Climbing Ladders


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
in the E3 2004 vid u can c gordon climbing the crane's ladder with the pistol in his hands.. i think we should not c his hands when hes climbing like in FarCry... its more realistic :rolleyes:
and what if u'll play the multiplayer and then u'll c somebody climbing and shooting at u at the same time?? it will be lame!!! like in HL1 and CS!! :(

well what do u think?
Play4Fun said:
in the E3 2004 vid u can c gordon climbing the crane's ladder with the pistol in his hands.. i think we should not c his hands when hes climbing like in FarCry... its more realistic :rolleyes:
and what if u'll play the multiplayer and then u'll c somebody climbing and shooting at u at the same time?? it will be lame!!! like in HL1 and CS!! :(

well what do u think?

I like shoting and climbing at the same time, screw realism!
dude, it's more lame when someone is shooting you of ladder...and you cant even defend yourselves...once again, that sort of stupid realism thingies dont add anything to the gaming experience, not in SP, not in MP
screw realism to hell. as long as the rest of the world acts realistically, there should be no need for the player to have a realistic viewpoint. Your immersion comes from the world around you, not whether you can actually see your hands in front of you and your feet below you. In real life can anyone turn round 180 degrees as quickly as in a game without breaking their neck? Do you want to take that out too?

I hate CS realism-obsessed noobs.
bigun said:
screw realism to hell. as long as the rest of the world acts realistically, there should be no need for the player to have a realistic viewpoint. Your immersion comes from the world around you, not whether you can actually see your hands in front of you and your feet below you. In real life can anyone turn round 180 degrees as quickly as in a game without breaking their neck? Do you want to take that out too?

I hate CS realism-obsessed noobs.
So true bro!
it may add realism, but when you've got a game with such a fast pace, you don't want to not be able to shoot on ladders. it just makes the game slower. it takes away the action film feel, and adds to the ffs, hurry up and let me draw my gun feel. plus, i dont think it would be too hard in real life, to keep one hand on a bar, and swing around and shoot with one hand... you can even lean against the wall to stabilise yourself. dont think i worded that right, but im sure you all know what i mean.
I think one hand should go out of view, and the gun should be supported in the other. This way you can clime the ladder, have a cool animation, and shoot from the other hand.. Plus you would have to limit gun movement so it couldnt go into the hand that was climbing. From say (in degress of a circle) 270 - 160 degs


Why couldnt they do that?
Runteh said:
I think one hand should go out of view, and the gun should be supported in the other. This way you can clime the ladder, have a cool animation, and shoot from the other hand.. Plus you would have to limit gun movement so it couldnt go into the hand that was climbing. From say (in degress of a circle) 270 - 160 degs


Why couldnt they do that?

That's not a bad idea, moving one hand out of the screen, but it's entriely a bonus. It's like seeing your hands while driving the buggy. Not really necessary.
i know its good for the gameplay but how will the models look like when they're climbing?
Play4Fun said:
i know its good for the gameplay but how will the models look like when they're climbing?

I suspect and think it should look alot like HL and CS
well seeing as youll only ever see other models climbing ladders like combine and NPCs in SP, THEY wont be able to shoot -its just that YOU can cos YOURE the long as the world around you acts believably, gordon could be 10 ft tall for all i care...

...well not really but yo usee what i mean :p
They stated that the climbing animations are much better than in HL1, but yeah, screw realism i would hate to get shot down everytime i went to climb a ladder, plus you cant change the HL gamestyle play, that would be a blunder for Valve.
If you want to play a game with no ladder-shooting, play BREED. The game sucked, and while at first it seems cool to watch your hands move on the ladder, it's annoying not knowing what's going on (you can't mouselook on ladders) and not being able to shoot at stuff. Or hell, even knowing how close to the top you are.
ferd said:
once again, that sort of stupid realism thingies dont add anything to the gaming experience, not in SP, not in MP
Couldn't agree more. I absolutely *HATED* that in FarCry.
It's good as it is, it's true to the hl-feel right now..i'm glad they keep things like this, just like you don't hear yourself talk in the game
You you climb latters in a game is not very important. It's if you can shoot of them...THAT'S important. :)
I like it the way it is, if they were to change it, it wouldn't feel like Half-Life anymore.
I'm so thankful that Valve has their priorities straight, fun above realism. Seriously, climbing ladders realistically in this game adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay. It takes the pace out of a pretty fast game like HL2.

I do hope NPC's climb realistically, because it looks silly from third person (although I wouldn't give a rats ass in multiplayer).

All this realism bullshit these days, a bit is fun, but too much adds nothing to the gameplay and it gets on your nerves. It's fine in games like OFP or Raven Shield, but HL2 isn't trying to be realistic.
At least Valve knows how its properly done.

F*ck realism, long live fun.
Runteh said:
I think one hand should go out of view, and the gun should be supported in the other. This way you can clime the ladder, have a cool animation, and shoot from the other hand.. Plus you would have to limit gun movement so it couldnt go into the hand that was climbing. From say (in degress of a circle) 270 - 160 degs


Why couldnt they do that?
thats a good idea! :)
Gordon's HEV suit climbs ladders for him.
bigun said:
I hate CS realism-obsessed noobs.

Hahahahahaha!!!1 The words CS and Realism shouldn't even belong in the same sentence!!! LOL. CS is about as unrealistic as any tactical shooter can get.

ferd said:
dude, it's more lame when someone is shooting you of ladder...and you cant even defend yourselves...once again, that sort of stupid realism thingies dont add anything to the gaming experience, not in SP, not in MP

Then you've never played Ravenshield. RvS is, in my opinion, the most realistic tactical shooter that is currently out on the market. Yes, when you are going up a ladder, you are unable to shoot. But then again, you should know that it is a risk to expose yourself by going up a ladder. In multiplayer, you should have your team back you up as you go up the ladder. Of course, you never see any real teamplay in multiplayer games anymore...
lol if he had his hands on the ladder while climbing and couldnt use a gun, half of you would be praising it ;)

this thread is proof of die hard hl2 fans haha
Play4Fun said:
and what if u'll play the multiplayer and then u'll c somebody climbing and shooting at u at the same time?? it will be lame!!! like in HL1 and CS!! :(

well what do u think?

In CS the shooting while on ladders is made difficult, in other words it is stupid to shoot while on them. The animation is other thing, but it's not affecting the gameplay.
But, in multiplayer it might be like in hl1 where the player looks like he's flying, not climbing! I mean he assumes the running sequence while climbing!? that better not happen in hl2!
I think a good, easy compromise would be to holster the gun while moving on ladders and while not moving the gun would pop up again. I mean, how many actually shoot AND move on ladders simultaneously. That´s CRAZY.

Admit it, climbing ladders like this looks a bit silly even if the original HL had it.

edit: err I meant to lower the gun not to completely holster it.
look at the.... tunnels? video.

the combine looks bad ass when he climbs.

i reckon the animations will be much the same as his...
Not to mention the distance he jumps. Those dudes are badass full stop...
Dougy said:
look at the.... tunnels? video.

the combine looks bad ass when he climbs.

i reckon the animations will be much the same as his...

But thats just for AI. :bounce:
I dont know about you, but I can support my body weight with one hand, balance and shoot with the other while on a ladder. :p
so as far as Im concerned, shooting while climbing is realistic.

yes I love airsoft :D
Well, we're also talking about a guy here who's wearing a quite probably strength-enhancing armoured suit... So one-handed shooting shouldn't be to hard do if that were the case in real life...
Brian Damage said:
Well, we're also talking about a guy here who's wearing a quite probably strength-enhancing armoured suit... So one-handed shooting shouldn't be to hard do if that were the case in real life...
yeah thats a good assumption, especially considering that I mean... Gordon is a damn scientist who probably never fired a gun in his life before the whole Black Mesa incident.... and by his demeanor... doesnt look like he ever got into lifting weights either.

its the suit! and the drugs it pumps into his veins... and flu-shots... and probably the herbal suppositories
What about two-handed guns? And it´s unlikely they´ll create one-handed models of those just for the sake of ladders...
aku ankka said:
What about two-handed guns? And it´s unlikely they´ll create one-handed models of those just for the sake of ladders...
that I-Rifle (or whatever it is now) looks like its two handed... and even the MP7 PDW is held with both hands... and the .357 colt python... and the manipulator.

I think this is where you have to use your imagination, pretend gordon can grasp the ladder with his butt-cheeks... but hey our suspension of disbelief relies on pretending aliens are real... why not gordon having spider-man butt-cheeks of grasping +2

on the realistic side, you can always pretend he is hooking his elbow around the ladder and holding the gun two handed, I can do it, so can gordy.
Dougy said:
look at the.... tunnels? video.

the combine looks bad ass when he climbs.

i reckon the animations will be much the same as his...

Yes it looks badass on others. But since you won't see yourself in the game, it should be fun above realism.
Yeah, you´re right and it personally doesn´t bother me that much but the little visual thing I proposed a few posts back would be a nice touch and it wouldn´t have to affect gameplay in any way.
this is rather dumb, how many goddam shootouts are you going to go through while climbing a ladder.

How about this, only allow the player to use 1 handed guns while climbing a ladder. Jesus, if you are trying to use a ladder in a gunfight you have to be pretty damn stupid

hmm, should I stay behind this reinforced concrete wall where i have cover or should i begin to climb down this wall while 4 guys are shooting at me and i am completely exposed.

Just because its a touch of realism does not mean its bad, if anything only allowing 1 handed weapons on a ladder would add immersiveness cause it would take away from the spiderman buttcheeks +2 factor, which IMO takes away from the immersiveness

Seriously if valve said that they were going to slaughter a busload of babies as a sacrifice to the gaming gods, i think 80% of the people on this forum would say that promotes gameplay somehow
Erm....apparently you might not even have to physically "climb" ladders at all. I'm not sure whether I believe this, but to quote PC Gamer, "As soon as he mounts the ladder, Gordon is taken straight to the top - no faffing about with having to look up and run forwards". This doesn't seem like Valve's style, and I think PCG were referring to climbing into the crane cockpit.....but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Perhaps there are two ways to climb ladders, who knows...
bigun said:
In real life can anyone turn round 180 degrees as quickly as in a game without breaking their neck? Do you want to take that out too?
I hate CS realism-obsessed noobs.
Man, you really liked to lay into him there, didn't you? Christ almighty, he made one gripe. To be perfectly honest, I know exactly what he means - I agree with him to an extent, but essentially I don't care. It was especially stupid in Op4 with Shepherd swinging on the rope, M-249 in hand and in ful fire-fight... But like I said I'm not overly bothered.