Clinical research: guns lead to aggressiveness in males


May 5, 2004
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this new research says what most people have been saying for decades:

In Men, 'Trigger-Happy' May Be a Hormonal Impulse

NYtimes said:
Handling a gun stirs a hormonal reaction in men that primes them for aggression, new research suggests.

Psychologists at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., enrolled 30 male students in what they described as a taste study. The researchers took saliva samples from the students and measured testosterone levels.

They then seated the young men, one at a time, at a table in a bare room; on the table were pieces of paper and either the board game Mouse Trap or a large handgun.

Their instructions: take apart the game or the gun and write directions for assembly and disassembly.

Fifteen minutes later, the psychologists measured saliva testosterone again and found that the levels had spiked in men who had handled the gun but had stayed steady in those working with the board game.

The "taste sensitivity" phase of the experiment was in fact intended to measure aggressive impulses. After the writing assignment, the young men were asked to rate the taste of a drink, a cup of water with a drop of hot sauce in it. They were then told to prepare a drink for the next person in the experiment, adding as much hot sauce as they liked.

"Those who had handled the gun put in about three times as much as the others — 13 grams on average, which is a lot," said Tim Kasser, one of the authors. He worked with Francis McAndrew, also of Knox, and Jennifer Klinesmith, a former student who had the idea for the study, due to appear in Psychological Science.

Yet the aggression was not entirely psychological: the higher the peaks in testosterone, the more hot sauce the students dumped into the drink. And once they learned the real aims of the study, several were disappointed that their cocktails would not be served to a fellow student.
So does every competative sport, and a lot of games . There are a lot of good reasons to ban guns but this is not one of them.
hmmm competitive sports usually invoves physical exertion ...the agressiveness comes from playing the game ..what they're saying here is that simply handling the gun leads to aggression
It's probably physchological (sp?), it gives you a false sense of power?
I wouldn't consider this a completely conclusive study. They should have included more people, more objects and a variety of guns. How do we know it isn't just very large guns that cause the increase in aggressiveness. Perhaps handguns do not or only increase it very little. Also, were the people they tested people who rarely touch guns? Why not test people who own guns/have conceal and carry and it is on them all the time. I am sure the effect on people like that is much much less.
you should read the article talks about some of the things you mentioned
Spicy Tuna said:
when you talk about "most people" what most poeple? where are these people?
If it was most people that it would be prolly against, the law to own a gun atleast in the U.S

yes because when I mean "most people" I actually only mean americans ..because god knows there's only 300,000,000 people on this earth. And how would something like guns making a person aggressive become illegal? if that were true (as grey fox pointed) competitive sports would be outlawed
CptStern said:
yes because when I mean "most people" I actually only mean americans ..because god knows there's only 300,000,000 people on this earth. And how would something like guns making a person aggressive become illegal? if that were true (as grey fox pointed) competitive sports would be outlawed

and also, you always talk about persoanl responsibility,yet you are sooo big on banning guns,but to make drugs like cocaine legal is ok? huh?
CptStern said:
hmmm competitive sports usually invoves physical exertion ...the agressiveness comes from playing the game ..what they're saying here is that simply handling the gun leads to aggression
No, anything with violance and or competitivness makes you more agressive, it's normal it's human. In a soccermatch I'm a lot more aggresive then normal, not just physically exausted, same when i'm playing a violant game.
Spicy Tuna said:
and also, you always talk about persoanl responsibility,yet you are sooo big on banning guns,but to make drugs like cocaine legal is ok? huh?

oh shut up spicychicken you havent a clue ..where did I say they should legalize coke?

oh and watch what you say lemontuna, I may just turn it around and use it against you ...your mouth is your biggest enemy, mine is my biggest ally

Grey Fox said:
In a soccermatch I'm a lot more aggresive then normal, not just physically exausted, same when i'm playing a violant game.

that's just you ..I can do the same and feel nothing ..violent video games do nothing for me

again the research clearly says that just handling the gun made the person more agresive ..not shooting the gun, not watching it be used, not participating in anything besides disaasembling the firearm ...nothing more than just handling the gun led to the increase of aggression
CptStern said:
oh shut up spicychicken you havent a clue ..where did I say they should legalize coke?

oh and watch what you say lemontuna, I may just turn it around and use it against you ...your mouth is your biggest enemy, mine is my biggest ally

dude, in that Mexico thread you said, you said

thank god Mexico backed off of that....your really an ass you know that?
must be really boring in that office chair If you have time to broswe the web all day.
typical internet hero, rl looser
You're [a]
time to browse
real life

Hey, my brief list of grammatical fixes formed a hidden code.

Now for the logical fixes:
Stern is pretty blatantly refering (reefering?) to pot in that thread.
CptStern said:
that's just you ..I can do the same and feel nothing ..violent video games do nothing for me

again the research clearly says that just handling the gun made the person more agresive ..not shooting the gun, not watching it be used, not participating in anything besides disaasembling the firearm ...nothing more than just handling the gun led to the increase of aggression
It's not me, in most people competition raises the aggresivness, and it's not the guns that raise it, it's what you assosiate with guns, and other tools of destrcution. In any case it in itself a weak case against guns.
Ahah! that exlains everything!
No one is taking my guns, they are the ultimate body building supplement!

Of course it's gonna increase aggressive feelings, they associate a gun with aggression.
The same if you sat someone in a tank compared to a ford fiesta, a feeling of power but it dosn't mean you are going to drive the tank down a busy highstreet.

If this is meant to be a peice of anti gun evidence, it's laughable.
That's a very interesting find, and it reinforces my belief that only professionals should handle firearms (police, army, etc...).
I feel agressive when I hold a ****ing hammer. A sword. A nailbat.
Yeah, practically everything can cause "aggressiveness". The question is how much aggression.

These findings need to be compared with sports and whatnot.
Funny thing: I have a gun in my hand right now. I don't feel all that aggressive. It is fun to play with the hammer, tho.

BUT, that's why scientific studies have more than one test subject.
Grey Fox said:
It's not me, in most people competition raises the aggresivness, and it's not the guns that raise it, it's what you assosiate with guns, and other tools of destrcution. In any case it's in itself a weak case against guns.

yes the article touches on that by specifically saying that subjects could have been influenced by the very nature of the study ...and like any study, it's a controlled experiment any event they measure aggressiveness by adding up how many tobasco drops the subject puts into the next person's drink ..if that isnt clear cut evidence I dont know what is (for the knee-jerkers: I'm being sarcastic)

Steve said:
Funny thing: I have a gun in my hand right now. I don't feel all that aggressive. It is fun to play with the hammer, tho.

BUT, that's why scientific studies have more than one test subject.

ya but if I had a glass a water and you had a bottle of tobasco how many drops would you use? 13 times as much as the next guy I bet ;)

btw thx Mecha and Shippi, his trolling is most annoying
No, when I did that my automatic reaction was to toss a grenade at my salad.
They're still digging the croutons out.
Hence why I believe guns should be regulated for lotsa safety.
hmmm using guns instead of grenades, great idea you should pass that to the american fishermen's association, they'll be thrilled as that means less grenade related accidents in the foreseeable future :E


short recoil said:
Ahah! that exlains everything!
No one is taking my guns, they are the ultimate body building supplement!

Of course it's gonna increase aggressive feelings, they associate a gun with aggression.

I dont think you need outside stimuli to feel aggressive, I bet a good stiff breeze gets you seeing red :naughty:
I carry a gun every single day. I'm no more agressive with it than I am without it. This study=meh.
Hapless said:
I carry a gun every single day. I'm no more agressive with it than I am without it. This study=meh.

tobasco sauce mother%#@!, do you eat it!?!
CptStern said:
hmmm competitive sports usually invoves physical exertion ...the agressiveness comes from playing the game ..what they're saying here is that simply handling the gun leads to aggression

doesnt apply to me,and noone in my family.
The answer is simple... let's effeminize guns.
lol, don't you remember that thread he made about shooting guns and how he wanted to join law enforcement :p
fortunately no ...I have a mental picture of a misfire and a few missing toes
CptStern said:
fortunately no ...I have a mental picture of a misfire and a few missing toes

haha very funny, when I join the Academy we can compare paychecks,and then will see who will be laughing:rolleyes:
hmm ..... school + academy + entry level salary + rent + utilities + suspension without pay for shooting own foot = broke spicy tuna
I feel empowered when using weapons so that is interesting. Applies to anything though like if holding a sword, taser, etc.
CptStern said:
hmm ..... school + academy + entry level salary + rent + utilities + suspension without pay for shooting own foot = broke spicy tuna

custody assisant pay a month=$3200usd
living in a house my dad owns=-$400
12months academy,then becoming a Deputy Sherriff=$117k a year.
Conversely, the study may prove that the game Mousetrap has an extreme calming effect.

Also: thank god I don't live in a country that allows an "Officer Lemonking" to be.
I can just imagine the parking tickets.

"wtf strens car, parkingzone=zer0
hahaha twenty dollars,fine:sniper:
Iam an offcier of theLaw. law officer lemonking"