children in ep 2?

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One of the reasons Valve didn't include children in Hl2 (Possibly the reason they decided to have a Suppression Field) is because many European countries have laws prohibiting video games with children in violent scenarios. If they can't take a kid on the battlefield how will they react to a baby in a war torn dystopia? why not just say reproduction simulation? It's not like most reproduction is mechanical. Looks like the writer was going for bureaucratic jargon.

Ah, perhaps it refers to it being a 'simulation' because the actual 'reproduction' does not occur.
Because simulation of mechanical reproduction (ie, test-tube babies) isn't nearly as fun :P
One of the reasons Valve didn't include children in Hl2 (Possibly the reason they decided to have a Suppression Field) is because many European countries have laws prohibiting video games with children in violent scenarios. If they can't take a kid on the battlefield how will they react to a baby in a war torn dystopia?
Yes, redcommander27, I said that. And so did you. Twice.
D'oh! Sorry, I really have to work on...everything.
How crazy would it be, by like episode 3 all the women rebels are knocked up with big balloon bellies. So occasionally you would get one on your team and for shits and giggles her water breaks, so all the medics help her and Gordon is just like "DAAYUM BITCH!"
In the short term pregnancy is going to be a burden to the resistance. They'll be far less mobile now. :|
How crazy would it be, by like episode 3 all the women rebels are knocked up with big balloon bellies. So occasionally you would get one on your team and for shits and giggles her water breaks, so all the medics help her and Gordon is just like "DAAYUM BITCH!"

Damn, that should be sigged
another reason is that suit the civs ware must be a bitch to get off and if the rebles all stoped resisting and secksing, they wouldn't put up much a fight and because of european law, but children could be edited out of a euorupean release.
I think we'll see children or atleast hear children in the end of the episodes or possibly the entire HL2 series.

But will HL go on?
The reason there are no children, according to RtB, is because the war was only about 20 years ago, and since then the suppression field has been up...seeing as most children wouldve been killed in the war, then the lack of ability to give birth afterwards means nobody would be younger than say 26 or so in City 17...
I've always thought about this.

If the combine have tyrannised Earth for 20 years now, and killed all the children in the war, then how come most of the civilians look like they were children back then.
I've always thought about this.

If the combine have tyrannised Earth for 20 years now, and killed all the children in the war, then how come most of the civilians look like they were children back then.

Barney's nearly fifty now if the twenty year figure is correct. I suppose the Combine just have the latest in skin creams and wrinkle treatment.

Fifteen years seem more likely.

Though all the citizens look pretty much the same age.

Except Alyx. What does she use to get that pretty complexion?
Barney is in his 40s.

And Alyx was a baby back at the incident.
Which makes her like 20-23 or something.

And Gordon is still 21.
Gordon got 6 years younger between HL1 and 2?
Barney is in his 40s.

And Alyx was a baby back at the incident.
Which makes her like 20-23 or something.

And Gordon is still 21.

Blue Shift manual: Barney (or, if you want to be pedantic, B. Calhoun) was thirty-eight (IIRC) at the time of the resonance cascade.
I'm looking at the manual and I don't see any mention of age.

Edit: Wow. The manual actually calls the player Bareny Calhoun at one point (page 17, under the heading of equipment. "As Barney Calhoun, you'll be issued a number of useful items.").
I'm looking at the manual and I don't see any mention of age.

Edit: Wow. The manual actually calls the player Bareny Calhoun at one point (page 17, under the heading of equipment. "As Barney Calhoun, you'll be issued a number of useful items.").

It's in one of the letters. Look in the bit with his letter of application, or the description of his security clearance and shift. It also has details on his university major and years he spent at uni IIRC. It's been a while since I've seen it though, so I might be wrong.
Barney is in his 40s.

And Alyx was a baby back at the incident.
Which makes her like 20-23 or something.

And Gordon is still 21.

Gordon during HL1 was 27 and because of the Gman, he is 27 in HL2.

On a side note: 20+ is about the lowest age during the current Combine rule.
Kevein, go kill yourself


Red RtB and roam moar (zomg symmetry!)
It's in one of the letters. Look in the bit with his letter of application, or the description of his security clearance and shift. It also has details on his university major and years he spent at uni IIRC. It's been a while since I've seen it though, so I might be wrong.
Doesn't seem to be in the PDF file I'm looking at, but there may be different versions of the manual. Calhoun also doesn't get an age in the opening titles, unlike Gordon and Adrian. I think that Gearbox were trying to be as vague about him as possible.
We'll see lots of humping, but the consequences of course comes a lot later :)
In the leaked Dreamcast port (titles.txt), Calhoun is 32 years old. The guide I have doesn't including any infomation about Calhoun's background.
I don't care how old Barney is, I'd still hit it. <3
With a crowbar or a pipewrench?

Cheomesh's Response=AWESOMENESS XD

But anyways, I don't think we'll EVER see children in ANY HL game (except mods) for 2 reasons;

As cynical as Valve can be, I don't think they'd throw kids into a warzone. . . but I bet with their youthful legs, they'd make good medics, running through forests and that =D

And, From what I read, portraying Children in violent video games is illegal in some European countries, thus compromising Valve's European Consumer Base

Also, perhaps a 'newborn's face' found in EP2 would raise hope, but I have one comment for that, I'm not 'hopeful' for the survival of the human race in HL at all, we aren't exacty a wonderful race, not to mention, I could care less if we win the war against the combine, it'll be worth the ride either way.

. . . Okay, so if the combine ACTUALLY invaded Earth, I might be a BIT hopeful =P.
Well, Gordon had Eli's blessing to bang Alyx so I'd say there is a good chance.
hey... check out gordons locker in hl1 ;););) he has a picture of a baby in there...
Yeah, what was with that, Eli was all like "Gordon, I want you to inseminate my daughters pootang, wanna hear her scream, WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU MA'AM".

Man, does he realize how creepy those babies will look? You got some half black dark haired girl. Then you've got some pale, most likely scottish red headed guy. Not to mention the guy doesn't talk at all, just stares at people, and kills armies.
Yeah, what was with that, Eli was all like "Gordon, I want you to inseminate my daughters pootang, wanna hear her scream, WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU MA'AM".

Man, does he realize how creepy those babies will look? You got some half black dark haired girl. Then you've got some pale, most likely scottish red headed guy. Not to mention the guy doesn't talk at all, just stares at people, and kills armies.

Lol, I think Eli was just incinuating she Liked Gordon. I'd be pretty creeped out if a guy just said "So, you wanna bang my daughter eh? Go ahead!"

Just doesn't make sense. Not to mention, I wouldnt want to play EP 2 (or 3) and walk in while to citizens are. . . well. . . 'gettin it on'.