Civian City Falls


Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Civian City Falls:

The patting of torrential rain greeted Jacob to the land of the living once again. In the light of a dreary autumn morning he awoke. Surrounded by the comfort of his homely abode within Civian City Falls. The low cyan light from the ceiling lamps added a strange sepia tone to the house, bathing Jacob as he stumbled into the bathroom and emptied his bladder. He lumbered into the kitchen to put on a pot of tea, but the chipped teak of the front door reverberated with several knocks. Upon opening the door Tore Johansson, a friendly if not arrogant neighbour, invited himself in of his own accord.
"Jake put on some tea for two," he bellowed, taking a seat at the table.
Jacob obligued his overbearing neighbour and took a seat at the head of the table, greyish steam wafting up to the roof.
"First day of school eh?" Tore coughed.
"Yeah Karin's taking Johan to the school...*Cough* On the east side... She'll probably take the M5, it's usually clear this time of the morning... everyones already at work."
At the mention of that four letter word he winced, his head dropping down.
Watching his friend in the throes of sorrow, for a moment the tough stern face of Tore cracked, a slight bit of sympathy shining its way through, "Jake..." He reached his hand over. "It wasn't your fault."
Jacob laughed bitterly, "Well the job's gone. What's done is--"
"--done," Tore finished. "Yeah." He too looked down, his eyes saddening.
But quickley he bolted up in his seat, "How 'bout that mug of tea, eh? Should be boiled by now..."
But Tore never reached the kettle, his jaw dropped to his chest, his eyes wide with... terror. It took a moment for Jacob to get over his own sadness to notice. He turned in his chair, and if he had not used the toilet before now his pants would be painted with a new shade of orange. Giant lightning bolts battered the old brick townhouses on the horizon. One Flash. Another. Another and another and their vision remained white, the earth trembling beneath. When they could see again, the windows exploded in unison with the horizon. Among the swirling cloud of debris hanging in the sky, loomed a spire imperiously above the land.
"Jesus Christ," Jacob breathed.
"Indeed," Tore mouthed, his face pale and confused. "...indeed..."

As you may of guessed, this mod is based on the 7 hours war as a backdrop and an individual story as the main plot, that of a man striving to save his son and wife from the clutches of the combine.

The first half of the game is to be the usual linear journey into the city to find his family, avoiding army Vs. Synth battles, blasting headcrabs/zombies etc.
The second half of the game is to be objective based. There will be several areas that are optional to enter in which some form of transport will be on its way or being prepared to evacuate a set number of civilans. The player will have to ward off synth attacks and/or zombie attacks along with a small contingent of military personel. The outcome of the battle will not just be if the civilians get evacuated but what number of them will.

On the side of the screen throughout the second half of the game a counter/guage will be displayed on the HUD to demonstrate the remaining population: from 500,000 to 0. If the population goes below a certain number eg. 50,000, the military will be authorised to shower the city with a firestorm of thermonuclear warheads. (Game Over) So keeping the population of survivors above 50000 will be critical to your survival. You can accomplish this by sending more evacuees out of the city. As they are on their way out it will save you more time before the nuclear-firestorm.


Modeller - New Zombies (Civilian/Military Zombies), Children [Maybe! dunno could be disturbing to see them getting killed, I'd like to hear your opinions on this one], Main Chracters.

Texture Artist/Skinner - Citizens need to be reskinned in proper modern attire, maybe new textures? depends...

Animator - Certain character sequences will need to be animated

Coder - New guns (CSS Guns such as the M4A1 Carbine will need to be created for the miltary and to replace the Combine pulse Rifle as the assualt rifle)

I will be the concept artist/storywriter/mapper/level designer. Although anyone can chip in on any of these. All ideas are welcome, and if I have time I've no problem learning to model (I know the basics in XSI).

Also some constructive criticism will be welcome, so don't just write it off as "unoriginal", "stupid", or any other derogatory terms to make yourself feel better. I would appreciate other peoples view points on problems and flaws as well as their own ideas. Hopefully I can get this mod to work.
Thanks in advance.
You've got quite a knack for writing.

I'd avoid situations in which children get killed, though. Its really, really tasteless, and is a sure-fire way for people to try to crack down on you.

Anyways, I give my thumbs up. My initial advice to you, however, is to produce some proof-of-concept maps for people to run around in. It really entices us coders.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah thanks.

I'm currently trying to finish off the first map for the mod. but it'll be a long way yet. I'm only an intermediate mapper, half way between a novice/noob and a expert/professional. Although even that might be too generous a description of me.

Proof of concept? You mean the map I'm working on now? Or the one from the second part of the game? Anyways it doesnt matter. I'm not really looking for people immediately. Anytime in the future would be fine. It's not as if I'm in rush for modellers/coders, the mapping and story come first. Just wanted to see you guys' reaction to my idea.
Avoid Killing Children all together? Thats just cowardly. I don't think there's any subject matter that can't be handled in a relevant way that contributes to the narrative as a whole. It's one thing to just kill a child for cheap shock value, but if there's some narrative thrust behind it, and proper gravitas being given to it, I think its something that should be absolutely doable.
i agree ive killed many children and it don feel so good. only joking i didnt even read your post but good luck im sujre its very interesting.

Forgot about this thread.

So, no one wishes to join? That's ok I understand that modellers/animators, texture artists/skinners and coders are in short supply. Most people on this forum only know how to map while some others dont even know that :p.
I just really only posted now to bump the thread and bring it back up to the top :p *bold me*

So hopefully someone will read it and want to join...
modellers/animators, texture artists/skinners and coders are in short supply. Most people on this forum only know how to map while some others dont even know that

what exactly do you do? plus its not that most people cant do any of those thigns because im sure 80 percent of them can its just that starting at mod now is impossible unless your doing it yourself for your own personel benefit as everyone is already working on something or the other.

correct me if im wrong but your an idiot
/me corrects crackhead... seemingly all that crack has goen to you head :-o

Anyways I've read the requests for modellers etc. on this forum "Help Offered & Wanted" and it seems that those who wish to start up mods only know how to map while some dont even know how to do that. As you say all the modellers etc. are already working on mods. Anyways I map that is my forte.
So no need to get your panties in a festival crackhead.

I wasn't saying that those who venture into these forums for a read or to reply don't know howto, I was saying that those actually posting new threads (ie. looking to start a mod) can only map and I've read a few where some just want to be the "leader" and don't actuallyt know how to do anything involving Source SDK.
Don't worry about killing children. All you need is a disclaimer both on the main site and the download page and you won't get in trouble.

Once it's entered the home would be the responsibility of the owner (or downloader) to make sure this wasn't viewed by young kiddies with fragile minds.
I didnt know that. Im kind of glad i found this out. Listen to angry lawyer, If anyone one knows about this stuff its him.
It's illegal to kill kids in entertainment? Or is that just a UK thing?
houndeye said:
It's illegal to kill kids in entertainment? Or is that just a UK thing?

It's not done often because it's tasteless, but Postal had something like that. Also, a few of the Ultima games had situations in which you could kill children, though it was never wanton slaughter and there was at least a modicum of justification for it.
I know I used to kill kids accidently in Fallout, but the UK version supposedly had no kiddies. Oh well.
Angry Lawyer said:
Disclaimers don't give you a legal high-ground, you know :p

-Angry Lawyer
If you very clearly warn people of the nature of the gaming experience which the download will bring to you and state that "by clicking the download button marked AGREE you declare that you are over 18 years of age" then I can't see how people could complain.

It's a really stupid age we live in. Edgar Allen Poe wrote about cutting out cats' eyes, killing your wife with an axe to the head and then hacking up her body parts, putting her head on a stick and subsequently bricking her up behind a wall in the cellar.

Not if that isn't censored then why are computer games? It's wholly built on the media attitude to Computer Games, perpetuating the myth that games are mainly played by under-age kids who are liable to copy what they role-play. It's family values that are ****ed up if parents don't take an interest in what their kids do in their spare time. It's a pity they don't play us that record instead of the broken "games cause violence" one.

[ continued Off-Topic here ]
houndeye said:
It's illegal to kill kids in entertainment? Or is that just a UK thing?
Just a taste thing as has been mentioned. Think of Star Wars Episode Three when Lord suxalot kills all the Jedi kids. That was well done (storywise, Hadyn Christensen sux a lot of balls -I'd wager GL's mostly.).