
Oh god, I just remembered...

Alien cancer.

That was the time Newbie Forum was still alive.
I remember the first thread I read on this site. Tacoeaterguy's I got caught thread where his dad caught him looking up porno sites in the computer. And also my very first argument on here with Krynn where I got molestered. Just 500 more post count and I will have my revenge.
I've been here for over two years and I still can't think of any great stories.

Maybe this forum has gotten more tame.
Anyone remember The Carrot Incident?

Or how we had a big thread for people who drew images with posts for captions?

Remeber princess_jen and nej_ssecnirp?

Remember Banimal?

Veteran Farms Remembers.


Remember when they had those little puzzle things on those HL2 sites? And then when we solved it, it had that caption "Grats etc. etc."

Everyone shit their pants.
He was one of those "HA IM A DICK YET IM SO COOL"

Am I cool yet? I try so much to be like Pesh.

Also, HOLY **** WEREWOLF PARTY. I totally forgot about that.

Remember the zombie apocalypse RPG that Jintor let die? I remember how Jintor let it die. Like, it was alive for a while, then it changed into a different rpg, and then Jintor let it die.
The Newbie forum saw many good times, shame The Man closed it. Also, the shitstorm that erupted when Heteria (sp?) was exposed by someone (who did that? I seem to recall Peshy being involved). I've tried to find any of the many knghenry threads, but I think they got deleted.
I don't remember anything significant [besides what has already been mentioned] except The Proll Incident.

There was a bunch of ****ing polls. Like maybe 5 of them, asking pretty meaningless questions. I'm like, 'what's up with all these ****ing polls?'

I thought it was ****ing asinine, so I made a Poll thread, asking if you thought there were too many polls.

It was locked and I received an infraction! (I was merely gathering a popular consensus to find out if we really had too many polls), but this set in motion something extremely spammy - and thus hilarious. Retarded Polls everywhere you looked, everything was getting closed and everyone getting infractions.

Late that night, after the mods had retired, another Poll popped up. This time there was no stopping it. The thread was moving so ****ing fast - like 3 posts a minute at one point, and it was hilarious/awkward/stupid/fun.

At least that's how I remember it.
I remember some kind of epic thread about Hitler that I was in like 5 years ago. In fact, I was in the midst of a lot of epic flame wars.

BTW: Anyone remember bliink?
Man, I vaguely remembered that and I was trying to think of it earlier, but I couldn't remember who did it or what it was called.
I remember the first time I ever got quoted in someone's sig. Good times.

And the countdown thread for the HL2 release. That night was insane, we were all like giddy children.
There was a while where we kept getting threads. Some where really lolworthy/otherwise entertaining.

I remember a couple of rivalries, some regular posters having an arch enemy amongst our ranks.
A change is coming...
Que-Ever's drawings of members.
Does anybody remember the drawing (I think Sulk made it...?) in 2005 or thereabouts which was a huge group picture of regulars, with everyone represented by their avatar?
I remember that.

No idea how to find it though.
I remember that.

No idea how to find it though.

I think it might have been in a "Draw the forums" thread or something that I remember being of pretty epic length. I'm more hoping someone has it saved somewhere, although it's been a while.
ComradeBadger, TDE, Sprafa, BrianDamage, Shuzer, Mechagodzilla, Angry Lawyer...

Those were the days.
Politics, I started lurking when gh0st was active, saw knghenry and nemesis6 come and go as well.

The legacy of Shens seems to have faded almost completely, never see anyone write "aweshens" anymore.

Monkey wars.
Aww the "will the airplane on a conveyor belt take off?" thread. I remember reading it and thinking that Vegeta was such a stuborn idiot, of course not, I thought to myself. Then I saw the second flash and was glad I didn't post my first opinion.
Anyone remember pai mei and the massive CoX arguements. Vague quotes and metal arses ftw.
Christ, that plane on the treadmill thread is a classic, can't believe I forgot about it. Vegeta's finest moment.
I wish KingHenry would reveal himself. The suspense is killing me.