Close calls


Mar 30, 2005
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Do you ever have any close calls in your life?

I don't have any, but if you do have any, post it here!
yea i've had a few. see the pic.


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About five years ago I almost cut my leg off. Is that close enough?!
Lets see:

When I was four, I had a quarter lodged in my throat for about 15 seconds than somehow came back up and I spit it out. Almost freakin' died.

About 4 or 5 weeks ago, I was walking on the road in the dark with some friends. Some car behind is screaming up to us and my friend goes "Dave move over." So I did and the car just passed a second later. I was like "DUDE! I almost died!" My friend was like "...What?"

I think thats about it. 7 more lives left w00t w00t.
This is true, when I was five year old I drowned in the local swimming pool. I got trapped under a set of steps. I barely remember it now but remember panic turning into a kind of peacefulness.
The guy that dragged me out gave me mouth to mouth and heart masage, acording to the hospital I was dead, clinically for 2 minutes.
I had some sort of disease when I was little, my blood didn't clot and if someone just touched me I would went away.
Foxtrot said:
I had some sort of disease when I was little, my blood didn't clot and if someone just touched me I would went away.

*poke poke poke poke poke* OOPSIE! /me runs
Foxtrot said:
I had some sort of disease when I was little, my blood didn't clot and if someone just touched me I would went away.
Foxtrot said:
I had some sort of disease when I was little, my blood didn't clot and if someone just touched me I would went away.

Foxtrot said:
No, it was an acronym, like ITP or something, I'll look it up.
Yeah. ITP. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
I had a run-in with a ninja once. My God, that was a close one....
Interesting disorder, sounds lethal from the discription, killing your platelets hehe, thank god it went away.
It most often develops in women between the ages of 20 and 40
/me points and laughs at foxxy
I dance my way out of them.


smiley doesn't work. oh noes. :(
Nope, I was almost knocked down while crossing the road once but that's about it.
JellyWorld said:
Nope, I was almost knocked down while crossing the road once but that's about it. why say "Nope"? :| That's like when someone I know said "I never smoked except once." I just don't get it. Like when some people say a "dead corpse". A corpse is already dead!!!
I've hit my head a bunch of times, I guess that's a close call seeing as I'm not yet mentally retarded.
I've been hit by cars a lot. But once, I was riding my bike without my helmet (which I always do because I'm retarded) and A drunk driver came speeding out of this alley, I hit the side and went flying about 15-20 ft and landed on the only path of grass around....The only damage was to the car and my front tire but the guy took off.
SimonomiS said: why say "Nope"? :| That's like when someone I know said "I never smoked except once." I just don't get it. Like when some people say a "dead corpse". A corpse is already dead!!!
Could you repeat that and say it again, please? ;)
Insane said:
Could you repeat that and say it again, please? ;)

A big firework me and my cousins set off somehow fell over and shot literally not more than 2 feet right by us. It was pretty funny though :D

Doubt we would have died, but if it were to hit us and then explode... Ouch.
vegeta897 said:

A big firework me and my cousins set off somehow fell over and shot literally not more than 2 feet right by us. It was pretty funny though :D

Doubt we would have died, but if it were to hit us and then explode... Ouch.
No no, not ouch

Well, me, well, um, well, one time i stabbed my sister in the leg with a pencil, you can still see the mark :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Oh, and while i was in Japan these last 3 weeks, I fell down and hit my head on this curb thing right on the train tracks...
Then the thing started dinging, so train was coming!
Then the dizzy, and the running across with my homestay and her friends...
I cut my head, but it only broke the skin (hehe)
Felt good :farmer:
I've had most of my brushes with death while travelling in South East Asia.
- I was staying in a sort of hippie enclave, miles away from civilisation. Imagine The Beach (the book, not the movie), only a little more commercial. Cannabis was smoked freely and everybody was happy. But then the police came. Backpackers were flying all over the place to hide their stash, but the officers only had eyes for the boss of the resort. A fight ensued, right in front of me, and at a certain point guns were drawn and fired. I heard one bullit actually wizzing along my head. That was pretty scary.
- Also in Thailand I was doing a jungle trek. We went into a cave running all the way through a mountain. I was waiting with a guide for the rest of the group when he suddenly pushed me away from a ridge. I'm glad he did. On that ridge about one or two feet from where I was standing were two cobra's mating. The male cobra didn't like in the least that he was disturbed, so he went upright into the attack position. One bite would have been lethal, esp considering the fact we were about a day's trekking from the nearest hospital.
- I was staying in Khao Lak, Thailand a month before the Tsunami struck. On a cosmic time-schale that's pretty much a brush with death.
Shakermaker said:
I've had most of my brushes with death while travelling in South East Asia.
- I was staying in a sort of hippie enclave, miles away from civilisation. Imagine The Beach (the book, not the movie), only a little more commercial. Cannabis was smoked freely and everybody was happy. But then the police came. Backpackers were flying all over the place to hide their stash, but the officers only had eyes for the boss of the resort. A fight ensued, right in front of me, and at a certain point guns were drawn and fired. I heard one bullit actually wizzing along my head. That was pretty scary.
- Also in Thailand I was doing a jungle trek. We went into a cave running all the way through a mountain. I was waiting with a guide for the rest of the group when he suddenly pushed me away from a ridge. I'm glad he did. On that ridge about one or two feet from where I was standing were two cobra's mating. The male cobra didn't like in the least that he was disturbed, so he went upright into the attack position. One bite would have been lethal, esp considering the fact we were about a day's trekking from the nearest hospital.
- I was staying in Khao Lak, Thailand a month before the Tsunami struck. On a cosmic time-schale that's pretty much a brush with death.

Heh for Thailand you should add the crazy traffic to a brush with death. ;)
Shakermaker said:
I've had most of my brushes with death while travelling in South East Asia.
- I was staying in a sort of hippie enclave, miles away from civilisation. Imagine The Beach (the book, not the movie), only a little more commercial. Cannabis was smoked freely and everybody was happy. But then the police came. Backpackers were flying all over the place to hide their stash, but the officers only had eyes for the boss of the resort. A fight ensued, right in front of me, and at a certain point guns were drawn and fired. I heard one bullit actually wizzing along my head. That was pretty scary.
- Also in Thailand I was doing a jungle trek. We went into a cave running all the way through a mountain. I was waiting with a guide for the rest of the group when he suddenly pushed me away from a ridge. I'm glad he did. On that ridge about one or two feet from where I was standing were two cobra's mating. The male cobra didn't like in the least that he was disturbed, so he went upright into the attack position. One bite would have been lethal, esp considering the fact we were about a day's trekking from the nearest hospital.
- I was staying in Khao Lak, Thailand a month before the Tsunami struck. On a cosmic time-schale that's pretty much a brush with death.
I sure hope they got their stashes hidden! :eek:
SimonomiS said:
Heh for Thailand you should add the crazy traffic to a brush with death. ;)

True, altho after a couple of days you don't even notice anymore.

ne0_shiny said:
I sure hope they got their stashes hidden! :eek:

My stash was safe. Some people threw their stuff away, but I thought that would be a waste of good weed. Besides, like I wrote: the police was really after the owner of the operation, not after a couple of scruffy backpackers with no money to bribe 'em.
I was once tubing on a river with my family. We decided to go further upstream. The water was calm at first, then started to get into more whitewater stuff. Things went well for a while, but then we got out to get past a particular spot, and when I was trying to get back in(I was young, like 10 or so), the current swept me away and I lost grip of the innertube. I was pulled downstream, with my head underwater, unable to breath or anything. I reached out frantically grasping out at anything I could, and luckily a bit downstream managed to get hold of some low hanging branches. I held on for dear life until my cousin managed to come down and get me.

That traumatised me for life in some regards.
Umm...once I was jerkin it on my chair in my room and then my dad walks in...oh wait, that's one of those "near-miss" things...

Standing at bus stop once eating a McDonalds burger (grrr!) - got lodged in my throat.Tried to be cool and tried swallowing, didnt work...Stayed calm and just decided to try breathing - Note - You CANNOT breathe with something lodged in your throat, even through your nose (lesson learned!). Eventually coughed it up...People looking at me with tears pouring from my eyes goin "What the hell?!"

2) In car with friend - Not supposed to turn right at a particular corner, supposed to go left and then use the roundabout but he sees a gap on the other side of the road and the car on the side closest to us was turning so he takes off - Turns out the other person left indicator on or something and was instead goin straight. Got pretty close - Woman in the front of the other car had the funniest expression i have EVER seen!

3) Another car journey. Sweets on the dashboard and a paper falls by the drivers feet. For some reason she decides to pick it up. Car veers into lane of oncoming traffic. My reaction - "Eyes on the road please" all in a calm voice. Another pretty close one.

I dont seem to react in situations where i could be involved in a crash!
Let's see...
1. Last year I always drove a friend of mine to school and there's this dirt road thats somewhat of a shortcut, it turns onto my friends road which is generally dead all the time. I got sick of actually coming to complete stops for this dead road so one day I didn't stop at all and as I was turning there was a school bus coming at me so I was all like "ahhhhh" and turned hard onto the side of the road and the bus flew by the right side of my car and it was so freakin close it wasn't funny...yet sweet...

2. Last summer some bitches that I hate gave me the finger while I was at a red light and they were making a right turn and drove past me so I was like **** this and turned right, onto a one way road with traffic coming at me, I thought it was pretty sweet cuz I was weaving in and out all of these oncoming cars yet my 2 friends were saying "we're gunna die" but we lived obviously, and I got back at those bitches by catching up lol.

I also had alcohol poisoning from drinking a quart of rum, chugged 4 rev, had a few beer in a very very short amount of time. that experience sucked. There's more but the post would be too long
3) Another car journey. Sweets on the dashboard and a paper falls by the drivers feet. For some reason she decides to pick it up. Car veers into lane of oncoming traffic. My reaction - "Eyes on the road please" all in a calm voice. Another pretty close one.
Crowbar teh stupid drivers. Probably the worst situation was when I went underwater in the swash of a big surfing wave...:p ive had a sheltered life
Wen i was bout 3 a book case fell on me as i was climbing on it and tipped. The only thing that saved me from being crushed was a teddybear, which i still have today.
Hmmmm not really anything i can think of at all.
I have always perfectly avoided incidents.
Nothing thats a "close" call anyway.
SimonomiS said:
I had a run-in with a ninja once. My God, that was a close one....

That was you?

I thought I got you...
SHIPPI said:
We used to have a swimming pool when we lived in Portugal. I was around 2/3, playing outside. I wasn't supposed to be out there, I think I must have sneaked away from my parents or something, lol. Anyway, I fell in the pool. Luckily, mum wondered where I was and got dad to look for me. He found me under the water, but I was ok. Might explain why large bodies of water freak me out now :p

That sounds odd....

How long were you under water? It seems as if you were there for hours...
