Christians sue for the right to harass and be intolerant

I should sue for the right to shove my boot up their collective asses ..****ing bunch of idiots

"Malhotra says her Christian faith compels her to speak out against homosexuality."

my (non)religion compells me to attack idiocy and hate whenever I see it ..I'd really love to give these people a piece of my mind
Let them speak out against homosexuality if they can state a logical reason against it.
gick said:
Let them speak out against homosexuality if they can state a logical reason against it.
and therin lies the problem
they are convinced their logic is infallible and has a god to back them up :(
I'd feel worse if the second page didn't spend most of it pointing out all the legal precedents that make their case amound to bubkis.
I'm a christian and I would never discriminate against gays and lesbians. Once again, these people are digging a deeper hole for themselves and they don't understand what it means to be christian or catholic.
they should try doing something constructive with their religious energy
Go win, no fee Stern and demand the right to tazer them wherever you see them in public ;)
God gave us the ability to judge other people but not the right to judge the other people.
You know what I'd like to see? Your typical Christian actually going out in the world and trying to make a notable positive contribution. Of course there are some decent people like Christian Aid and Red Cross, but most of the time we only seem to hear about dogmatic retards who are only interested in dragging everybody else down to their miserable level. I think there are far too many people who proudly describe themselves as Christian sitting on their arses, not actually doing anything practical to demonstrate they follow the word of God and the teachings of Jesus etc, and not doing any to redress the balance against over-politicised idiots like these.
completely uncalled for. she can never make homosexuals become hetrosexual, so why shall she bother?


because religion has messed with her head.

extremism religion = murder/blood/death/hatred :(
KoreBolteR- said:
completely uncalled for. she can never make homosexuals become hetrosexual, so why shall she bother?


because religion has messed with her head.

extremism religion = murder/blood/death/hatred :(

No, nothing has messed with her head except herself.
We need 5-step cure programs for these people.
Oh, for pity's sake, this is absolutely ludicrous.
And the fact that she's SUING boggles my mind more than anything else. Arguing for your right to be a moronic tw*t is one thing, but demanding compensation because people stopped you from being an outright c*nt in public? That's just ridiculous.
If you "eliminate policies protecting gays and lesbians from harassment" then you should also eliminate policies protecting the religious from harassment and see how she likes it.

I find it interesting that Christians all-too-often cry the evils of homosexuality when (as far as I am aware) Jesus Christ - you know, the bloke who sort of laid the foundations for the religion - never actually said one word against or about homosexuality. Sure, the Old testament is part of the Bible, but Christ it would seem, didn't give a monkey's. If he himself really felt it was so evil surely he would have at least re-emphasised it?

Matthew 21:14 said:
"And the Lord sayeth: 'Oh yeah, I know the Old Testament already said this, but just in case you lot build a religion around me and write down different versions of my opinions and stuff, don't forget to say I don't like the gays. They really piss me off. Oh yeah, and my Dad - he hates them too. My real Dad, not you Joseph, you pillock. But yeah anyway, this water-to-wine thing...' and the people did rejoiceth at his words for they too were pissed off at the gays."

I'm so going to Hell.
CptStern said:
You dress like an Australian's nightmare.
I sometimes suspect a lot of people are using religion as a blanket to justify their own personal hate.

"Yeah, I can speak out and demoralise homosexual people because God and my faith command me to."

(No offense to the christians reading this, I know many of you are good people).
el Chi said:
Oh, for pity's sake, this is absolutely ludicrous.
And the fact that she's SUING boggles my mind more than anything else. Arguing for your right to be a moronic tw*t is one thing, but demanding compensation because people stopped you from being an outright c*nt in public? That's just ridiculous.
If you "eliminate policies protecting gays and lesbians from harassment" then you should also eliminate policies protecting the religious from harassment and see how she likes it.

I find it interesting that Christians all-too-often cry the evils of homosexuality when (as far as I am aware) Jesus Christ - you know, the bloke who sort of laid the foundations for the religion - never actually said one word against or about homosexuality. Sure, the Old testament is part of the Bible, but Christ it would seem, didn't give a monkey's. If he himself really felt it was so evil surely he would have at least re-emphasised it?

I'm so going to Hell.

You dress like an Australian's nightmare.

some very good points el chi ..except that's not me's Nigel from Spinal Tap guys have seen spinal tap right? all music fans should watch spinal tap

edit: oops just relaised that was a quote from Spinal Tap, you have seen it, my apologies
CptStern said:
that's not me's Nigel from Spinal Tap
:rolleyes: Why on Earth would I come out with such a random insult!?
Gotta love that film. "He died in a freak gardening accident."
I dont know ...I didnt take it as an insult ..I'm married with children, fashion isnt high on my list :E

sometimes, even though I consider myself highly intelligent (yes I'm aware of my massive ego, but it's justified :E ), I'm still prone to "blonde" moments (despite having black hair)
What's that saying... "people in glass houses shouldn't sleep naked"? No, that can't be it. I think it might be: "People in glass houses shouldn't be assholes."

Yeah, that's the one.

"Homosexuality is against my religion, and I want the legal right to be a jack-ass and persecute them... just like... oh, wait, that's against my religion."
This is the reason why those tolerance policies were put in place in the first place; to protect homosexuals from intolerant people like Ruth. This whole thing is just silly.
CptStern said:
I'm still prone to "blonde" moments (despite having black hair)
With commence like that your no better then a raceist.
i just think its unfayr to cal al blondes stupid wen its not allways the true there r stupid pepol who arent blondes to you no. its discerminasion just like raceism
hey man have you been drinking? your spelling took a sudden nose dive

and yes I see what you're saying but that wasnt my intent's a saying nothing more, no discrimination was meant or implied. I apologise if it offended you in any way as that wasnt my intent
el Chi said:
I find it interesting that Christians all-too-often cry the evils of homosexuality when (as far as I am aware) Jesus Christ - you know, the bloke who sort of laid the foundations for the religion - never actually said one word against or about homosexuality. Sure, the Old testament is part of the Bible, but Christ it would seem, didn't give a monkey's. If he himself really felt it was so evil surely he would have at least re-emphasised it?

Also Jesus did hang around with 12 other men, In the harsh cold wilderness. You ever wonder if there may have been some "Mis-understandings".

Now after that obligitory Joke,As you said el Chi,You'd think they'd pay more attention to the Christ related sections as Christians.
Let them speak out against homosexuality if they can state a logical reason against it.

It's not about logical reason, its about freedom of speech, and here's an example of how its exercised:

Bush needs to die. The Pretzel's Martyr Brigade will make him choke!
Kerry needs to go away. A shark will chew on his leg for wind sailing in Connecticut.
I dislike Christians.
I like the Government.
My Cock is really huge and deserves to be sucked.

When you say something, it does'nt matter how logical or illogical it is. Life is one big off-topic forum, and for some, Bush is the President.
CptStern said:
hey man have you been drinking? your spelling took a sudden nose dive
Woo woo! Here comes the irony train, last stop Stern! It was a clever little joke on blondes being stupid, thus I was saying I was cross about that (which I totally wasn't, by the way) and thus conveying myself in the guise of a dumb, virtually illiterate blonde. Basically living up to the dumb blonde stereotype.
If I had been drinking there might've been one or two minor grammatical errors, but generally it'd be perfectly legible. It just might not be particularly coherent and probably would've taken me about half an hour to write each paragraph.
A recent survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that 64% of American adults — including 80% of evangelical Christians — agreed with the statement "Religion is under attack in this country."
I find this scary.
Yes, a certain set of religious beliefs is under attack... mostly the ones that don't involve a God.
I find this scary.

It is, however true.

Yes, a certain set of religious beliefs is under attack... mostly the ones that don't involve a God.

No, I think all religious beliefs associated with the Christian one are under attack. Have you read the News and Observer recently? Or any e-blogs? Or heck, some of the responses from you people?


Is still the mantra on this forum.
I don't see this being legal in any way. This is about private companies not allowing it. When they sign the contract with the company they agree to follow the company's policies.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
No congress, no go.

also, people who feel the need to judge others are generally just asshats :p
Yeah, because wanting less theocracy in government = banning religion.

Puh. Not my reasoning. But banning theocracy in public places and for use as public display is just one step ... think about it.
you have certain rights in america, being a total nuissance is not one of them

she should shut up
These people are setting a bad example for the rest of us.