Chris Bokitch Talks Half-Life 2 AI


Sep 13, 2003
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Valve's Chris Bokitch has again opened fire on skeptics and critics in the Verc Collective forums. The debate about certain scripted sequences in the E3 presentations that Valve claimed were run real-time with their advanced AI has been a heated one, to say the least. Here's what Chris had to say...

Regarding the AI - I can only assume the actions in the demo were an approximation of what the final AI is meant to be. The demo was never meant to be interactive - it was a rolling movie showing off part of what we wanted the HL2 play experience to be like. It's not like it'd be possible to hide the scripting once the game was fully released...

... Gabe's comments are regarding the ally AI, in the movie (and E3 demo) where Gordon leads Barney and a group of citizens up a street and through some buildings, fighting Combine troops along the way. As far as I know, this sequence is not a scripted sequence. Not in the linear non-interactive way that Half-Life 1 was.
Chris also touches base on a number of other Half-Life 2 related topics, and manages to refrain from making derogatory comments about Fragmaster!
TO all those that have HL2 beta! Do not be disappoint in this game! What this so called hacker took was some1's napkin drawing! Its not the work of 5 years even though its all or 1/3 of the game...he says! Think of it like this HL2 is a Snickers candy bar in all its tasty glory, and HL2-beta is some1 giving u peanutts, carmel, and chocolate. Telling you to smush it in your mouth and then calling it a Snickers! note:beta does not mean better it mean pleather, as in fake...leather=HL2! Just wait till HL2 comes out, it will be nothing like this trash called beta (dont get me wrong beta looks good but HL2 will be so much more) CHEERS!:cheers:
You're wrong Nannox.

Valves videos are all one big fake. The "High dynamic range" video where you get an overview about the whole city is nothing more than 1 street with 2 skyscrapers which are part of the skybox.
Every sequence is scripted. The door, the big blue container, the exploding cars, even the enemy movement is scripted. This is exactly the same nvidia did with their detonator drivers to get better results.

I was a fan of the halflife series before I saw the videos. I am really disappointed.

thats why I belive the unknown hacker:

"THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no
such thing as a much better release in Valves network!"

halflife 2 seems to be crap. An ordinary egoshooter with a weird story.

sorry for my bad english ...
Im sorry I need someone to hold my hand, I cant find this "interview".

NM found it. For those that do not know his forum name is: autolycus
Originally posted by muff
You're wrong Nannox.

Valves videos are all one big fake. The "High dynamic range" video where you get an overview about the whole city is nothing more than 1 street with 2 skyscrapers which are part of the skybox.
Every sequence is scripted. The door, the big blue container, the exploding cars, even the enemy movement is scripted. This is exactly the same nvidia did with their detonator drivers to get better results.

I was a fan of the halflife series before I saw the videos. I am really disappointed.

thats why I belive the unknown hacker:

"THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no
such thing as a much better release in Valves network!"

halflife 2 seems to be crap. An ordinary egoshooter with a weird story.

sorry for my bad english ...

Let me say.

You are an idiot :|
As if believe the god dam hacker, - and the beta is crap.
Not that i have played it - but why play it when you know it will most likely reck your hl2 gaming experience.

Also that beta could be 10 months old, even a year.
Big word in that is ASSUME. That is a word you use to cover your arse. That way he can say well I was just assuming I didnt know for fact.
Well the hacker says that it is the best compile on their network.. When u develop a game u dont compile it every week. U compile just the parts that ur taking care of (ur coding zone). When was the last time they would have to have done a compile? It was e3 why bother compiling the whole game, when you can just compile what ur planning on showing off. Thats what they did I dont believe that this is all they have and i dont believe that all the scenes in the real game will be scripted. But i do believe that they maybe havent gotten that far yet. I do believe that they never planned on releasing on the 30th but hey thats what game devs do.
Inbetween the flaming about some "hacker," could I inquire upon where this interview is? All I find is posts by this autolycus, but no full blown interview.
Originally posted by Weedums
Well the hacker says that it is the best compile on their network.. When u develop a game u dont compile it every week. U compile just the parts that ur taking care of (ur coding zone). When was the last time they would have to have done a compile? It was e3 why bother compiling the whole game, when you can just compile what ur planning on showing off. Thats what they did I dont believe that this is all they have and i dont believe that all the scenes in the real game will be scripted. But i do believe that they maybe havent gotten that far yet. I do believe that they never planned on releasing on the 30th but hey thats what game devs do.

Yup, for the thief to say thats all they've got. Is the same as me walking upto your house, looking through the living room window only, and then saying thats all you and your family own and have in your entire house. I wouldn't see whats in the cupboards, other rooms, dressers, under the bed, in the attic, the cellar. The thief is clearly up himself and thinks he accessed their entire network.

Now I've never worked for Valve and never been to their offices, but I can guess that there will be a good number of machines that don't even have net connections. Some that will be on completely different networks. Only a small number will have net access. Depends on the size of Valve really as to how many. But for insurance reasons its highly unlikely every important machine is on the network. Most programmers use a number of machines, Same with Artists and modelers, some will be connected to the network, some to the net some not connected to anything because there's no need for it, They'll copy stuff across on zips or CD-RW's the original XSI files and original HL2 map files.

The original photoshop texture files and the TGA files, the normal maps, tests, early work. various programming versions, scanned concept art and digitally created concepts. Game information, rules on what can and can't be done in the creation of files.. There will be tons and tons of this stuff that the Thief has clearly not got hold of or even seen. He just got some old files and an old test that was likely used to eventually put together the E3 demonstration. Obviously being an early version there was stuff in there they didn't end up using for E3, but at an early stage they probably hadn't settled on what the final rolling demo would include. Should they show this or should they show that.

I get the impression with all the HL1 stuff people say is included that its more than likely the thief only got hold of a ****about version that ended up being for E3 aswell as for them to mess around with and come up with new idea's. It's no secret Valve had said they'd make it as simple as possible to make use of HL1 files. For them to know that for sure they would have had to test it themselves, having the HL1 files knocking about would make that easier. afterall when most people make mods for HL1 they'll unpack all the data even if they don't need it all, just to be on the safe side incase they do hav to access something quickly

Dr. Shim: Its not an interview, just posts by the guy actolycus who's apparantly Chris Bokitch.. well I think it is.. erm.. Rec, help? :)
When they said that "obviously it was scripted! We thought you knew that!" Lol, what liars theys uck.
Originally posted by muff
I was a fan of the halflife series before I saw the videos. I am really disappointed.

thats why I belive the unknown hacker:

"THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no
such thing as a much better release in Valves network!"

halflife 2 seems to be crap. An ordinary egoshooter with a weird story.

sorry for my bad english ... [/B]

The fact that you choose accepts the words of a malicious thief shows you are an idiot. No-one yet knows the truth about HL2. You base your opinion on a FULL GAME on a bug filled beta, that is universally acknowledged as such? You, sir, are a halfwit.

I can't believe some of the reaction's round here. It appears most of you are kids with an empty life and a computer fixation - that seems to be the only way to justify such childish and immature reactions to a game being delayed.
I was a fan of the halflife series before I saw the videos. I am really disappointed.

Then what are you doing here if you WERE a fan?
lol you keep trying to make hl2 look good and saying its an old build, look at the build date o_O gg
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
lol you keep trying to make hl2 look good and saying its an old build, look at the build date o_O gg

Valved dicked about for 5 years producing a bug filled demo, and set a release date knowing that they didn't have software to release, and put themselves in a situation where they new they'd be caught out.

And this is supported by the build date on some stolen software, of dubious quality. Build dates and text in compiled files can be changed easily with tools easily available on the web.

Ever think about that?
it seems you think they did nothing for those 5 years, didn't u ever consider that they had to build a new source code?? they built a fresh new source code from ground up and they been changing it as the years change to make it even more perfect, have you ever thought about that....source code is very hard to make...
Why is Chris Bokitch assuming it's not scripted? Doesn't he work at Vavle? Couldn't he just ask Gabe what the truth is? Or is he just the coffee boy at Vavle?
Originally posted by ChiGoku
it seems you think they did nothing for those 5 years, didn't u ever consider that they had to build a new source code?? they built a fresh new source code from ground up and they been changing it as the years change to make it even more perfect, have you ever thought about that....source code is very hard to make...

If you where refering to my post above, I was actually being sarcastic. But it doesn't come across that well.

Personally, I believe that Valve are going to deliver a killer game WID.

Oh, by the way, I love your quote "..source code is very hard to make...". I'll use it as a sig :)
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Why is Chris Bokitch assuming it's not scripted? Doesn't he work at Vavle? Couldn't he just ask Gabe what the truth is? Or is he just the coffee boy at Vavle?

:cheese: LOL !coffee boy! hahahahahahahaha "Funny" :cheese:
GO get my coffee bitch! And dont put so much damn surga in it you newb!:cheers:
Itz A BETA Goddamnit!

Jesus, you guy's out there are complaining because a Beta version of a game doesnt work properly? Ever wonder why it's called a BETA and not a DEMO?

And Gabe doesnt control every aspect of the game, therefore, the "whole" complete version of halflife2 would NOT be on his computer. Other programmers that work there would deal with different aspects of the game, AI, Drivers, Graphics etc... and then when that is complete, would then compile it on a computer. What the hacker got was probably a tech demo that valve shows off to vivendi or it's other major sponsors.

But it all boils down to this: If the hacker is so "Honest", then where is the Pre-Gold version of halflife 2 that he promised a few days ago? I mean, he threatened to release all the source code on the internet, which is obviously NOT true since everything released has been missing textures, sounds and models of all kinds... so where is this promised pre-gold version then? Your so quick to judge Valve because they havent delivered what was promised on time, so then why arnt you judging the hacker the same way?


Omg, guys it's a game !!!!

When you buy a game, you buy a product that wich can give you some fun.
Games are meant to be played, and enjoyed.

When you buy a game, you don't buy the "powerfull AI engine" or the "photo realistic render". You buy an entertaiment product...

So why do you care so much if it's scripted or not ??

Halflife 1 was scripted, and ?? I had alot of fun. I even was surprised when i got killed by a marine who came from my back when i hided to reload.

So as long as i have FUN playing Halflife 2, i don't care if the sequence was scripted or not.

I don't know how old you are, but i'm old enough to have played some dos games, and i enjoyed them cause they were fun. The games theese days seem only focus on some "eyecandy" ... Sometimes graphics are not the main thing in a game. Think more about gameplay, scenario and the fun you had playing it.

If HL2 AI is not scripted, well it's fine for Valve bacause they can sell the tech to other games. But it will not change our lives if the AI is scripted or not.
As long as i have fun, i don't care.
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Why is Chris Bokitch assuming it's not scripted? Doesn't he work at Vavle? Couldn't he just ask Gabe what the truth is? Or is he just the coffee boy at Vavle?

he works from his home in Canada, and im not sure what exactly he does, other than running the VERC and some stuff to do with mods and the SDK...
why does it ask me to log in so I can reply in this forum?

Anyways, all this BS about the AI and links to this and that and not a single person can link us to Gabes actual statement about the AI being unscripted? Did he say it or what? I think not, I never read that. I dont think any of you can actually say you read it for sure either...its just hype that got blown out of proportion. If someone can make show me the statement, I'll eat my words. I dont mind being wrong but until we see where this was said its unfair to be jumping down Gabes throat for things he never said.
i can't believe im listening to half of you here. I think your all just flaming that thats all valve has to make them release it early. Or to release some kind of real demo to prove you all wrong. I'll say this if you think a pre e3 piece of crap work in progress, that was compiled by the hacker on sept 26th ( to fool you all) is all that valve has. Than i suppose the hacker has done what he has intended to do. disenfranchise valves customers. It shocks me and sorta disgusts me that you all would believe a comon crook, who is trying to make himself look saint like against the evil that is valve. It's sad really to watch you all tear down bridges that you don't even know exits or not. but rather to buy that bridge out in texas for 500 dollars. I mean you kids need to really get realistic.

If you think valve faked hdri your just silly, watch the hdri movie, than check the 'room' your talkign about they dont even look the same. Hell money says you aint even supposed to be running that map on that version of hl.

Wake up already.

I cant wait for valve to release hl2 this holiday and watch all you flamers, turn the other cheek. As valve proves you and that pathetic hacker, wrong.

And no i'm not a valve fanboi, i'm just not a 16 year old kid who watches to many cia conspiracy movies. unlike a bunch of people.........
well said killahsin. i can't believe how many people think that this is all that Valve has done in the past 5 years.

why would Valve come out of hidding this past spring if they bairly had a game? they waited till they were almost done to show there game, if it wasn't done then they wouldn't have come out and shown it. simple as that.

besides IF this e3 demo was all that they actually had, then it would take a lot longer then 6 months (till april 2004) to complete the game thats for sure.

it's sad that so many of you believe what some faceless hacker, who's probably hidding away in his parents basement, tells you to believe.
I think you didnt understand me.

Valve says nothing in the demo is scripted. Which part you dont understand? This is not scripted. Wheres the problem? Did Newell said only one scene is not scripted? No, he said nothing of this is scripted!

Ok so lets create a video you only can run on a workstation with 3 gigs of RAM, 10 Ghz and CPU that will be developed around 2010. Then write an engine with unbelivebal physics, amazing effects and stuff like that. On the next E3 you can tell every gaming guru that this is the game you will release in 3 month.

but all you showed them is how the game --->should<--- look like when its done. but it doesent look like yet. because its scripted and faked.

They also said the source engine is completly new. It isnt. Its build on the old Gold source.
They said that there is no deal between ATI and Valve. There is one.
The list of lies goes on and on.

So, i dont believe Valve anymore. They can tell everything they want, I dont give a shit about. And you should accept that you are turning truth into lies because you are really Hl2 fan(atics).
Btw, someone said the hacker has stolen the source code and compiled it. the source code is always an actual build, so this is what you wanted valve to release on 30th sept.
just flame me down.

fanatics ...

sorry for my bad english ...
Originally posted by muff
Valve says nothing in the demo is scripted. Which part you dont understand? This is not scripted. Wheres the problem? Did Newell said only one scene is not scripted? No, he said nothing of this is scripted!

Show me where they said it...right now, everyone is running off unconfimed rumors. Noone can find where Gabe made that statement because he never did. Its a bit disturbing that you lose trust in someone becase some random noob says they said something they never did.

Seriously tho, many of you seem to remember quite clearly that Gabe said provide proof please, I'd like to see what all the fuss is about.
Originally posted by Parasite
Show me where they said it...right now, everyone is running off unconfimed rumors. Noone can find where Gabe made that statement because he never did. Its a bit disturbing that you lose trust in someone becase some random noob says they said something they never did.

Seriously tho, many of you seem to remember quite clearly that Gabe said provide proof please, I'd like to see what all the fuss is about.

If you had watched the E3 video ( the original one where Gabe is presenting the HL2 engine) he keeps saying that "Nothing is scripted" and " Everything is AI" and more like this.

So these aren't rumors. He said it in E3.
Bah, I wish the other discussion hadn't been locked. The people holding the "other" opinion (the opinion that I didn't hold, for non-debaters) actually had some brains in that one. It was a well centered, sensible debate-

...the source code is always an actual build, so this is what you wanted valve to release on 30th sept.

-but this thread, with utterances such as that?! Oh yes, it has to be the finished final version. Somebody clearly hasn't so much as looked in a guide for C++ or even Java or P-freakin'-Basic... you don't seal something off forever when you compile it. I still think that it may have been made especially for the demo (as so many people now believe).

Speculate about lies- yes. Speculate about scripting- yes. But posting complete drivel and proclaiming it to be fact?

If you had watched the E3 video ( the original one where Gabe is presenting the HL2 engine) he keeps saying that "Nothing is scripted" and " Everything is AI" and more like this.

Actually, I'll have to check up on that before I start babbling like I actually possess any knowledge. I was under the impression that when he made remarks such as "I'd like to stress that everything you see here is AI" he's referring to the scene currently on screen. Hell, with all this actor and ai_node stuff being talked about, the definition between script and AI is entirely up to Valve. AI is not (yet) a magical, perfectly sentient and perfectly orientating reactive device...
Originally posted by MakeMyDay
If you had watched the E3 video ( the original one where Gabe is presenting the HL2 engine) he keeps saying that "Nothing is scripted" and " Everything is AI" and more like this.

So these aren't rumors. He said it in E3.

OK, I just re-watched the vids and I see what your talking about. I thought all this nonsence was about traptown sequences. Also, iirc, Erik is the one who said that...Gabe presented the Gamespot vids, and Erik did the gamespy ones. I know the voices are different, unless Gabe got sick :P

Can someone explain what makes that video scripted?
I continue to amazed by how much people read into a bink video, let alone any beta leak.

Why any of you think your current perception of valve/hl2 matters at all is also beyond me. When the game comes out, all of your questions will be answered, and you will buy the game. Or maybe you'll wait for reviews then buy the game. Whether you interpret the construction of a non-playable demo as lying or not lying is completely irrelevent.