Children laughing


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
I just went through the game again, and at the start of the game near the playground swings I could have sworn that I heard children laughing and playing. So, I started it over again and went back to the playground area to hear it again, and I didn't hear anything. Am I going crazy or did I really hear that?

Then I must be going crazy as well, because I heard them. It's supposed to be like a flashback; it's been close on ten years since the swingsets etc. were last used.
Yes, I recall hearing the laughter the first time I played that bit, too. A nice little touch, if you ask me.
good, i'm not losin' it!

Well, I am glad that I wasn't the only one that heard it. It did sound kind of creepy. Makes me wonder if the children were murdered at that age.
reminded me of terminator 2 when i heard it ....its not a creepy sort of sound its more of a reminder of how things used to be sound
Strange...can't seem to find the wave in the GCF file... you sure you are not hearing crazy things?
I didn't hear it the first time I played through, but the second time I noticed it.
It is there, hold on I'll go root it out.

OK Found it.

Its in Ambience/Voices/playground_memory.wav or something to that effect.

I would upload it but its too large for the attachments thingy.
I heard them also and if you keep listening i am sure i heard them start 2 cry and scream, it's part of the story as in the game you don't meet any children and there's a picture somewhere of a Combine holding a little baby, maybe to warn parents that the Combine are killing em. Also makes sense as the Combine are trying to stop the reproduction of Humans in order to turn them into Combine or sommet along those lines.
Probably not killing them, but taking a Platonic Polis approach, and inducting them into the CP. They took the last generation (remember no ones having kids now) from the parents for the greater good of the combine (read as Polis).
Weird thing about one of the pre-E3 2004 previews: PCZone (UK) claimed that one of the citizens looks at the Playground and says "I was the last guy to play in that playground" (for anyone who has issue 142, it's at the bottom right of page 33).

Now, either PCZone were just making it up as they went along (which is actually pretty likely), or at some time there was a piece of dialogue from the Citizens that explicitly said that the tenement playground wasn't being used because there were no kids. Perhaps, this piece of dialogue was discarded in favour of the "kids in playground" noise (And i've heard it too - in fact, I think it may be something to do with the doll that is there). It certainly fits with HL2's overall approach to story: few facts are told, we have to work them out for ourselves.
I heard it the first time around. That was the moment when the game really started to blow me away. It reminded me of Terminator 2 as well.
I don't think I heard it my first time around since I didn't stick around in that area too long but trust me your not going crazy. I just looked in the HL2 sounds and there is one called "playground_memory.wav".
yes, there is faint children laughing when you get near the play ground

very nice touch by valve, i think valve is trying to tell us that, gordon, i.e. me, is reflecting on the life before the invasion...... lol
Speaking of the playground with the swingsets and all, try looking for a little baby-doll. Also a funny little touch.
I think i heard it also. Cool easter egg if we all havnt gone insane.
Nemesis6 said:
Speaking of the playground with the swingsets and all, try looking for a little baby-doll. Also a funny little touch.
Yeah, I picked up the babydoll and it cried. That's when I heard the laughter of children. Now, I'm going around the playground area listening for other on the slide or the thing that spins. I don't know what it's called but it's next to the slide. Anyway, no more sounds, it was only heard when I was by the swings.
Whoa. I gotta check this little easter egg out, because I haven't heard it.
wow im going to start again just to hear those sounds, sounds interesting :).
Hmm... I thought it was the children that are playing outside our house... creepy.
You have to actually approach the playground, not just walk past it, to hear the children.
yes i heard that when i approached it the first time i played and it made me think. it is a good little inclusion by valve.

the little dolly makes a noise when u pick it up .
anyway, is it Gordon Freeman's... childhood memories or the ghosts of children's that once played in that area?
actually that same level, only about 75% into the game which is even more destroyed, but when you go in the hallway right by the playground you see a tv playing weird music with a closeup of gman on it, i think these 2 sounds have a connection as in that song you hear children evily laughing or something

find radio1.mp3 in gcf scape and you can listen better
I listened to radio1.mp3 and i've heard alot more creepier sounds... more children laughing...