Check out this short vid! Cat FREAKS out in zero-gravity test

that is cruel to a stupid degree. whose freakin' idea was that?
qckbeam said:
Was your idea, remember?
what, bringing a cat into a zero gravity test? i don't remember suggesting that...of course, i was TOTALLY who knows?
Pft, the cat's fine.
My cat jumped off a roof with no ill effects. They're durable as heck.
I think the guy was hoping he would velcro onto the wall.

That said, it would be extremely hilarious to see a space station in the future with cats bouncing around off of everything and latching onto random people.
it holds extreme scientific value, from observing the experiment my conclusion seems to be of the following: LOL!!1 w3n Teh CatZ0r iz 1N tEh 0-gRa\/itY it 1Z teH FunNy!!!
neptuneuk said:
it holds extreme scientific value, from observing the experiment my conclusion seems to be of the following: LOL!!1 w3n Teh CatZ0r iz 1N tEh 0-gRa\/itY it 1Z teH FunNy!!!

lmao... that is f**ked up...
the video was funny. even cat people (im not one) know its funny because they have cats and they know that if they took their cat on that plane that is EXACTLY what it would have done.
mean. If they're going to throw their cat at a wall, they got the wrong thing...they should have got a BALL!
Joims said:
actually the cat was traveling at 9.8 ms per second per second after 2 seonds of falling cat would be traveling at 19.6 m/s

You work for nasa with the space cat?
I wonder how a dog would react. I'm a dog lover. Cruel they tossed the cat against the wall, even if the cat is durable. I mean, its just cruel. If they did the test on a dog and did the same thing, i'd murder them :(
hehehe that was amusing. seems mildly cruel to freak that poor cat out, I don't worry about the wall since I saw my cat jump off the roof once.
Phisionary said:
hehehe that was amusing. seems mildly cruel to freak that poor cat out, I don't worry about the wall since I saw my cat jump off the roof once.

apparently, they always land safely
I heard about a cat that fell of a seven story building and lived. What's more, was perfectly fine. I think it bruised it's pads or something, but didn't break anything.
nice lol

that is kinda weird that they would do that though. If you look at their faces they are having a grea time too haha
FFS they aren't THROWING the cat at the wall!

He is completely unharmed, I would bet 50000000 dollars on it.
