Circle Strafing.

Do your Circle Strafe?

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Apr 17, 2004
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Do you?

I don't see enough of it on all the servers I play on.

/edit lol spelling mistake. Ah you get the idea.
its the best way really. strafing side to side isnt enough, its predictable. circle strafing generally makes the opponent stop moving, especially inexperienced ones, so they just become fish in a barrel.

learn it. use it. or wear it :E
I do it all depending on where I'm going and what I'm doing.
strafe jumping in a circle does that count
usually they're dead long before i go around them
going side to side is the same as going in a circle - your still in the enemies fov
Yes but your not directly infront of them. A strafe jumping target is easier to hit than a target trying to get behind you.
ah you mean actually circling around the opponent?
it all depends on how near you are i suppose,you cant circle somone if your aways from them. i prefer side to side jumping at long range, and in close combat i run away and hide.....