

The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I need to get some nostalgia on. Lets remember some classic moments.

Tollbooth Willie might be a father.

Darkside, King of Chairs versus Vegeta and his trusty steed Raziaar:

Darkside hosted his images on a shitty site apparently, most of his images are missing :(

All three Misc threads (each started by members of the mod team who then shut it down and infractioned people for talking about it :angry:).

Also, some things I can't find links for (or am too lazy to find).

The Stern Ascension, cats got no keys newb, Angry Lawyer's Matches story, Kathaksung's conspiracy theories, Vegeta's Full Life Consequences animation, D-Colon community mod project.

Let us each take a moment to remember why we all keep coming back to this site.
My biggest nostalgia will always be the summer when BF2 came out. The match against the 256 clan is one of my best online experiences evar.

Also, the pic of Lemonking's mom. Hawt buttsechs for the person who can post that. I thought I had it in my pictures folder but I can't find it.
I remember April of 2005 that was an EPIC month.
Also, the pic of Lemonking's mom. Hawt buttsechs for the person who can post that. I thought I had it in my pictures folder but I can't find it.

Seems I'll be buttsechsing myself. Found it in my Photobucket account.

The ban russian roulette.
Also, that time where we kept having 'incidents'.
Munravatars was great. President of the Universe competition circa 2004. Princess Jen. KngHenry. The Hetairia+pedobear logo in the site banner circa 05. fabulous. EXTREME. black mesa source's genesis (search for threads by user jheaddon). Danimal avatar/sig parade.
I've google searched cat got no keys, newb so many times, I am so sick of it.

I can't even remember what I google whenever I find it!
Absinthe's Matches story
You're thinking of Angry Lawyer

D-Colon community mod project.

Here's how that ended up...

(just like the community DOD:S machinima... incidentally I was involved heavily in both but ITS NOT MY FAULT I SWEAR)
also: sourceworld and the community project 2d sidescroller thing or whatever (the thread that dekstar's signature TDE quote is from)
That's just because you're a cold hearted bastard.

I remember the psychedelic experiences thread though - that was awesome.
Oh yes it was, one of my top 10 threads in the history of I'd think.

Too bad the MAN shut it down.
Petition! PETITION I SAY! And bring back misc too god dammit!
I need to get some nostalgia on. Lets remember some classic moments.

Tollbooth Willie might be a father.

Darkside, King of Chairs versus Vegeta and his trusty steed Raziaar:

Darkside hosted his images on a shitty site apparently, most of his images are missing :(

All three Misc threads (each started by members of the mod team who then shut it down and infractioned people for talking about it :angry:).

Also, some things I can't find links for (or am too lazy to find).

The Stern Ascension, cats got no keys newb, Absinthe's Matches story, Kathaksung's conspiracy theories, Vegeta's Full Life Consequences animation, D-Colon community mod project.

Let us each take a moment to remember why we all keep coming back to this site.


Oh lawl. I had actually been trying to study math for years before that... but I only ever made significant progress in 2008 because I stopped playing games and everything for like a year.
Damn. I've been lurking for a long time before I joined, but I seem to remember a thread in which Darkside and this other guy, can't remember his name, were having this huge-ass argument over an OP in which the OP was complaining about his sister, and that he was 14, and that his mom hated him or something like that. After seeing that and other threads like that, I convinced myself to join. That was a good time, back then.

if my grammar is off today it's because i'm in a rush. you probably now looked over my post for grammatical errors
I've google searched cat got no keys, newb so many times, I am so sick of it.

I can't even remember what I google whenever I find it!

All I could find was you reposting it here:

Damn. I've been lurking for a long time before I joined, but I seem to remember a thread in which Darkside and this other guy, can't remember his name, were having this huge-ass argument over an OP in which the OP was complaining about his sister, and that he was 14, and that his mom hated him or something like that. After seeing that and other threads like that, I convinced myself to join. That was a good time, back then.

if my grammar is off today it's because i'm in a rush. you probably now looked over my post for grammatical errors

Oh, I think I remember that. It was about his parents getting divorced or something, and Darkside was arguing with someone (I may have been included) about whether or not its right for a married father to divorce his wife.
Nothing extraordianary has happened while i've been here, that I can recall atleast.

I continue to visit for unknown reasons.

Oddly the only things I can think of are from ~6 years ago, like....

Spitcodfry's epic trip to Valve

Sometime during '03-'04 a lot of people emailed Valve asking for free posters, and they actually sent them (and a baby t-shirt once). I ended up getting a poster :D.

i love horses
Where he revealed that he wasn't actually a dick, just someone pretending to be a dick.

Thanks for that, TheSomeone.

I am nostalgic for many good times in Politics. Man, I do love this place. If I didn't I would never have tried to save y'all from timeline collapse.
The only thing i remember from TheSomeone was dropping cats from the Eiffel tower.
Also 1/3x3=0.999...
How about the fake HL2 gold thread and gaben gaben.

It's like no one remembers anything relevant.
Whatever happened to that Pesh guy? He was a big poster when I first got here. Seems he's banned now. :0
Whatever happened to that Pesh guy? He was a big poster when I first got here. Seems he's banned now. :0

He did increasingly douchey things and eventually they just permabanned him.
