Cheats in HL2


Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
This has probably been mensioned before but what measures are the team using to stamp out any cheats in HL2?

Oh and will there be any cheats be available (Single player console commands) like in the first game... i would like to use one or two after ive completed the game and not during (that would be like having sex with a chainsaw... BAD)
Cheating in all ways should be prevented and avoided. And that's something I've heard Valve have come upon a good method to do.
Cheating is not funny in my opinion. It's fun the first time and the first 10 minutes but after that there's no fun in it at all and all replay value is gone in the game and the game suddenly isn't that funny anymore. That's how I feel about it.
The bad sides of cheating can be shown the best way if you played Diablo2 before Blizzard took messures against cheaters. People picking on low lvl characters or non-cheaters all the time. I tell you, it was so f*cking anoying.
I didn't stand all the idiots abusing their power and cheated myself to protect people who didn't cheat. Or at least make m point.
err... is that from doom or quake.... i can't remember =\

edit: or duke?
Originally posted by EVIL

Playing Doom on nightmare difficulty with cheats was soooo much fun many years ago :sniper:

Cheating is good fun in single player, but I can't stand ppl who cheat in multiplayer, they ruin the game for many other players *cough* Counter-Strike *cough*
yeh i don't mind if ppl want to cheat single player games
there just cheating them selfs
and spoiling it for em selfs
but when ppl start to cheat in multiplayer games
they reck the game for everyone thats why cs is so shite!
so many people up early on this forum..

it's interesting.. either meth is a horrible epidemic among hl2 enthusiasts.. you people are much older than me and my friends.. or like me, are complete hardcore insomniacs.
I don't care if Valve hasn't got an anticheat method in HL2.
What I want is that Valve give us the possibilities to make anticheats. I already have some good ideas for my (future) mod.
Originally posted by worldspawn
so many people up early on this forum..

There are other people in other countries in other time zones in the world, you know.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
There are other people in other countries in other time zones in the world, you know.
everyone is exactly like me.. anyone who is different is weird. i will neither accept or acknowledge their existence. :laugh:
Originally posted by worldspawn
everyone is exactly like me.. anyone who is different is weird. i will neither accept or acknowledge their existence. :laugh:

An American, methinks :p
Originally posted by Sat
I don't care if Valve hasn't got an anticheat method in HL2.
What I want is that Valve give us the possibilities to make anticheats. I already have some good ideas for my (future) mod.
i think they will just be continuing with their vac system for combating hackers.. it's seemed to work relatively well since it's been implemented into hl/cs
Originally posted by Deacon
yeh i don't mind if ppl want to cheat single player games
there just cheating them selfs
and spoiling it for em selfs
but when ppl start to cheat in multiplayer games
they reck the game for everyone thats why cs is so shite!

I like cheating in singleplayer when Ive finished the game a few times. It adds to the replayability. Cheating first time round its pointless. I think the only time i didn't mind people cheating in multiplayer was when we had a closed server game where cheating was part of it. Everyone had a hack of some time. it was really fun seeing all these different hacks giving everyone a different advantage. It was fun trying to play without a cheat for a little bit, just to see how well i would do.
I hate cheating in multiplayer.... its ok doing it in the privacy of your own home, because its your game to spoil then... but when theere are other people whos games you could ruin.... thats just simply not fair :flame:
They should have a cheat thats called:


Originally posted by worldspawn
everyone is exactly like me.. anyone who is different is weird. i will neither accept or acknowledge their existence. :laugh:

Agreed :flame:


I really hope the cheating is toned down in Half Life 2, it be horrible to have multiplayer ruined because the hackers already found a way around the new anti-cheat Valve is said to be employing. :\
erm, you couldn't enter cheat codes on nightmare difficulty ;)

personally, i'll use cheats in single-player if i'm having a really hard time getting past a certain part and am just dieing (not dying, the process of adding dye) over and over, then that just starts to ruin the game for me. also, cheats can remove the need for constant loading/quickloading, aiding in immersion into the game.

cheating online, however, is just selfish. i've heard all manner of excuses from "it gives it new life" to "i'm just having a little fun", and they're all equally selfish. and people that enjoy screwing up other peoples' games (e.g. hwguys blocking respawn exits in TFC) deserve to be adminslapped until they disconnect, and then have a manure bomb dropped on their house..... :)
I don't mind single player cheats (although I would caution people against using them, it ruins the game).

But I really hope they get rid of multiplayer cheats, like the retarded speed hack in CS. :flame:
like the retarded speed hack in CS.

God i remember the first time i saw that hack i couldnt belive how fast the bloke was running.
He acctauly ran that fast the he couldnt hit any bugger on the map.
what ended up happening was he ran towards me and stopped to take a shot so i headshotted the twat, They he had the nerve to accuse me of useing a aimbot.! Bloody queer lot them hakers.:(
single player cheats are fun, and can incree the replayability for SP. but cheats in MP only cause annoyance amung others.

BAN the cheating ****ERS!! :x
Originally posted by EVIL

You forgot an "S". "IDSPISPOPD" :)

Anyways, in one interview Gabe Newell said that VAC will be part of HL2, or at least the online segment I suppose. Hopefully they've had anti-cheating in mind sinse the beginning, so that they can code an engine that's hard to exploit. I know that the game will be running in Direct3D, so that will at least eliminate OpenGL hacks, which include wallhacks.
he forgot a 'p' as well

lets not forget:



the forum times are all in GMT (grenwich meantime) which is the standard timezone for the UK (and nowhere else incidently)
Cheater suck. All cheats do, It will completely ruin the story of the game if you can just blow by the guys. I see no point in cheats, they are only made for the panzies and pussies who cant beat it without some help
Or perhaps like i said. When you have finnished the games its nice to play through them with the cheats on.
My friend has a good idea regarding single player cheats. He thinks they should only be available once you've beaten the game at least once.
Yeah but they would come out with a cheat to override that
lol, a cheat to cheat. I think that would be a sign of the apocalypse...
Quote: "Playing Doom on nightmare difficulty with cheats was soooo much fun many years ago"

.... cheats don't work in nightmare. YOU LIE!
More on topic, i used to be a big cheater in SP, because games used to be less story driven, but these days it's all about the story, so i don't cheat anymore.

i cheated in HL for a little while, but then i got bored after 5 minutes and started the game from scratch.

it's good that cheating has become less fun and therefore less done, but at the same time, cheating used to be a fun part of games.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Quote: "Playing Doom on nightmare difficulty with cheats was soooo much fun many years ago"

.... cheats don't work in nightmare. YOU LIE!
Not sure if this was in the original doom, but with a windows compatible version of doom called zdoom, if you type sv_cheats 1 into the console, cheats work on Nightmare.
Well it wasn't "so many years ago" now, was it? Zdoom is not that recent, and jDoom is better anyway!
Originally posted by A.A

Cheating is not funny in my opinion. It's fun the first time and the first 10 minutes but after that there's no fun in it at all and all replay value is gone in the game and the game suddenly isn't that funny anymore.B]

1. Not 10 minutes... Try maybe 10 days or so. If not a month. Atleast for me =P.

2. The only reason why I ever even started to hack CS was because I was tired of the original and IT HAD NO replay value. So in a sense cheating kinda helps some to stay in the game for a short while longer.

People always bitch to try to make cheaters look bad by saying, ooh you have no skills cuz you need to cheat to win. That's just not true and they know it. 1. Even if you dont have skills, who gives a **** it's just a COMPUTER GAME. 2. People cheat because they either are tired on the original game, or they quite frankly find it funny and more entertaining than the real game.
Yeah... but if you spoil someone elses fun... thats not fair is it? Especially if they don't ahve a chance .
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah... but if you spoil someone elses fun... thats not fair is it? Especially if they don't ahve a chance .


I mean...

Yeah but like, I was the one gettin owned by hackers and they was spoilin me fun. So i was like, aight **** this shiza. Ima get these fooz back, and pumped my shotty full of OGClatty!
Originally posted by THUGENSTE1N

Yeah but like, I was the one gettin owned by hackers and they was spoilin me fun. So i was like, aight **** this shiza. Ima get these fooz back, and pumped my shotty full of OGClatty!

precisely ... they were spoiling your fun.

i rest my case.