Chile miners being rescued!

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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It's been 69 days since the miners got trapped on 5th August but tonight the capsule will be going down. Apparently after delays the capsule will go down at around 2am GMT (1 hour from now) which will go down with a medic and bring up the first miner.

Whole timeline here -

I'm so excited that they are going to be rescued at last, I really hope everything goes well. There is a live stream as it happens here -
Good for them. Also I'm glad it took them shorter than the 4 months they predicted.
This is great news. I was actually kind of worried that some of the miners down there were going to die from the horrible living conditions, but it seems they all made it, and are now about to be rescued. I'll be watching this unfold over the next few days.
Your soul deprivation knows no limits.

Hopefully they test that capsule pretty vigorously. The last thing we want is a catastrophe if something goes wrong and a guy plummets to his death.
Your soul deprivation knows no limits.
I got enough soul to see what you did there.
Hopefully they test that capsule pretty vigorously. The last thing we want is a catastrophe if something goes wrong and a guy plummets to his death.

Sure sounds like wishful thinking on your part.
Good for them. Surprised they haven't gone mad from being trapped so long.

Well they been getting emotional support and aide lately during they're time down there, without that they would have gone mad. As long as there a thin string of hope, people will hang on.
Uhhh. No, not wishful thinking on my part. Just hope that they're not too hasty about it. I mean, it's a long ways and a long process to get each person out... now isn't the time to make mistakes and perform errors.

Also, why are they bringing the strongest, both mentally and physically out first? You'd think logically they'd be the last people out so that they can make sure others do go out and can get out and into the device safely. I just don't understand the mindset of bringing out the strongest first.
I got the TV on as background noise. I didn't hear that, doesn't make sense. They should let the weakest up after the first trial run I would think.
Uhhh. No, not wishful thinking on my part. Just hope that they're not too hasty about it. I mean, it's a long ways and a long process to get each person out... now isn't the time to make mistakes and perform errors.

Also, why are they bringing the strongest, both mentally and physically out first? You'd think logically they'd be the last people out so that they can make sure others do go out and can get out and into the device safely. I just don't understand the mindset of bringing out the strongest first.

Supposedly they want the strongest ones out first so the can support the weaker. (If we can do it, so can you etc...)
(If we can do it, so can you etc...)

Thats like having Usain Bolt run the 100m in under 10 seconds and telling a bunch of obese people they can do it too.

Anyway, best of luck to everyone.
I was wondering why they had the Texas flag down there.

I didn't realize the Chilean flag is nearly identical to the Texan flag. haha.
Watching the vid now. Rescue shaft looks really narrow.
^ this. I can see why they had to stick to an exercise program.
First one up! Woo!

He could really use a shower!
hoisting 33 people from half a mile down after more than 2 months is no easy task. I heard the second guy they brought up was the unofficial documenterer of the past two months, taking a lot of pics and footage with cameras. I bet that could make the basis of a kickass documentary. One wonders the drama or emotional bonding that could have ensued for the past 69 days.

That, or they did pushups and played cards all day long.
This is a remarkable story. I'm so happy that things are going smoothly.
omg I lawls ^^

Yea could make a cool film, but some noob American director will probably get the rights, set it in america and fill it with tons of pyrotechnics! Ben Affleck would no dout get a staring role
Glad to see they're finally getting out. Can't imagine what it must have been like down there.
Probably boring, smelly, old stories being told over and over, again and again, pretty much like being stuck in your home with no power and daylight for 2 months.
Those 33 guys must be extremely strong mentally, not to have gone crazy after all this time. Mayor respect to them.
hoisting 33 people from half a mile down after more than 2 months is no easy task. I heard the second guy they brought up was the unofficial documenterer of the past two months, taking a lot of pics and footage with cameras. I bet that could make the basis of a kickass documentary. One wonders the drama or emotional bonding that could have ensued for the past 69 days.

That, or they did pushups and played cards all day long.

Spoken like a true capitalist. How sad is it that our society only sees these types of events as opportunities for consumption; disaster only holds potentiality for enjoyment.
Spoken like a true capitalist. How sad is it that our society only sees these types of events as opportunities for consumption; disaster only holds potentiality for enjoyment.
You think it's better that you don't care to hear their story?
Spoken like a true capitalist. How sad is it that our society only sees these types of events as opportunities for consumption; disaster only holds potentiality for enjoyment.
What the hell are you talking about?

No-where does he suggest capitalism or consumption. You're a rebel without a cause.
I hope all of them get a big movie deal and never have to work again. They deserve that!