Christians sue for the right to harass and be intolerant

It's a private place so they can do what they please. If for instance she went to jail for saying it- then that's an infringement.

But the university people have rights to- as an entity it can do what it wants, and to say it won't into a contract with someone for that reason is within their rights. They aren't FORCED to do it themselves.
K e r b e r o s said:
No, I think all religious beliefs associated with the Christian one are under attack. Have you read the News and Observer recently? Or any e-blogs? Or heck, some of the responses from you people?
Go tell that to the atheists, the group of people outnumbered by something like 20-1... tell them they're winning the so-called "War on Christianity." Seriously, the Christians have the numbers on their side. If anything, an actual "anti-Christian" movement in this country would have to be made up almost entirely of people who identify themselves as Christians to actually get anything done politically. If the atheists could manage to pull that off... they'd beat better odds than Napoleon ever faced.

I like how the Christians can so vastly dominate a society... and still manage to feel like they are being persecuted. :LOL:
dream431ca said:
I'm a christian and I would never discriminate against gays and lesbians. Once again, these people are digging a deeper hole for themselves and they don't understand what it means to be christian or catholic.
Agreed. She is using Gods word to attack instead of help.
Bah, i'm as christian as you can get, and I have to say this lady is pretty stupid, as a christian, I learn to love and care for people, but with homosexuals? I simply learned to love the person and not the lifestyle, I am not going to go out and attack people for their sexual orientation, thats not what I want to do, and others shouldn't be doing that either. It's peoples choice to do what they want with their lives. This lady who is complaining in the article either has too much time on her hands, or she is not really a true christian, by harassing others, when we should be caring and loving to others. People who follow her wave of hate and intolerance, is not a great example of Christians, and I have a feeling that their own pride is blinding them from the true values of the christian faith.
Well, I guess I could get a religion that allows me to murder and rape and steal things, becasue gee, all those silly laws go against my religion! It's illegal for them to take away my god-given rights given to me by some ancient text! :x

Seriously, the shadow of hate is long and disturbing, and I see it imprinted on these "christians" today.
K e r b e r o s said:
Puh. Not my reasoning. But banning theocracy in public places and for use as public display is just one step ... think about it.
Uh, I did think about it. Crazygal is harassing people, and harassment isn't legal.
This isn't a display of faith or anything positive. It's hate speech.

Where exactly is this a slippery slope?

Canada has banned hate speech for quite some time and, to be entirely frank, we still have religions.
gah... people just piss me off sometimes. The idea of being proud of your small-mindedness and intolerance... how f*cking stupid can you get, ffs. Even if your religion really DOES go against homosexuality (which, in the case of 99% of Christians, is a complete lie) you have to be pretty goddamn naive to blindly follow EVERYTHING the guy behind the pulpit teaches you. I have nothing against religion. I think it gives people strength, it gives many a cause and a community, and many wonderful things take place because of it. Still, this sort of thing is simply imbecilic.
Going on with what Mecha said, there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with something and voicing your opinion on it. But, these people want to spread hate messages. I mean, we have enough morons who think the Holocaust never happened, Communists eat babies, and Muslims want to blow the world up. Now, we have another group of people who want to have the right to spread hate. It's ridiculous.
But it's in the bible!

So's marrying the guy who rapes you and burning towns that practise other religions! You don't follow the bible 100% anyway so you can't say that! Ner!
I think it's wrong to generalize her as acting on the behalf of all christians

I know many christians that don't hate gay's
Hazar said:
I think it's wrong to generalize her as acting on the behalf of all christians

I know many christians that don't hate gay's
You are right in saying this. In terms of christianity, no one has a right to judge one another, because in terms of sin we are all just as guilty as the other. How could a christian say to another "you are guilty of sin and should stop" when that christian has probably commited just as grave a sin. The best quote from the bible that I can think of is from matthew 7:3-5 "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'let me take the speck out of your eye', while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye." -Matthew 7: 3-5
These teachings are from Christ, and to be a Christian one must follow the teachings of Christ. Christ doesn't preach hate and bigotry, but compassion and understanding. This lady, claiming to be a christian, clearly doesn't follow the teachings of christ, and is obviously doing these things out of hate.
DeusExMachina said:
It's obvious a lot of Christians aren't following the teachings of Christ.
In the world today, nothing is harder than following the teachings of Christ, atleast for me. I will try not to sin, but I always end up falling. My Concupiscence has made me realize that I cannot judge anyone for anything, and that I am just as "evil" as everyone else. That's why Christ died for our sins; if he didn't, we'd all be ****ed.
Sebastian said:
In the world today, nothing is harder than following the teachings of Christ, atleast for me. I will try not to sin, but I always end up falling. My Concupiscence has made me realize that I cannot judge anyone for anything, and that I am just as "evil" as everyone else. That's why Christ died for our sins; if he didn't, we'd all be ****ed.

Furthermore, according to the Bible, while he was alive Jesus taught tolerance, forgiveness and humility, to cover just a few of his subjects. All of which these swine who warp Christian doctrine to fit their selfish and hate-mongering ways could do with a dose of.
Sebastian said:
That's why Christ died for our sins; if he didn't, we'd all be ****ed.
I don't understand that - if Christ hadn't died then I'd be a sinner simply by being born, no?
And if I commit one or two "sins" then I'm f*cked anyway...

And as for it being "difficult" to follow the teachings of Christ - doesn't that sort of depend on your interpretations?
el Chi said:
I don't understand that - if Christ hadn't died then I'd be a sinner simply by being born, no?

well you're a sinner regardless so I wouldnt be too worried ;) ...everyone is born with sin: original sin (adam, eve, apple) ..jesus returning and dying for us supposedly opens the gates of heaven ..depending on the sect they either believe all souls are waiting for the second coming when they'll be allowed up to heaven while other sects believe once jesus died the gates to heaven opened

el Chi said:
And if I commit one or two "sins" then I'm f*cked anyway...

And as for it being "difficult" to follow the teachings of Christ - doesn't that sort of depend on your interpretations?

well yes and no ...see they tend to interpret things as they see fit but if you read the gospels they're pretty straight forward ..jesus was a radical he preached love your enemy and equality for all .it's was a sharp deviation in the practice norm of judaism back then. Today many christian groups bare little resemblence to the teachings of christ
actually he was, it's one the reasons why the jewish leaders hated/feared him
That's the one thing that I hate about the Christian teaching, it says that EVERYONE from Adam and Eve, up to Jesus when to Hell, no matter how good they were, thanks alot God, sending Moses to Hell *shakes fist*
If it wasn't for hell, heaven would be overcrowded.
ríomhaire said:
That's the one thing that I hate about the Christian teaching, it says that EVERYONE from Adam and Eve, up to Jesus when to Hell, no matter how good they were, thanks alot God, sending Moses to Hell *shakes fist*

Even if that were the case, it doesn't mean those people were to stay there after Jesus did what he did.
I read the article and I'm not even sure what's going on. That is one of the most overtly biased and slanted articles I've seen. Not to say that I agree or disagree with the Christians in the story, but that is not even close objective writing.
Christians know exactly what to do, don't mess with them, or you'll get burned. And they know exactly what beasts want lol
15357 said:
If it wasn't for hell, heaven would be overcrowded.
"I'd rather go to hell. Heaven has got to be boring."
-Ted Turner

To be honest, I'm inclined to agree with him.
SE7EN said:
Christians know exactly what to do, don't mess with them, or you'll get burned. And they know exactly what beasts want lol

beasts want?
Pesmerga said:
Heaven and Hell both sound pretty ****ing torturous.
Yeah, but all the funny people are gonna be in Hell.
After all - almost all humour is, when it boils down to it, based on someone else's misfortune.
But it's funny, because it's not happening to me.

Rupertvdb said:
beasts want?
The sci-fi horror remake of What Women Want.
Heaven is eternal life in the prescence of god.

Hell is eternal life in the abscence of god.

Technically :p
ComradeBadger said:
Heaven is eternal life in the prescence of god.

Hell is eternal life in the abscence of god.

Technically :p
Does Jesus even ever mention Hell? I mean from what he says Heaven is the only afterlife and in Heaven you will live forever, otherwise you die and cease to exist.
Aren't we already in the presence of God, if God is omnicient and omnipresent?
I disagree with having the right to harass a person based on belief or preference, but it is something you should be able to do "in the public square".

Freedom of speech anyone?
Err, not harrass, but speak out against an action that is thought to be wrong
She just added me to her friends list!!! good god this girl is hideous!!!

i'll write her a message
you can't view it, you have to be a member of facebook then she has to accept you as a friend. i left her a dandy message on her wall, but then she befriended me :-(
MiccyNarc said:
I disagree with having the right to harass a person based on belief or preference, but it is something you should be able to do "in the public square".

Freedom of speech anyone?
Err, not harrass, but speak out against an action that is thought to be wrong

The issue here though is it being the university's rules and she signed a contract with them. EG: If you sign a contract with the place you work not to swear in the office and you do it, they have every right to fire you.

One could make the arguement that however because it's a state funded entity, it shouldn't enter those types of agreements in contract. But that's a debate enterring into the deeper issues of socialism and state sponsorship.
Sheikah42 said:
you can't view it, you have to be a member of facebook then she has to accept you as a friend. i left her a dandy message on her wall, but then she befriended me :-(

I have a facebook account I think. I don't really use the thing but if you can get in touch with reported bigots through it then I guess I called it all wrong. Please, oh god, please ask her what she meant by all of this, or something. Just help us peer into the mind of this creature.
it made me sick. she had a lot of friends. and a lot of them were supporting her...

but god she's so ****ing ugly