Clarifications for the incognizant



When Half-Life was released on the 31st of October, way back in 1998, Valve had the foresight to continue id's implementation of making a game extensible: to wit, give the gaming community the tools and the ability within the game engine to realize their own fanciful ideas in the form of modifications.

While MODs are certainly not id Software's contrivance, they were seen by the world,due to the popularity of Quake and the power of id's QuakeC. MODs such as Capture the Flag and TeamFortress extended the life of Quake to the extreme that, even today, you can still find people playing the original TeamFortress for Quake.

Valve chose to license the Quake 2 engine from id Software for Half-Life. I'm sure several factors were weighed when deciding on an engine to use, but you should have no doubt that the ease of extensibility inherent to the Quake 2 engine was the heftiest of the bunch.

Typically, sales of a game die off after a certain time, and the company that created that game ceases to see any revenue from sales of their work. Valve, unlike anyone before them, embraced and nurtured the MOD community. They hired (still hire) active, brilliant people from that gaming community: Yahn Bernier of BSP fame, Robin Walker and John Cook of the original TeamFortress, Steve Bond, Jess Cliffe, Dhabih Eng, Adrian Finol, John Guthrie, Jakob Jungels, John Morello II, Martin Otten, Dave Riller, David Sawyer, and Kelly Thornton.

Half-Life shipped with multi-player, albeit vanilla-flavored DM/TDM with a dash of new game-play mechanics thrown in. They knew, premeditatedly knew, that the community would provide their game with the variety in game play that would extend the sales-life of Half-Life. Boy, were they right...

Ok, now let us flash forward a few years. Problems plague the gaming industry. Cheating is rampant (one cheater in a gaming community is too many) in nearly all multi-player games, and is rapidly eroding the image and appeal of on-line gaming. Patches for games, single and multi-player, are released to fix/enhance game-play and combat cheaters, yet the average gamer is, through no fault of their own, oblivious to the existence of these patches (care to speculate how many 1.0 installs of Half-Life exist? I know it's more than 3).

Hello Steam. My name is Dave. Glad to meet you, you brilliant little application. You keep all of my games up to date. You allow me to purchase your offerings electronically. You and your buddy there, VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) enable you to disallow accounts from playing a game they attempt to use a (known) cheat in. I love you, Steam.

Now, VAC is not perfect, as there are a lot of intelligent folks out there that LOVE a challenge, but the fact that Valve is actively combating cheating on a perpetual basis, and can use the fear of losing the ability to play as a deterrent; that gives me a little more confidence that 0wnzJuMang's three sequential head-shots are skill, and not Slay0r (Counter-Strike hack).

Could Valve's decision to not include multi-player within Half-Life 2 be so they can ban a Steam ID from playing Counter-Strike: Source and yet retain the ability to play Half-Life 2? Hmmm...

And speaking of Counter-Strike: Source...

Counter-Strike is a MOD that was released for Half-Life. Valve wound up acquiring the game from the original creators. Now, when information about the Source engine started coming out, one of the capabilities Valve extolled was that it would be possible for an existing MOD to be converted over to the Source engine without too much trouble, and to manifest this in the MOD-making community, they converted the hottest property they had, Counter-Strike, over to the Source engine, and are released it as the multi-player component of Half-Life 2.

I mention this to quell all of the posts I've seen relating to Counter-Strike: Source - This is a port of the original Half-Life's Counter-Strike, tweaked and twinked, but nothing more. Those disappointed with the visual quality of the maps/textures/etc must realize that this an older game on a spank-tastic new engine.

If, after the history presented here, knowing that Valve is a Mensa-esque collection of the best talent in and from the gaming community, that they listen to and observe and give to their customers, have incited an industry shift in the distribution and maintenance of games... well, if after all this, you don't believe that Half-Life 2 and TeamFortress 2 and all the MODs to follow will be some of the most satisfying gaming memories of your life, you're not a true gamer!

Knowledge is truly power, and you are sitting in the largest ocean of information that a human has ever had access to. Use it to enrich yourself and others.

David Webber
I thought it was a good post. I didn't even ask for Cliff notes.
well said - i'm with you 100%

don't forget TF2 is in the works! I saw the TF2 stuff in the source code, and there are some really cool gameplay ideas in there.
Most message ever in a 1st post. Good job and welcome.
Uh, yeah I like steam too. I like having games web-based itstead of having those ancient things called CDs.
ardentious said:
If, after the history presented here, knowing that Valve is a Mensa-esque collection of the best talent in and from the gaming community, that they listen to and observe and give to their customers, have incited an industry shift in the distribution and maintenance of games... well, if after all this, you don't believe that Half-Life 2 and TeamFortress 2 and all the MODs to follow will be some of the most satisfying gaming memories of your life, you're not a true gamer!

David Webber

While I agree with most of your points and appreciate the history of Half-life and the associated Mods, I dislike that you reserve the right to pass judgement upon others.

There are many people who are very good gamers, who thoroughly enjoy the sport, and dedicate a great portion of their time to their favorite games. To criticize them for not appreciating the same games that you yourself enjoy, is assuming.

While Half-life was one of the greatest games ever created (The numbers back this statement up, if only in the strict sense of monetary success), There are many other games which have a large following. The people playing those games deserve to be labelled "True Gamers" in their own right.
I quit reading right after you said that Valve licensed the Quake 2 engine from id. As everybody with a clue knows, it was the Quake engine.

If you can't be bothered to get your facts straight, why write a long post opining on them?
ardentious said:
Hello Steam. My name is Dave. Glad to meet you, you brilliant little application. You keep all of my games up to date. You allow me to purchase your offerings electronically. You and your buddy there, VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) enable you to disallow accounts from playing a game they attempt to use a (known) cheat in. I love you, Steam.
David Webber

Hello Steam, my name is Bjoern. I assume that you are a content-selling application. I believe that you will be used to promote and sell third-party games in the future. I think that you will be doing a good job at reducing cheating and software pirating. I hope that you will give us updated versions of our games. just do me one favor: Stay good. Remember MS? They blew it. Do not turn into a spy-ware infested, ressource wasting piece of digital shit, will ya? Thanks in advance. And change your standard skin. Grey on green-grey does not rock, actually it is rock. Anyway, stay tuned. And have fun.
Response for Homercidal

I certainly didn't intend to appear to be passing judgment on other gamers, and I can see how you would conclude that from the wording, or lack of a proper explination:

I relish every good gaming experience. I hold no good game above any other good game. If I enjoyed myself, it's great.

Sadly, there are many out there that chastise this, that, the other thing, pan a game because it's not like something else. The whole HALF-LIFE 2 OWNZ DOOM 3. I believe, my opinion is, that's not a true gamer. Pitting a game against another game. I loved Doom 3 because it's Doom 3, not because it's NOT Half-Life 2. I'll play and relish any game that gets and holds my attention.

Basically, this is an amalgam of all I've been reading in all the forums that bothered me.

Gamers enjoy. Gamers don't hate.

totally agree :) except 2 things :
-Yes, I would REALLY enjoyed an hl² mp !!! (not a future mod made by a third part)
-HL1 was a built on the Quake I engine ^^
Nice post, and I completely agree. Gaming is about enjoying yourself, so when you do, it's a good game, when you don't it's not or just not your style.
I certainly didn't intend to appear to be passing judgment on other gamers, and I can see how you would conclude that from the wording, or lack of a proper explination:

I relish every good gaming experience. I hold no good game above any other good game. If I enjoyed myself, it's great.
Sadly, there are many out there that chastise this, that, the other thing, pan a game because it's not like something else. The whole HALF-LIFE 2 OWNZ DOOM 3. I believe, my opinion is, that's not a true gamer. Pitting a game against another game. I loved Doom 3 because it's Doom 3, not because it's NOT Half-Life 2. I'll play and relish any game that gets and holds my attention.

Basically, this is an amalgam of all I've been reading in all the forums that bothered me.

Gamers enjoy. Gamers don't hate.


whats really sad is that this 'ardentious' character is a total f#$King douchebag who doesnt' actually believe these things he's preaching.

this is a guy who fabricates lies about games he doesnt' like and compares them to TOTALLY different games, not even with in the same genre or platform.

i once heard this guy say 'world of warcraft' was better than a game like the upcoming xbox 360 title gears of war because "world of warcraft has 1000's of items, Gears of War doesn't" <--- does this comparison make any sense? it certainly doesn't to me...
whats really sad is that this 'ardentious' character is a total f#$King douchebag who doesnt' actually believe these things he's preaching.

this is a guy who fabricates lies about games he doesnt' like and compares them to TOTALLY different games, not even with in the same genre or platform.

i once heard this guy say 'world of warcraft' was better than a game like the upcoming xbox 360 title gears of war because "world of warcraft has 1000's of items, Gears of War doesn't" <--- does this comparison make any sense? it certainly doesn't to me...
Do you realize you're replying to a 2 year old thread? Idiot. :LOL:
whats really sad is that this 'ardentious' character is a total f#$King douchebag who doesnt' actually believe these things he's preaching.

this is a guy who fabricates lies about games he doesnt' like and compares them to TOTALLY different games, not even with in the same genre or platform.

i once heard this guy say 'world of warcraft' was better than a game like the upcoming xbox 360 title gears of war because "world of warcraft has 1000's of items, Gears of War doesn't" <--- does this comparison make any sense? it certainly doesn't to me...

Let it go mate, its over...

/me leads ardentious=liar gently away
To he honest, I didn't notice either... > >
whats really sad is that this 'ardentious' character is a total f#$King douchebag who doesnt' actually believe these things he's preaching.

this is a guy who fabricates lies about games he doesnt' like and compares them to TOTALLY different games, not even with in the same genre or platform.

i once heard this guy say 'world of warcraft' was better than a game like the upcoming xbox 360 title gears of war because "world of warcraft has 1000's of items, Gears of War doesn't" <--- does this comparison make any sense? it certainly doesn't to me...

what the hell? you created an account just to flame a guy who wrote a thread two years ago? You're some special kind of idiot
good post

I just saw this post. Its old but ill contribute :D.

Valve rocks because of their mantra, "it has to be fun". That's fully true, too many superficially good ideas pan out badly because they just aren't fun in the end. Another big thing about valve, and like you say id kinda paved the way, was they didn't treat their customers as idiots, valve valued our input and consequently empowered us to, in many ways, show them the way! Hopefully its an infinite cycle of each side of the coin being inspired ... and i definitely can see that atm with tf2 and portal and HL2 and garrysmod and probably a plethora of projects under the radar.

Its all very cool and i hope it continues for a long while yet.