CIA hired Mafia to poison Castro

he just regurgitates official party lines, there's not a heck of a lot of originality there
I dont find that weird,infact I thought they where planing to use some mental control device or sent a 008 special agent for it

and well the USA just want to kill castro since is form da evil comunizts
cuba hasnt participated in a single war since it became communist fact there hasnt been a single declared war in over 100 years


Not a declared war, but a massive military commitment. Rather similar to the American involvement in Indochina.

The South African Border War was a massive threat to stability in the region and Cuban involvement only worsened the situation.

Not a declared war, but a massive military commitment. Rather similar to the American involvement in Indochina.

The South African Border War was a massive threat to stability in the region and Cuban involvement only worsened the situation.

Numbers said:

...His viral ideals of marxism and communism are a clear and dangerous threat to the peace and prosperity of humanity

the border war does not in any way constitute as a "dangerous threat to the peace and prosperity of humanity" ..not based solely on Cuba's involvement
ya they're usually the most dangerous kind because you cant reason with them ...Korea must be an entire nation of manchurian candidates just waiting to be given the command
I think the best solution is to recondition Numbers.
Numbers said:

the border war does not in any way constitute as a "dangerous threat to the peace and prosperity of humanity" ..not based solely on Cuba's involvement

What, South Africans arent human?

Anyway, I give up, due to a lack of knowledege about Cuba. *runs away*
I'm sorry, how many people in this thread have relatives still living in Cuba, had relatives recently arrived from Cuba, or had relatives who where around during the initial revolution? Everyone raise your hand if you do. *raises hand* Otherwise stop trying to sugarcoat what castro's done with factoids pulled out of commie newspapers/blogs/whatever.

NOTHING i've heard or read from people who have lived there was ever good. Kids having to prostitute themselves. Tourists having more rights than citizens. Horrible living conditions. Severe lack of freedom of personel expression. Widespread poverty. Secret Police. The only people that are able to enjoy the damn island are rich european tourists.

You know, there is a reason that all of south Florida cheers whenever Castro takes a nosedive into a folding metal chair, or contracts some other life threatening disease in the hope that he'll finally snuff it. Because he's a horrible person that steamrolled a country with his ego. He sold out everyone for a flawed ideal. I don't care about the CIA documents of whatever or the international implications of assassination attempts, I'd just personally like him dead because he turned the country of my grandparents into a shithole.

and quite blaming the embargo, it only prevents american businesses from setting up shop there. And whenever it does lift, most of you calling for the embargo to lift would be complaining about AMERIKKKAN IMPERIALISM ZOMG! once the mcdonalds and walmarts set up shop. Everyone else can trade with them, and the country as a whole rakes in shitloads of money due to its massive tourism efforts. The people are poor because communism doesn't F***ing work and most of Cuba's funds loop right back into its burgeoning tourism industry.
Numbers said:

the border war does not in any way constitute as a "dangerous threat to the peace and prosperity of humanity" ..not based solely on Cuba's involvement

Firstly, your statement was that Cuba hadn't fought a war since it became communist. My point disproves this, reguardless of Numbers' original point.

Secondly, if the Cubans and their communist allies had suceeded in defeating the SADF troops deployed to South West Africa and Angola it would have lead to South Africa being surrounded by Marxist states which would have hurried the fall of the Aparthied government exponentially, leading to a communist controlled Cape. Which would have been a threat to the prosperity, and probubly the peace of mankind.
Firstly, your statement was that Cuba hadn't fought a war since it became communist. My point disproves this, reguardless of Numbers' original point.

sure that makes sense ..if you were to pull it out of context, which you did, but in in context, it's completely meaningless

Secondly, if the Cubans and their communist allies had suceeded in defeating the SADF troops deployed to South West Africa and Angola it would have lead to South Africa being surrounded by Marxist states which would have hurried the fall of the Aparthied government exponentially, leading to a communist controlled Cape. Which would have been a threat to the prosperity, and probubly the peace of mankind.

now that's a bit of stretch dont ya think? an isolated conflict affecting all of mankind? they werent firing nuclear missiles at each other
I'm sorry, how many people in this thread have relatives still living in Cuba, had relatives recently arrived from Cuba, or had relatives who where around during the initial revolution? Everyone raise your hand if you do. *raises hand* Otherwise stop trying to sugarcoat what castro's done with factoids pulled out of commie newspapers/blogs/whatever.

NOTHING i've heard or read from people who have lived there was ever good. Kids having to prostitute themselves. Tourists having more rights than citizens. Horrible living conditions. Severe lack of freedom of personel expression. Widespread poverty. Secret Police. The only people that are able to enjoy the damn island are rich european tourists.

You know, there is a reason that all of south Florida cheers whenever Castro takes a nosedive into a folding metal chair, or contracts some other life threatening disease in the hope that he'll finally snuff it. Because he's a horrible person that steamrolled a country with his ego. He sold out everyone for a flawed ideal. I don't care about the CIA documents of whatever or the international implications of assassination attempts, I'd just personally like him dead because he turned the country of my grandparents into a shithole.

and quite blaming the embargo, it only prevents american businesses from setting up shop there. And whenever it does lift, most of you calling for the embargo to lift would be complaining about AMERIKKKAN IMPERIALISM ZOMG! once the mcdonalds and walmarts set up shop. Everyone else can trade with them, and the country as a whole rakes in shitloads of money due to its massive tourism efforts. The people are poor because communism doesn't F***ing work and most of Cuba's funds loop right back into its burgeoning tourism industry.

how does any of this justify murder, please explain ..remember this goes back as far as 1960 ..start from that point
I don't support death penatly, but Castro surely deserves live inprisonment considering the vast amounts of crime against humanity he has committed.
Nah, we just need to make him trip again. Another fall would probably send him crashing down into a pile of broken bones; story of communism.
how does any of this justify murder, please explain ..remember this goes back as far as 1960 ..start from that point

He's not saying it's okay for government agencies to assassinate people. He'd just like to see Castro gone. That's how I understand it. I think we all agree that state sponsored assassination is wrong and immoral - except numbers probably - but some dictators and regimes must go, unfortunately none of them will go away peacefully. Now I'm not saying the CIA did right by attempting to poison Castro, I'm just saying that Castro should go. Does that make any sense?
castro is not dead cuz is a cyborg,that last "emergency surgery" was for maintenance
how does any of this justify murder, please explain ..remember this goes back as far as 1960 ..start from that point

I'd say killing one asshole to, more than likely, improve the lives of 11,000,000 cubans is justified.
He's not saying it's okay for government agencies to assassinate people. He'd just like to see Castro gone. That's how I understand it. I think we all agree that state sponsored assassination is wrong and immoral - except numbers probably - but some dictators and regimes must go, unfortunately none of them will go away peacefully. Now I'm not saying the CIA did right by attempting to poison Castro, I'm just saying that Castro should go. Does that make any sense?

what he said