Christ! Mas?

i just had to mention this..

christmas is actually a pagen holiday to celebrate and brighten up the darkest time of the year, it was somehow hijacked as christ's birth date, dont know how or why? but it's all in the litrature.
In dutch it's 'Kerstmis' and mis = whenever you go to the Church, you English just changed 'mis' into 'mas' and changed kerst into Christ.
Boogymanx said:
In dutch it's 'Kerstmis' and mis = whenever you go to the Church, you English just changed 'mis' into 'mas' and changed kerst into Christ.
SINTERKLAAS ftw! Dutch celebrate that i thought? Big paedophilic santa claus that is damn scary etc. GreenBunny will fill you in.
I for one welcome our new Santa Clausian overlord.

You have been very naughty! :flame: