the enactment of food and housing subsidies. There have been marked improvements in the infant mortality rate between 1998 and 2006.

His whole domestic policy (ávez#Domestic_policy ) is geared towards providing healthcare, education, and jobs. I don't see anything wrong with this.

What makes Chavez's speech so important to you or pertinent that it needed to be addressed to the UN General Assembly?
What makes Chavez's speech so important that it needed to be addressed to the UN General Assembly was what he said:

Chavez said:
The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads.

Chavez said:
The government of the United States doesn't want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war.

It wants peace. But what's happening in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? In Palestine? What's happening? What's happened over the last 100 years in Latin America and in the world? And now threatening Venezuela -- new threats against Venezuela, against Iran?

He spoke to the people of Lebanon. Many of you, he said, have seen how your homes and communities were caught in the crossfire. How cynical can you get? What a capacity to lie shamefacedly. The bombs in Beirut with millimetric precision?

This is crossfire? He's thinking of a western, when people would shoot from the hip and somebody would be caught in the crossfire.

This is imperialist, fascist, assassin, genocidal, the empire and Israel firing on the people of Palestine and Lebanon. That is what happened. And now we hear, "We're suffering because we see homes destroyed.'

The president of the United States came to talk to the peoples -- to the peoples of the world. He came to say -- I brought some documents with me, because this morning I was reading some statements, and I see that he talked to the people of Afghanistan, the people of Lebanon, the people of Iran. And he addressed all these peoples directly.

And you can wonder, just as the president of the United States addresses those peoples of the world, what would those peoples of the world tell him if they were given the floor? What would they have to say?

And I think I have some inkling of what the peoples of the south, the oppressed people think. They would say, "Yankee imperialist, go home." I think that is what those people would say if they were given the microphone and if they could speak with one voice to the American imperialists.

And that is why, Madam President, my colleagues, my friends, last year we came here to this same hall as we have been doing for the past eight years, and we said something that has now been confirmed -- fully, fully confirmed.

I don't think anybody in this room could defend the system. Let's accept -- let's be honest. The U.N. system, born after the Second World War, collapsed. It's worthless.ávez_speech_at_the_UN

Chavez is standing up for the nations the US is oppressing. Chavez is saying what others can't or won't: to get troops out of these countries and let them govern themselves, like they've been doing for thousands of years prior. Chavez is rightfully saying that this UN, a UN where two-thirds of its members can vote AGAINST a motion, and have the motion pass, is in no way democratic.

Chavez is saying that the people of the world have had enough, that people across the world are realising that they hold nothing in common with imperialist governments, and that they are rising up and refusing to be trodden over.

And I think that's important enought to take to the entire world.
The US is oppressive! The US is imperialist!

Sounds just like North Korean news.
I once saw Chavez tear off the head of a baby and drink its nutrients from the gaping hole...

:O :x
goddamed if I could get a dolar for every chavez-lover-internet article about why he is so great-comunist wannabe, I will hav been rich

once again


oh yeah he gave mission,which the medical outpost are abandoned and cubans medics get the job and venezuelan medics dont get any job
oh yeah but it say that he wants to bring jobs but should see the whole of people whitout job in the streets that theyr only option is to be taxi drivers

and yeah he hav followers since that web page hav a face of chavez in the home,and believe me every stuff here that hav a face of chavez is a pro-chavez stuff and will do everything to say chavez is right cuz they are a closed minded idiots

ah yeah the help the opresed nations,well the USA is not inocent but that is just cuz he is a dicksucker of castro

I think I should stop doing post like this cuz I see they dont work,there is allways a kid that knows everything form a internet articles
chavez won you hav fall in his propaganda

now I will wait for the next kid-online-chavez lover
i amt a kid chavez lover

them get away of your computer cuz it show imperialist propaganda that corrupt your brain and wear red shirts and come here to work whit the propaganda comands that hav started theyr avalanche of media for the next elections
or use your computer skills to manipulate the voting machines,or go and do something free for castro
If you don't, don't feel bad, he'll win anyway :cheers:
goddamed if I could get a dolar for every chavez-lover-internet article about why he is so great-comunist wannabe, I will hav been rich

once again


oh yeah he gave mission,which the medical outpost are abandoned and cubans medics get the job and venezuelan medics dont get any job
oh yeah but it say that he wants to bring jobs but should see the whole of people whitout job in the streets that theyr only option is to be taxi drivers

and yeah he hav followers since that web page hav a face of chavez in the home,and believe me every stuff here that hav a face of chavez is a pro-chavez stuff and will do everything to say chavez is right cuz they are a closed minded idiots

ah yeah the help the opresed nations,well the USA is not inocent but that is just cuz he is a dicksucker of castro

I think I should stop doing post like this cuz I see they dont work,there is allways a kid that knows everything form a internet articles
chavez won you hav fall in his propaganda

now I will wait for the next kid-online-chavez lover
you're quite well-off/rich aren't you rjmc?