Choice Of Gun For Next Video Tutorial


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey, I have been talking with some other members from the Sven Coop 2 team and I ran into Teddy, I realised that he skinned so I decided to ask him if he was intresting in doing some video tutorials. It looks like he is intrested so I can finally get things under way. First of all, This whole video tutorial project will consist of:

Modelling - IchII3D
Rendering - IchII3D
Unwrapping - IchII3D
Texturing - Teddy
Animation - ?
Importing (MOD) - IchII3D
Importing (Counter-Strike: Source) - IchII3D

This whole project will go though every single step to adding your own weapon to Half-Life 2.

Now.... I need a weapon of choice. I do not want something that is very common because we need to keep the user intrested. Also take into acount skinning time since it needs to be quite easy and fast passed. Also I do not want to be modelling anything from world war 2. I want something futuristic and intresting. If anyone actually wants to concept a weapon for this video tutorial please do so, but also take into acount I may not choose it because it does depend on if I like it or not. It also needs to be suitible for a video tutorial. Anyway PLEASE HELP!


NOTE: PLEASE! provide a side image and the full name. If its only a perpective image it won't help much. Also if possible get as high res as possible.


P.S. sorry to be so forward, but I want to kinda get it done right and asap :D
FN SCAR-H prototype in CQC (Close Quarter Combat, short barrel) configuration, 7.62x51 mm NATO version

What program will you be featuring in your video tutorials? (Prays 3ds)

Whoops, forgot, I'd like to see ya model a HK g36c :)
Why do another gun? There are plenty of gun tutorials out there, including yours. And there is much more to a mod than guns... It would probably be a better use of your time to do something like a player or a vehicle. Or to just add to your tutorial.
Coolhead2100 said:
How about a WWII MP40. Seeing people run around with that in Counter-Strike would be very interesting. Although the weapon you suggested does look interesting, but maybe a tad bit too much like the SIG 550's.

Read my post :D

SidewinderX said:
Why do another gun? There are plenty of gun tutorials out there, including yours. And there is much more to a mod than guns... It would probably be a better use of your time to do something like a player or a vehicle. Or to just add to your tutorial.

Because my old gun vehicle tutorial is a little wrong and nost polished enough. I have learnt a lot more about modelling guns since I did it and in some ways its a very shit model :p

It also gives me the chance to teach people how to skin. I don't want to be using a crap model to teach people to skin with.

Its also the same with animation, my old model was just pritty muchjust for show, you have to do a lot of other things to the model to get it to run correctly ingame.

I plan on covering all areas of games development just like this so if I make a good tutorial now it means it can be used for a long time throughout other games engines. Not many people actually know my plans yet but they are quite big, so kinda just sit back and watch. Although it will be about 1/2 a year before you see anything serious.

Triggerhappy41 said:
yea what program will you be using...please let it be xsi :cheese:

3dsmax7, sorry.
Springfield Armoury V10 Ultra Compact .45ACP


More pics:
i'd like to see a combine sniper rifle in sven coop 2, since there wasn't one in hl2 (but the damn combines had one)
thereisaspoon said:
i'd like to see a combine sniper rifle in sven coop 2, since there wasn't one in hl2 (but the damn combines had one)

i can't say anything specific, but I can say "don't worry"

This video tutorial doesn't involve Sven Coop its just produced by its members.

Nice pistol St0lve, I was trying to avoid pistols though, mainly because I did one last time. I wanted something big and kewl :D
Ichi, what's a FN SCAR-H?

edit: Nevermind, found it. (Don't do it :p)
Recoil said:
Ichi, what's a FN SCAR-H?

the one above your post :D

There was a image there but WorldGun*** took the image down :(
How about a gun that shoots the stider laser beam things (that distort the screen)
Hmm.... well I have found a larger image of it and I must say I have taken quite a liking to this weapon. Its very nice imo. I was wondering if you lot could help me.... Lets say I modelled a weapon which had 10,000 triangles. Would it be possible for it to actually run in half-life2? I mean... obviasly it would be wasted polgons. But its not really about the practically of the weapon, its more about how I/we did it. I think it would be much more attractive in the long run. What do you think? shall I make it 10,000 triangles just so I can teach more about detail?

"I dont think there is a poly limit in hl2 for guns." tehres a poly limit for everything
well if ur looking for detail why dont u include the normal map creation process that way u can teach people and have it run smoothly ingame its jsut a thot i know how hard it is to do tho...
as for the 10000 well if u deleted unseen faces how much wud it go down ? i think teaching people how to stick to poly limits is also a good idea teach tem some optimisation techniques like deleting unseen faces.
as for the gun i dont know about u guys but i dont like it its just a modded out sig :S ofense
making a 10 000 poly weapon is pretty redundant since all the little details r done the same way as the big details. Making wpn models is pretty straightforward. Its not very complex. There are a few things to learn but after that u can pretty much make anything you want. not to mention uving a 10 000 poly weapon is about as fun as being thrashed around by white rhino.

the weapon isnt bad but the vertical grip is ugly imo. Use a ris cover plate instead.
There is a limit... 24,000 (or maybe it's 25 :S) for any given model is the max.

With that said, why would you teach people to make something that they *shouldn't* do for ingame models?

If the tutorial is any good, by the end of it they shouldn't need you to spoon feed them how to cut/extrude (etc) parts of the gun.

And, aside from that... have anyone of you looked closly at guns in game? No one, save the modeler himself, will look at a 10,000 poly version of that game and have any more added to the game experience than if it were a 2500 poly gun with a decent texture. I think you're making the gun models overly important...

Anyway, as mindless said, optimizations tuts would be far more valuable.
btw is that a picture or an artist rendering ?

i think that u shud stick to reasonable poly limits it will save u a lot of time with the unwrapping bit aswell.
with that said i honestly think that we have way too many gun modeling tutorials for max and other modeling porgrams i think that what the community as a whole really needs is character modeling tutorials which are executed with ur talent and detail .
mindless_moder said:
btw is that a picture or an artist rendering ?

i think that u shud stick to reasonable poly limits it will save u a lot of time with the unwrapping bit aswell.
with that said i honestly think that we have way too many gun modeling tutorials for max and other modeling porgrams i think that what the community as a whole really needs is character modeling tutorials which are executed with ur talent and detail .

I am not confident enough doing organics, especially when I am suposed to be teaching someone. If I could do organics well I would happily do it.

Also tbh, I have never ever seen a texturing video tutorial. Everyone is saying omfg they are loads of weapon modelling tutorials but they arn't actually that many, not to mention good ones. I don't think there has ever been an issue of video tutorials which will go through modelling, texturing and animation. Once this is done all I need to do is do single video tutorials for importing into each engine, so when a new engine comes out I can simply just make 1 single video tutorial rather than making a whole new issue. This is one of the reasons I wanted to go a little over the limit so I could have a more long term weapon, I must admit 10,000 was a little over the top but I wanted to just find out if you would like me to go over the limit or not. I do plan on doing organic video tutorials but not atm since I am not confident modelling organics.
Kahr P9, I'm a fan
I'll do some concept art if u still want it ;0)


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IchI said:
I am not confident enough doing organics, especially when I am suposed to be teaching someone. If I could do organics well I would happily do it.

Also tbh, I have never ever seen a texturing video tutorial. Everyone is saying omfg they are loads of weapon modelling tutorials but they arn't actually that many, not to mention good ones. I don't think there has ever been an issue of video tutorials which will go through modelling, texturing and animation. Once this is done all I need to do is do single video tutorials for importing into each engine, so when a new engine comes out I can simply just make 1 single video tutorial rather than making a whole new issue. This is one of the reasons I wanted to go a little over the limit so I could have a more long term weapon, I must admit 10,000 was a little over the top but I wanted to just find out if you would like me to go over the limit or not. I do plan on doing organic video tutorials but not atm since I am not confident modelling organics.

The 3dbuzz unreal VTMs (which should be required watching for modelers ;) goes through all of it.
Yes, but SideWinder have you ever actually watched them? I watched them and personally they where a bag of shit :p Although the basic overview of how to do it is there. They do not work in quality. Its hard to explain. Basiclly... they show you how to model a weapon, but not very well. They show you how to animatie, but not very well. They show you how to skin. But not very well :p
IchI said:
Hmm.... well I have found a larger image of it and I must say I have taken quite a liking to this weapon. Its very nice imo. I was wondering if you lot could help me.... Lets say I modelled a weapon which had 10,000 triangles. Would it be possible for it to actually run in half-life2? I mean... obviasly it would be wasted polgons. But its not really about the practically of the weapon, its more about how I/we did it. I think it would be much more attractive in the long run. What do you think? shall I make it 10,000 triangles just so I can teach more about detail?


Is that really a .308? The magazine looks too small, more like 5.56.

I know you've already decided, but I think an FN F2000 would be a nice choice for a high poly model since it's pretty curvy.
SidewinderX said:
The 3dbuzz unreal VTMs (which should be required watching for modelers ;) goes through all of it.

Not to mention I'm sure they dont have IIchi's awesome accent :p
Unreal? that game is very old - the model probably looks like a cube with some extra polys here and there.

And yes, there aren't enough video tutorials on the net which actually teach you good modeling and even less for texturing.

3dbuzz sucks at modeling, uv mapping and texturing and animation and rendering. Thye just know the application.
thereisaspoon said:
3dbuzz sucks at modeling, uv mapping and texturing and animation and rendering. Thye just know the application.

Yea, I second that - there are no advanced tutorials, they spend 1h on introducing the XSI interface and making stupid jokes.
gkanga said:
Is that really a .308? The magazine looks too small, more like 5.56.

I know you've already decided, but I think an FN F2000 would be a nice choice for a high poly model since it's pretty curvy.

That image is of the SCAR-L, the 5.56 version.

Ichi, I'd stay stay away from the SCAR as there are about two reference pics you will find for it right now.

If you do plan to do it, supposedly the lower reciever is identical to that of the FN FNC.
MisterFloppy said:
That image is of the SCAR-L, the 5.56 version.

Ichi, I'd stay stay away from the SCAR as there are about two reference pics you will find for it right now.

If you do plan to do it, supposedly the lower reciever is identical to that of the FN FNC.

Ye I nkinda noticed :p I was actually quite lucky to find such a high res image of the weapon. I don't even think its been released yet anyway... I dunno I don't really follow weapons etc... I read something on a forum about it been the new American Army rifle, but people always say that for every single new rifle.
Are the guns i asked about trash or just not what you want?
wassup said:
Are the guns i asked about trash or just not what you want?

Glocks are very common, I am looking for something a little more unique. Also the rifle is very ugly :p soz.