children in ep 2?

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Yeah, Eli was kind of weird for saying it like that - if I was him I would have at least asked Gordon for some money. Ass don't grow on trees!
Yeah, Eli is a creepy old man. Not to mention all other people who continue to suggest that we should get it on with Alyx. First Barney with his "You lucky dog!", then Kleiner who suggests that everybody should "get busy" while Alyx is the only woman around, then in ep2, "Is he your boyfriend?" by some resistance guy and now THIS. "Now that the suppression field is down, we all have to do our part." What the hell is wrong with you people!!! Do you all think I am some kind of sex deprived animal?!
Hey, then again, Eli owes Gordon his life, so maybe he's repaying with his daughter?

Wait a minute
Didn't Kleiner save Eli? Then. . . did Eli repay Kleiner already O____O. . . PEDO XP.
It's obvious that Alyx and Gordon wanna hop on the right foot and do the bad thing.

I find that very Shagadelic...
It's obvious that Alyx and Gordon wanna hop on the right foot and do the bad thing.

I find that very Shagadelic...
Well, I remember Laidlaw saying that what YOU(the player) think is what Gordon thinks, so er... :eek:
But, I don't Find Aleyx hugely attractive, nor would I want ALL the other characters INCINUATING otherwise. . . now, that computer on Eli's desk ;)
If Alyx were real, I'd do her and never stop.

It'd be the best fifteen seconds of my life.
Come on, I'm a girl, and even I think Alyx is so pretty. <3
Yeah, the news host from who Valve got Alyx's appearance is indeed cute. But dreaming about having sex with Alyx is another thing...
This thread wins several times over. But I ever met a real girl like Alyx, Id be in there like a shot xD
how does the supression feild actually work? i always imagined a sort of force feild in the womans cuuu...actually lets just not go ther.
LOL! I think that the Suppresion field is just a Euphamism for a large man with a biiiiiiig stick.
According to Dr. Kleiner, the suppression field stopped certain protein chains from forming. Breen also implied that it suppressed the instinct to breed.
But what Eli didn't mention is that Alyx used to be Alexander.

Breen also implied that it suppressed the instinct to breed.

Yeah I'm going with that argument too. There are those NPC's who in idle chatter say: "when this is over I'm going to mate" and she replies "theres a first time for everything". Could just be a joke. Or not. Mating is sex, whether it results in conception or not.