Cheerleading Bloopers

Pshaw, I'm too n00b to rickroll. Besides, rickrolls annoy me.
alot of those wern't even cheerleaders... they're called marching band & colorguard.

And I know what It feels like to have a trumpet shoved into your face by A colorguard (I know, that was a trombone), When It happened to me, I could barely play the rest of the field show, I got blood all over the sleeve of my Uniform.... good thing the uniform was maroon :p

and that last one. I feel sorry for her. :(
I hate cheerleaders with a passion, so I enjoyed this immensely :D

At least, the cheerleaders that are only there to put on a fake smile and yell random cheers. The ones who actually compete in cheer leading competitions are pretty cool.
Damn, I bet that last girl had her skull crushed. :eek:
seen this before, that pole one looked like it hurt a lot too.
Lolz, some funny ones there.

Some really hilarious ones around the middle.

And an amazing one at the end lol, the team charges through the banner and tramples the cheerleader.:LOL: