Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code

I wouldn't really call Scientology a Religion really..

And in that post you're defending Islam's right to take offence (which I quite happily agree on) which arguably is comparable to this situation.
different situations ..the movie is a work of fiction. Why not put a disclaimer on the 3 musketeers? the Bishop of Vannes is vilified in the movie ..why not put a disclaimer on moses because the egyptians are portrayed as evil? why not put a disclaimer on Shakesphere's the Merchant of Venice because it portrays a jew in an unfavourable light?

oh while I agree with you about scientology it is most definately a religion/tax shelter
Ha! Scientology a religion! That's a laugh!

The only reason any of these groups are upset (Muslims with the cartoons, Dei with the Code, scientologists with Brooke Shields) is because different viewpoints undermine their position of authority. That's what is happening here. Of course I can understand why they are upset---people might begin to delve a little deeper (or indeed, at all) into what they profess to believe and this worries the powers that be.

But a disclaimer??? Stern is right--just about everything deserves a disclaimer then. Downfall certainly needs one--it depicts Hitler as having some almost human attributes!! Talk about distorting the facts!! :|

I think the whole thing is a bit ridiculous, since the Bible and religion cannot be verified as fact themselves.
CptStern said:
pointless? how is it pointless? it's a current event, it's widely reported:

Lol, you're using google? If i type "teletubbies" in google i get amazing results, does that classify it as important to talk about in the politics forum?...

CptStern said:
yet for some odd reason you felt compelled to read and post about it

Yes, like i said once in a while i get fed up and feel like replying.

CptStern said:
credentials please, I'm disputing your "expertise
Has nothing to do with expertise. Read you're posts on how you thought i disliked homosexuals and lesbiens who just had an abortian assuming all christians did.

CptStern said:
ummm yes? the first post, explain how a topic about soldiers in iraq shouldnt be about iraq ..would you rather I had said the US soldiers in the video were actually flamenco dancers from spain? ...oh and there was a video of Scott Ritter I had posted that same day the Top 10 videos menu on the right hand side that video was listed yes it was a random encounter that I still felt was compelling enough that it needed to be heard ...even someone who I rarely see eye to eye on many isues around the war agreed that it was an important issue ...but NOOOO all you see is my "crusade" against all things american

Its not that a video about scared Americans will lead to the Iraq debate, its obvious it will, the point is; is that video so important to post in a politics thread with the goal to spawn that exact same debate again?

Its fun though that you only focus on 1 or 2 of the topics i quoted and failed to get the reason + explanation on why i quoted all of them.

CptStern said:
explain how that is generalizing americans
That is called critisism vs a president and his administration...

CptStern said:
one out of hundreds of threads I've posted're pretty single minded despite all evidence to the contrary

Really? because i'm aiming/hoping to get debates on various other more important world matters, instead of how stupid some Christians and some Americans are?
I'm not saying you never said anything on any other subject. You just tend to spam on your 2 frustrations alot: Christianity and America.

CptStern said:
where? here?
are these "andom American website calling people to protest?" or legitimate news?

I'm sure they truely believe that, an i'm truely facinated that these people still exist, but its hardly worth starting a topic.

CptStern said:
you seem interested in those topics why dont you post them? or will you just sit there and take rather than contribute to the community? why is it any concern what I post about? you have no say in anything I do. The easiest wisest course of action would be to simply ignore topics that hold little interest for you ...the question arises as to what exactly you're doing in this thread in the first place should I just focus on anything not involving iraq and US ..would that suit your tastes ..should I refrain from commenting on the middle east ..perhaps if you gave me your beeper number I could consult you before every thread I create

How nice:
I think i mentioned a few times what i'm doing here:
-i dont think its very unreasonable they demand a "fictional" disclaimer (although i dont agree, i dont see it as "oohhh how terrible").

-Once in a while i tend to jump in and comment on you're "obsessions".

CptStern said:
yay! a post on scientology!

CptStern said:
Another one on scientology!

CptStern said:
Thats not critisism? thats a mere joke...

CptStern said:
uhm, defending Islam??

CptStern said:
same thing.

If this is youre "proof" that you critisize other religions than its pittifull. I see a joke, 2 rediculing posts on Scientology and 2 posts defending Islam.
Humor me and quote me a post where you are defending christianity.. (if its a real defensive post, i'll drop my case, really..)

CptStern said:
btw I answered your entire post ..why do you feel the need to only selective answer mine? why are you ignoring the rest of my points?

I'm not, if i did please refraise you're questions. I'm a very busy man, who works long long hours, so i might have missed something.
Post me the questions i've missed please..
CptStern said:
different situations ..the movie is a work of fiction. Why not put a disclaimer on the 3 musketeers? the Bishop of Vannes is vilified in the movie ..why not put a disclaimer on moses because the egyptians are portrayed as evil? why not put a disclaimer on Shakesphere's the Merchant of Venice because it portrays a jew in an unfavourable light?

oh while I agree with you about scientology it is most definately a religion/tax shelter
I wasn't supporting the disclaimer idea, I was just saying them taking offence is comparable :)
Anyone gullible enough to believe the book and now movie are works of non-fiction has undoubtably already been converted to Christianity or any other religion and/or cult.

Besides, to an outside observer I suspect the Da Vinci code would be more believable as a true story than the dogma of Christianity.
Ome_Vince said:
Lol, you're using google? If i type "teletubbies" in google i get amazing results, does that classify it as important to talk about in the politics forum?...

look at the top 3 stories posted not too long ago numbnuts

Ome_Vince said:
Yes, like i said once in a while i get fed up and feel like replying.

by trolling? is that replying? why didnt you attack anyone here?

or this

they're on the same page ...or do you just selectively choose which one you'll jump all over based on who created it (apologies to those who started those threads)

Ome_Vince said:
Has nothing to do with expertise. Read you're posts on how you thought i disliked homosexuals and lesbiens who just had an abortian assuming all christians did.

the burden of proof lies with you ...dont be lazy now

Ome_Vince said:
Its not that a video about scared Americans will lead to the Iraq debate, its obvious it will, the point is; is that video so important to post in a politics thread with the goal to spawn that exact same debate again?

yes because whatever motivation you THINK I have must be true :upstare: ..I thought the point was painfully obvious: soldiers afraid because they have no heart for the war ..but again your persecution complex only lets you see what you want to see

Ome_Vince said:
Its fun though that you only focus on 1 or 2 of the topics i quoted and failed to get the reason + explanation on why i quoted all of them.

ummm what are you talking about? I've already made my comments

Ome_Vince said:
That is called critisism vs a president and his administration...

yet you just labeled it "american generalization" which one is it?

Ome_Vince said:
Really? because i'm aiming/hoping to get debates on various other more important world matters, instead of how stupid some Christians and some Americans are?
I'm not saying you never said anything on any other subject. You just tend to spam on your 2 frustrations alot: Christianity and America.

pay attention here Vince I post a lot of shit, dont blame me if all you see Christianity and America's that persecution complex thing again

I'm sure they truely believe that, an i'm truely facinated that these people still exist, but its hardly worth starting a topic. [/quote]

yes because they're the only people criticising the movie:

the new scotsman said:
The Archbishop of Canterbury, meanwhile, turned his attention to the school of conspiracy theories about the early origins of Christianity generated by the novel The Da Vinci Code, and more recently by controversy over a newly discovered text which appeared to question the traditional role of Judas as the epic villain of the gospels.

more later when I have time
Well, do you want me to list the last 15 topics you've created? (dam you for making me do this :p) This is just the politics forum. I'll have to dig through the offtopic when i find the time.

Here ya go:

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code
ah, the christians thing, using American source that wants to stop the movie, but o well i wont count this one..

the seldom seen side of War
look how horrible the war in Iraq is - America

US planning air strikes on Iran
hey, americans again. - America

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities
American sneaky bastards "big Brother"!! - America

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists
dont waste time on 9/11, Iraq is much worse! - America

Confessions of an Abu Gharib Torturer
nasty americans torture - America

judge rules games protected by free speech
Finally an interesting post, although its America again.

Bush World Aids plan: ...abstinence?
Bush... Aids... - America

Senate Committee Hearing on Video Games begins
Interesting! - America

The War on Easter begins
funny! but disturbing.. - America

Maoist Internationalist Movement Video Games Review
Maoist movement in .... - America

US military investigating allegations US soldiers executed iraqi civilians
American bad bad - America

Diplomacy Italian Style
Now how did you manage to get Bush and America in here? - Half America

3rd year anniversary of Iraq Invasion
Nasty Iraq war - America

Those are ALL the topics you've created over the last 3 pages in the politics forum (did i miss any? :) ).

Thats 14 topics
*Thats 13 about America (more like 12,5 since 1 is comparisson with
*Thats 5 about Iraq
*Rest is on various American matters or Bush

Almost all reflect America in a "not so good light".
Must be a coincidence right? :p during this period nothing else important happened in the world which you could post a discussion about.
Am i now right to say, even if some of the topics were "funny" or "not as hostile", that you have a little "focus" on America?? :p Even if its a tiny one? a tiny obsession with the USA?
Well, look at it this way. You're at school, right? You've got your little group of buddies. There's this one guy whom you'd like to have join your little gang, but he refuses to have any sort of friendship with you, merely a sort of distant and maybe even a little hostile relationship towards you and your buddies. The thing is, this guy is pretty dumb, and always makes a fool of himself. So what you and your friends do is you take al of those stupid little things the otehr guy does, and talk about them, and say things like, how stupid they were and how dumb that guy is. So, maybe a little fixation, but it's mostly a resentful one, and it only really ever comes to light when the otehr guy is around, or happens to do something lese stupid. It's jsut that this guy does stupid stuff all the time. Eventually, you and your friends may get tired, but not right now, you're having way too much fun.
Ome_Vince said:
Well, do you want me to list the last 15 topics you've created? (dam you for making me do this :p) This is just the politics forum. I'll have to dig through the offtopic when i find the time.

Here ya go:

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code
ah, the christians thing, using American source that wants to stop the movie, but o well i wont count this one..

the seldom seen side of War
look how horrible the war in Iraq is - America

US planning air strikes on Iran
hey, americans again. - America

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities
American sneaky bastards "big Brother"!! - America

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists
dont waste time on 9/11, Iraq is much worse! - America

Confessions of an Abu Gharib Torturer
nasty americans torture - America

judge rules games protected by free speech
Finally an interesting post, although its America again.

Bush World Aids plan: ...abstinence?
Bush... Aids... - America

Senate Committee Hearing on Video Games begins
Interesting! - America

The War on Easter begins
funny! but disturbing.. - America

Maoist Internationalist Movement Video Games Review
Maoist movement in .... - America

US military investigating allegations US soldiers executed iraqi civilians
American bad bad - America

Diplomacy Italian Style
Now how did you manage to get Bush and America in here? - Half America

3rd year anniversary of Iraq Invasion
Nasty Iraq war - America

Those are ALL the topics you've created over the last 3 pages in the politics forum (did i miss any? :) ).

Thats 14 topics
*Thats 13 about America (more like 12,5 since 1 is comparisson with
*Thats 5 about Iraq
*Rest is on various American matters or Bush

Almost all reflect America in a "not so good light".
Must be a coincidence right? :p during this period nothing else important happened in the world which you could post a discussion about.
Am i now right to say, even if some of the topics were "funny" or "not as hostile", that you have a little "focus" on America?? :p Even if its a tiny one? a tiny obsession with the USA?


these are the last 15 topics I've created:

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code

Firefox woes

Oblivion Mod, the Orrey, now on xbox360 marketplace

the seldom seen side of War

Professional Video Gaming Set for TV Debut

The Foam Monster That Ate Ellsworth Air Base

Age of Conan coming to Xbox360?

Heroes of Might and Magic V Demo released

US planning air strikes on Iran

Reason to hate Wal-Mart reason # 4,573,960

Video game violence leads to drug/alcohol acceptance

Burger King vs Gaming blog Kotaku

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists

Rage(ing) Hard(on) Revealed

so 2 topics on christianity and 1 was on the iraq\

so remind me again how all my threads are about christianity or americans? taking this small sample as an example one could logically conclude that gaming related news seems to be my focus ..oh there must be some sort of anti-christian undercurrent here ..there MUST!

now lets look at your contribution to the community:

Palestinian Suicide bombers kill 9 innocent people

Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot!!

WoW no sex!

UN-pimp my ride :p

Real Michael Jackson is dead!

Zombiemod backstory


Animated vertexes in HL2?

(I'd list more but that's the extent of your contribution to this site)

...seems to me by glancing at your threads a pattern is emerging ..oh my stars and garters I think I've found it! it's so obvious I'm shocked I didnt see it earilier! there's no mistaking it, you definately have a problem with Palestinian-Oklahomo-gun-toting-no-sex-wow-kommie-killing-kommandos-UN-pimps-Real-jacksons-zombified-thundercats-animated-vortexesess ...admit it, you're a hater
you need to take a vacation from politics stern... you're scaring the younger ones....
Yeah, Stern just has too much times on his hands in general...its not limited to politics. :D
semi-fair assessment I must admit but I'm not the subject of this topic
Warning said:
The following movie contains scenes that are as plausible as any Christian dogma and as such should be treated with care. Viewer discretion is advised. This movie is rated R and should not be seen by anyone who is still impressionable and could question the validity of Christianity.

It should be shown right before the FBI warning. :D
Mr Stabby said:
shows how impressionable their flock is
Exactly what I was saying: they don't want to risk their idiotic masses being educated in the least in terms of alternative thought for fear their grip on power might loosen. Disclaimer...pfft--get in line!!
Disclaimer : If anything as trivial as a movie based off a fictional book can influence your views on religion - you aren't very secure in your faith or learnings anyway. :rolleyes:
What's wrong with asking for a disclaimer saying the movie is fictional? It is fictional.
CptStern said:

these are the last 15 topics I've created:

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code

Firefox woes

Oblivion Mod, the Orrey, now on xbox360 marketplace

the seldom seen side of War

Professional Video Gaming Set for TV Debut

The Foam Monster That Ate Ellsworth Air Base

Age of Conan coming to Xbox360?

Heroes of Might and Magic V Demo released

US planning air strikes on Iran

Reason to hate Wal-Mart reason # 4,573,960

Video game violence leads to drug/alcohol acceptance

Burger King vs Gaming blog Kotaku

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists

Rage(ing) Hard(on) Revealed

so 2 topics on christianity and 1 was on the iraq\

so remind me again how all my threads are about christianity or americans? taking this small sample as an example one could logically conclude that gaming related news seems to be my focus ..oh there must be some sort of anti-christian undercurrent here ..there MUST!

now lets look at your contribution to the community:

Palestinian Suicide bombers kill 9 innocent people

Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot!!

WoW no sex!

UN-pimp my ride :p

Real Michael Jackson is dead!

Zombiemod backstory


Animated vertexes in HL2?

(I'd list more but that's the extent of your contribution to this site)

...seems to me by glancing at your threads a pattern is emerging ..oh my stars and garters I think I've found it! it's so obvious I'm shocked I didnt see it earilier! there's no mistaking it, you definately have a problem with Palestinian-Oklahomo-gun-toting-no-sex-wow-kommie-killing-kommandos-UN-pimps-Real-jacksons-zombified-thundercats-animated-vortexesess ...admit it, you're a hater

hehe, hey dickhead, i said to the politics forum!!! yes, reading is hard i know...
I even mentioned i still needed to go through the offtopic forum where i might find more.


Here's what i said, let me quote myself:
Those are ALL the topics you've created over the last 3 pages in the politics forum (did i miss any? ).

And there you have a 13/14 ratio on Americans. (and a 14/14 if i take the subjects of America + Christianity) Congrats!!!! ROFL
Disclaimers like that can go on movies if similar disclaimers can go on religious nutjob's heads. (and their right hands, just to mess with them)

Ome_Vince said:
hehe, hey dickhead, i said to the politics forum!!! yes, reading is hard i know...
I even mentioned i still needed to go through the offtopic forum where i might find more.

Go on topic
Ome_Vince said:
hehe, hey dickhead, i said to the politics forum!!! yes, reading is hard i know...

well duh! where else would political debates go but in the politics forum?

Ome_Vince said:
I even mentioned i still needed to go through the offtopic forum where i might find more

point it out to a mod while you're at it, if they're political in nature they're in the wrong section
Ome_Vince said:

and? ...out of 25 topics on the first page 18 of those are on the US yet only 4 of them are mine. Why dont you complain about the other 14 topics started by other members?

Ome_Vince said:
Here's what i said, let me quote myself:

And there you have a 13/14 ratio on Americans. (and a 14/14 if i take the subjects of America + Christianity) Congrats!!!! ROFL

and? the MAJORITY of threads in the politics forum are about the US

the question here is not whether there's too many topics about the US but why you feel the need to single me out when I dont contribute even 1/4 of all threads in the politics forum

page 2 for example only 3 threads out of 13 that are about the US are by me ...and another 4 are about events that took place in the US. One could logically conclude that the reason you're targeting me is because you have a personal axe to grind with me yet you go about the wrong way. Instead of trolling try confronting me on the topic instead ..if I post "Confessions of Abu Gharib torturer", try your darnest to prove the topic wrong instead of bitching at a later date about the plethora of topics that deal with the US ....makes you look less like a whiney troll, and more like a contributor to the community. That said after spending 3 pages on little ol' me why not try doing something constructive and get back on topic? if not, do the rest of the people who'd like to make a meaningful contribution to this thread ...shut ..the ..**** ..up
@CptStern lol, axe to grind with you?
You said it was "lies" and posted all your topics from various forums, while i was commenting on you're ****ing topics in the politics forum alone. You just failed to read, so stop crying!

and, If you look at my first posts you will see i was discussing the topic, and expanding it by aiming on why people make a "fuss" out of this, or find it worth discussing when 9/10 other organisations/people/governments etc, all non religious->historical, or simply hollywood lawyers, get their "disclaimer" for all kinds of weird reasons, yet when Christians demand a disclaimer its "oe how terrible"..
That was targetted in general, not specifically at you..
This changed when you started attacking it.

When the confrontation finally began i indeed commented on why you're always bitching and focussing on America + Christianity, and whether many other topics by other people here are about America or not, doesnt change the fact that almost every topic you create in the politics forum is about America..
This was just to point out your focus, not to validate how important every single one of those topics were.. (but my guess is you'll never understand)

I'm not on a "defend the universe" mission here, i just like to balance things out once in a while.
And its only funny that you're blaiming the "off-topicness" of this on me, while we're both at it, plain and simple.
If you were truely interested in keeping this topic "on topic" you would simply move on or stick to the initial posts i made.
So i guess this yet again ends up in a flame war, how lovely.
Teta_Bonita said:
What's wrong with asking for a disclaimer saying the movie is fictional? It is fictional.
Hahaha! Do we now need a disclaimer on all movies that come out then?? Having to spell-out that movies are ficitonal involves a stupidity beyond my comprehension!
Well if i make a movie showing how Bill Gates or Elvis rapes/murders little kids, wanna see how fast i get sued? or have to put up a disclaimer? :p
(i agree btw, and dont agree with the disclaimer, i just dont think its so outragious that they're asking for it)..

ps, the mass public believes and/or is influenced by what they see on TV. If they see movies with a historical setting they will believe it, because they "know no better" (there's no such thing as "common knowledge" when it comes to TV for the masses, especially since the masses dont give a shit about reading history books).
Its interesting if you for instance ask young kids about World War 2, all they "know" is the Western side of it (Dday, Battle of Britain, Battle of the Bulge etc). They dont know a big bulk of the war was fought and decided on the Eastern front.. (if you're lucky they might know Stalingrad..)
Ome_Vince said:
@CptStern lol, axe to grind with you?
You said it was "lies" and posted all your topics from various forums, while i was commenting on you're ****ing topics in the politics forum alone. You just failed to read, so stop crying!

and, If you look at my first posts you will see i was discussing the topic, and expanding it by aiming on why people make a "fuss" out of this, or find it worth discussing when 9/10 other organisations/people/governments etc, all non religious->historical, or simply hollywood lawyers, get their "disclaimer" for all kinds of weird reasons, yet when Christians demand a disclaimer its "oe how terrible"..
That was targetted in general, not specifically at you..
This changed when you started attacking it.

When the confrontation finally began i indeed commented on why you're always bitching and focussing on America + Christianity, and whether many other topics by other people here are about America or not, doesnt change the fact that almost every topic you create in the politics forum is about America..
This was just to point out your focus, not to validate how important every single one of those topics were.. (but my guess is you'll never understand)

I'm not on a "defend the universe" mission here, i just like to balance things out once in a while.
And its only funny that you're blaiming the "off-topicness" of this on me, while we're both at it, plain and simple.
If you were truely interested in keeping this topic "on topic" you would simply move on or stick to the initial posts i made.
So i guess this yet again ends up in a flame war, how lovely.

so I should sit here and listen to you spew nonsense about some imaginary crusade while you ignore the topic at hand? (you've regurgitated the same tired point over and over yet fail to address anyone when they counter it)

be less concerned about how I contribute to the community and more concerned on how YOU contribute to the community ...all else is vindictive trolling that serves no purpose except create a situation where a flame war is inevitable. You do me a disservice, you do yourself a diservice and most troubling of all you do the politics forum community a diservice. I'm sure the majority of them are tired of every topic descending into a flame fest started by a member who either misunderstood something or rarely contributes to any political threads yet feels it's his duty to try to impose what other people should or shouldnt post about. Mind your own business, for your own sake and for that of the community
ah yes, its all my fault right? :p
Interesting how you now try to "play the crowd" with you're "majority of them are tired" and blaiming that on me, funny stern, nice try.

My contribution to this community? READ MY POSTS for a change, and stop blaming this flame war on me.
(I asked if the matter changed if it was concerning Christians, which is what sparked this whole thing, as you took that as a personal attack..)

Like i said once in a while i'll balance the discussion out, if that turns into a flame war with YOU ALONE all the time, then there's something wrong here.
I reply in alot of topics, and only with YOU it turns out into a flame war, so... thats my fault? NO!

I've seen mass flame wars evolving around you in many topics. Those who stand up get a multi-page flame war. Want me to start pointing those out? Just like i was forced to point out almost every topic you make in the politics forum is about America?

My only stupidness is that i'm stubbern enough to keep responding to you, ah well unfortunatly we're not perfect.

O, and i wont mind my own buisness, i will respond to the topic like i always do, and if you dont like that, then ,.... ignore it?? :p
Ome_Vince said:
ah yes, its all my fault right? :p
Interesting how you now try to "play the crowd" with you're "majority of them are tired" and blaiming that on me, funny stern, nice try.

maybe it's because you dont come here very often but it's a recurring problem here ..try to pay attention

Ome_Vince said:
My contribution to this community? READ MY POSTS for a change, and stop blaming this flame war on me.

superficial flotsam for the most part ...palestinian suicide bomber kills israelis ..oh rly? does that happen often?

Ome_Vince said:
Like i said once in a while i'll balance the discussion out, if that turns into a flame war with YOU ALONE all the time, then there's something wrong here.
I reply in alot of topics, and only with YOU it turns out into a flame war, so... thats my fault? NO!

you need to get your head out of your ass and look at the whole picture: I'm only ever in a flame war with americans ...why is that? could it be that some americans who disagrree with me wish to point it out to me? why is that I rarely if ever engage in flame wars with non americans?

Ome_Vince said:
Out of all the topics i reply only with you it turns into a flame war every time.

because you've got this idiotic notion stuck in your head that I'm on a crusade agaiinst christians/americans ..even though I've proved you wrong time and again ..I'd love to debate you in any other topic but that seems to be the only 2 topics you ever reply to

Ome_Vince said:
I've seen mass flame wars evolving around you in many topics. Those who stand up get the 25 page flame war. Want me to start pointing those out?

yes please do, and I'll point out how it was an american with the opposite POV every single time

Ome_Vince said:
My only stupidness is that i'm stubbern enough to keep responding to you, ah well unfortunatly we're not perfect.

yes I agree even when you havent a leg to stand on in a debate you continue regurgitating the same tired points while ignoring the majority of mine

Ome_Vince said:
O, and i wont mind my own buisness, i will respond to the topic like i always do, and if you dont like that, then ,.... ignore it?? :p

well then dont be surprised when I bite back ..oh and by all means do post in other threads, do become a contributing member of this section, that's all I ask

now are we going to continue this little flame war or will you stfu and stay on topic ...oh yes I forgot "it shouldnt have a disclaimer" ..yes yes we know, it's already been refuted ... NEXT
What was this thread about again? Oh yeah...da vinci code. Yeah, I think the book sucked and if somone can't tell it is fiction they should be shot. But tons of movies already have a "YOU'RE WATCHING FICTION!" warning on them anyway so this isn't exactly anything new.
CptStern said:
maybe it's because you dont come here very often but it's a recurring problem here ..try to pay attention

Right i dont come here very often->you spawn flame wars all over the politics forum, so the recurring problem lies with me?
Interesting logics you got there moron.

CptStern said:
superficial flotsam for the most part ...palestinian suicide bomber kills israelis ..oh rly? does that happen often?

Actually it does, and on top of that i enter many debates, and discuss various things. The flame wars i have on any of the forums i post is ... well... with YOU..
Mainly not because i disagree or you disagree, its because you start to become fanatical..

CptStern said:
you need to get your head out of your ass and look at the whole picture: I'm only ever in a flame war with americans ...why is that? could it be that some americans who disagrree with me wish to point it out to me? why is that I rarely if ever engage in flame wars with non americans?

Oe, tough words, you're a real internet toughguy.
Also, its not only Americans, in this case Dutch too :p , basically anybody challenging your hippy-rage against Americans, so yeah probably mostly Americans since they are the ones who feel attacked by it you idiot.
If i start spamming about Canadians all over the forum its obvious mostly Canadians will challenge it.

CptStern said:
because you've got this idiotic notion stuck in your head that I'm on a crusade agaiinst christians/americans ..even though I've proved you wrong time and again ..I'd love to debate you in any other topic but that seems to be the only 2 topics you ever reply to

Proved me wrong ???? HOW?? I'd LOVE to see that? I think i was the one who showed you you're previous 14 topics, and you were the one who posted those "posts which prove you attack other religions too"? => are you refering to those 2 defensive Islamic posts, 2 Tom Cruise posts and that 1 joke post you made with the action figures? ROFL Stern cmon you can do better than that...

CptStern said:
yes please do, and I'll point out how it was an american with the opposite POV every single time

Uhm, so the flame wars dont count if it involves americans?? omg...

CptStern said:
yes I agree even when you havent a leg to stand on in a debate you continue regurgitating the same tired points while ignoring the majority of mine

I dont have a leg to stand on? and ignoring yours? this is getting better and better. What are you basing this on? other than random bullshit?

CptStern said:
well then dont be surprised when I bite back ..oh and by all means do post in other threads, do become a contributing member of this section, that's all I ask

Bite back? You mean ignite useless flame wars and get personal?
why dont you back down your fanatical behavior, i think thats the biggest gift you could give the "community"...

CptStern said:
now are we going to continue this little flame war or will you stfu and stay on topic ...oh yes I forgot "it shouldnt have a disclaimer" ..yes yes we know, it's already been refuted ... NEXT

ah, so until i stfu? Well that will never happen. I wont shut up for fanatics. :)
Ome_Vince said:
Right i dont come here very often->you spawn flame wars all over the politics forum, so the recurring problem lies with me?
Interesting logics you got there moron.

and apparently you have problems comprehending simple sentences ..even when they're so painfully obvious ..the rercurring problem I was referring to was flamewars in the politics forum ..and yes they're a problem because people dont attack my points, they attack me

Ome_Vince said:
Actually it does, and on top of that i enter many debates, and discuss various things. The flame wars i have on any of the forums i post is ... well... with YOU..
Mainly not because i disagree or you disagree, its because you start to become fanatical..

so you admit trolling know it's take a special kind of idiot to attack the messenger rather than the message ..why is that if you so strongly disagree with my topics on the US why dont you try to refute my posts?

Ome_Vince said:
Oe, tough words, you're a real internet toughguy.

? reading comprehension isnt your strongest atribute

Ome_Vince said:
Also, its not only Americans, in this case Dutch too :p , basically anybody challenging your hippy-rage against Americans, so yeah probably mostly Americans since they are the ones who feel attacked by it you idiot.

but why only some americans? specifically those that support the war? if I am indeed anti-american ALL americans would take offense not just those that support the war. Oh and if not for the fact that you erroroneously believe I'm on a crusade against christians you wouldnt be on that list ...again ..why only certain americans?

Ome_Vince said:
If i start spamming about Canadians all over the forum its obvious mostly Canadians will challenge it.

if your points were valid I'd agree ..however if you spewed nonsense I'm sure non canadians would also get invloved

Ome_Vince said:
Proved me wrong ???? HOW?? I'd LOVE to see that? I think i was the one who showed you you're previous 14 topics, and you were the one who posted those "posts which prove you attack other religions too"? => are you refering to those 2 defensive Islamic posts, 2 Tom Cruise posts and that 1 joke post you made with the action figures? ROFL Stern cmon you can do better than that...

yes I proved you wrong, I'm not on a crusade ..2 out of 14 posts hardly constitutes as a crusade against christians ..and the posts on the US is valid in every single case can try disputing any of my claims as I'd enjoy shredding your every point

Ome_Vince said:
Uhm, so the flame wars dont count if it involves americans?? omg...

reading comprehension Vince, that's not what I'm saying ..please post links and direct quotes were I'm invloved in a flame war that isnt about politics

Ome_Vince said:
I dont have a leg to stand on?

yes my statement stands, you no more proved I'm on a crusade then you can prove the war in iraq is justified

Ome_Vince said:
and ignoring yours? this is getting better and better.

yes, you selectively answer my posts while I answer everything you post

Ome_Vince said:
What are you basing this on? other than random bullshit?

:upstare: I've asked you a number of times to answer everything I say in this very thread random bullshit here

Ome_Vince said:
Bite back? You mean ignite useless flame wars and get personal?

excuse me? are you that stupid that you cant lay blame where it belongs? you're the one accusing me of being on a crusade

Ome_Vince said:
why dont you back down your fanatical behavior, i think thats the biggest gift you could give the "community"...

less than a 1/4 of my threads have anything to do with the US ..less than 1% of my posts have to do with religion remind me again how I'm a fanatic?

Ome_Vince said:
ah, so until i stfu? Well that will never happen. I wont shut up for fanatics. :)

ah so you intend to make trolling a full time hobby? I'm sure the mods will object to that
I'm finding the arguments between CptStern and Ome_Vince a little ironic, considering the thread topic.

Maybe CptStern should put disclaimers in his threads so that he doesn't offend. :O ;)


Now I don't really see a problem with putting a disclaimer in the movie, as it's only a 5-10 second splash on the screen and it doesn't really affect the artistic points of the movie in any way. They could even put the disclaimer at the end of the movie in the credits section, along with the disclaimer that is already there (the one about how the names in said movie are completely generic, and any similarities to real people are purely coincidence). :D

But hey, wait!! If that disclaimer is already there, then doesn't that mean that organizational names (in this case the Opus Dei) would be included as well? :)
A True Canadian said:
I'm finding the arguments between CptStern and Ome_Vince a little ironic, considering the thread topic.

Maybe CptStern should put disclaimers in his threads so that he doesn't offend. :O ;)


I've actually considered it and have done so a few times ..also I did edit the topic title but it doesnt show on the main page ..I'm walking magnet for Knee-jerk reactionists and conservative moral police

A True Canadian said:
Now I don't really see a problem with putting a disclaimer in the movie, as it's only a 5-10 second splash on the screen and it doesn't really affect the artistic points of the movie in any way. They could even put the disclaimer at the end of the movie in the credits section, along with the disclaimer that is already there (the one about how the names in said movie are completely generic, and any similarities to real people are purely coincidence). :D

But hey, wait!! If that disclaimer is already there, then doesn't that mean that organizational names (in this case the Opus Dei) would be included as well? :)

I dont think an outside special interest groups should have any say whatsoever on the content of any work ..whether it's fiction or not. If the director/studio feels it's necessary then by all means ...but we cant have special interest groups dictating what can or cant be shown in a movie, they have no right
CptStern said:
and apparently you have problems comprehending simple sentences ..even when they're so painfully obvious ..the rercurring problem I was referring to was flamewars in the politics forum ..and yes they're a problem because people dont attack my points, they attack me

Really? So by asking if it were any different with Christians i was attacking you?

And you're point was? -> you started assuming my second post was targetting you on the Christian thing, while if you read my post carefully you will find its targetted in General as to how such a matter would be so different if it were;
Tom Cruise asking some movie producer not to include his name, or put up a disclaimer, and it being a Christian organisation. Why should the world care?
Yet you quote this and respond full of assumptions.

You fail to read the post, assume you're being attacked and start @hostile mode.
Which in some people's case (like me) results in a response and in this case i commented on you're obsessions.

CptStern said:
so you admit trolling know it's take a special kind of idiot to attack the messenger rather than the message ..why is that if you so strongly disagree with my topics on the US why dont you try to refute my posts?

Now how did you get the "admit trolling" out of that.... As i'm explaining why these flame wars always erupt around you, by you becoming fanatical, i am admitting im trolling?
Amazing... And attack the messenger? by asking you a freekin question?

CptStern said:
? reading comprehension isnt your strongest atribute

lol, How can i misread plain insults and tough language?. Youre insults and hostility lead to you being a "internet toughguy" comment, its not me "misreading" something...

CptStern said:
but why only some americans? specifically those that support the war? if I am indeed anti-american ALL americans would take offense not just those that support the war. Oh and if not for the fact that you erroroneously believe I'm on a crusade against christians you wouldnt be on that list ...again ..why only certain americans?

So you're saying ONLY Americans that support the war respond?....
I disagree with the war, yet i respond? Why?
And not all of your flame wars evolve around the Iraq War, so how does that fit this?

CptStern said:
if your points were valid I'd agree ..however if you spewed nonsense I'm sure non canadians would also get invloved

lol? You mean just like non-americans get involved in your nonsense?

CptStern said:
yes I proved you wrong, I'm not on a crusade ..2 out of 14 posts hardly constitutes as a crusade against christians ..and the posts on the US is valid in every single case can try disputing any of my claims as I'd enjoy shredding your every point

lol, how did you prove me wrong? As for starters this states you totally misunderstood my intention by quoting those topics.
Let me repeat it AGAIN : i didnt quote those topics because i think they are all invalid, i quoted those topics to show/prove to you how you focus on America.
On top of that almost always in a negative light. So hows that breaking down every point i made?

CptStern said:
reading comprehension Vince, that's not what I'm saying ..please post links and direct quotes were I'm invloved in a flame war that isnt about politics

That is what you're saying!. You challenged me to find the flame war topics, and if i did you could: "and I'll point out how it was an american with the opposite POV every single time".
Does that make the fact that there was a flame war less? for that was the point->flame wars surround Stern..

Lets not dance around what i said in the first place.
I was pointing out you being involved in many flame wars. Whether you have valid points or not, or if its the same thing over and over again, youre useless personal and hostile attacks spawn this.
Thats why flame wars always surround you.
I mentioned this as you were pushing the "flame war" issue on me.

*sign wonder what kind of tango Stern will play with this to avoid the issue at hand: let me guess, quote 1 sentance and build on that..

CptStern said:
yes my statement stands, you no more proved I'm on a crusade then you can prove the war in iraq is justified

Lol? You're focus on Americans is proved. Considering almost ALL your politics forum threads evolve around America in a bad light, whether they are slightly justified or not, you're focus is on America. Period.

CptStern said:
yes, you selectively answer my posts while I answer everything you post

And you dont? You're quoting single sentances out of a whole post? You turn that into an assumption, take it out of context and respond to you're own agenda...

CptStern said:
:upstare: I've asked you a number of times to answer everything I say in this very thread random bullshit here

I've answered what you've said and more. If i missed something, post it and i'll answer (same answer i gave you way back)..

CptStern said:
excuse me? are you that stupid that you cant lay blame where it belongs? you're the one accusing me of being on a crusade

Yes! because you interpreted my second posts "Christian sentance" as aiming at you as a personal attack, which started the whole thing.
Thats what started the flamewar, after that, yes you got me going, and i commented on youre issues with America and Christianity and the fuel ignited!

CptStern said:
less than a 1/4 of my threads have anything to do with the US ..less than 1% of my posts have to do with religion remind me again how I'm a fanatic?

Really? sounds like you have you're numbers ****ed up, let me explain:

13/14 threads in the Political forum are concerning America in a bad light
the 1 was concerning Christianity.
This is a 100% score on the 2 focus issues i mentioned from the beginning.

The first time I determined you're fanatical behavior in the first flame war we had in the religion topic in which you burst into a frenzy with all kinds of wild assumptions.

CptStern said:
ah so you intend to make trolling a full time hobby? I'm sure the mods will object to that

hehe, nice try playing in on the mods. Commenting on you're rubbish is not trolling, it might feel that way to you though.

As for on topic:
There's nothing wrong with these organisations asking for a disclaimer. Although i disagree with it coming, i dont see it as bad.
You fail to read the post, assume you're being attacked and start @hostile mode.
Which in some people's case (like me) results in a response and in this case i commented on you're obsessions.

After a full page of bashing stern as a person and not targeting his posts on the issue of "censorship" in movies, you are being more then just a bit hypocritical.

Back on topic, I believe making a film is ones right to express free speech and feelings and as such it should not require any warning, besides an obvious guideline as to how old you should be to view the movie.

If the special interest group got their way then any movie with Christian themes would require a warning to all atheists. This would spread to all non religious warning and eventually everyone would be stuck with useless messages at the beginning of the films they paid to watch then add that to the already long previews at movie theaters.
What does this disclaimer have to do with censorship?
There's nothing so terribly wrong with putting up a disclaimer saying something is fictional, about something that is damaging..and..fictional?

Although i'd rather not see the disclaimer and i agree it wouldnt fit judging other movies (for the simple reason that now that i think about it, i wouldnt want to go through 20 million disclaimers before the movie starts, or any similar mess), i dont find the demand very unreasonable.
If you read my posts you'll see thats what i'm targetting at, and how it starts ,everything after that is messy aftermath.

Banning or wanting to stop the movie, thats censorship and outragious.
Like these guys want.