CNN does a piece on atheists


"They're imposing on my right to have prayer in schools!"

which roughly translates to

"They're imposing on my right to impose on everyone else's rights!"

What crap. They pitted one reasonable guy against two particularly obnoxious loudmouth Christians. Perfect recipe for a god-whore orgy. Christian nation, what a load of shit.
It might help to have an atheist in your ATHEIST discussion.
It seems like the host didn't like the other two women very much, eh?
Paula Zahn is a whore,she drove a women in to Suicide,and never apologized.
They are moronic. They are defending their religions grasp on the state. It IS freedom of religion. Freedom to believe what you want, not freedom for the state instill beliefs in our system.

I am also sick of them saying "Our country was founded on christianity and its a christian country". So what? We also shot people because they imposed taxes on us. I don't see anything about taxes in the constitution, lets go charge the white house!

So what if this is a christian country, you can believe whatever you want. Atheists are only concerned about the seperation of church and state being held up. Mandatory prayers in school doesn't help. I can see "In god we trust" on money since that is a symbol of our background and foundations but there is no need to integrate christianity into the state.

I also noticed how they said that muslims were saying prayers at football games and what not. If it was as widespread and forced upon us as christianity we would complain just as much. The truth is I haven't had the koran preached to me nor infringed on my rights so I could care less.
Criticizing an Athiests views is just as stupid as those people who go out of their way to criticize religious peoples views and tell them they're not properly religious simply because they subscribe to a peaceful lifestyle and don't murder people for trivial things.
lol, the ESPN analyst is the only one talking some sense. **** i hate this country.

No, not the country, religion. **** I hate religion.

Oh, and wtf is up with that black woman saying we need to shut up? What a ****ing hypocrite. I bet you that if I went up to her and told her that black people need to shut up about racism she would flip out. Its the same thing as her saying atheists need to shut up about religion. Everyone has the right to speak up on their beliefs, and that ****ing ****bag has no right whatsoever to tell ANYONE to stop. CNN shouldn't have even let her on the show at all, people like her are the reason there is still oppression in this society.
Criticizing an Athiests views is just as stupid as those people who go out of their way to criticize religious peoples views and tell them they're not properly religious simply because they subscribe to a peaceful lifestyle and don't murder people for trivial things.

:cat: - Hi, my name is irony. Pleased to meet for the first time, apparently!

But honestly, you aren't properly religious if you ascribe to a peaceful lifestyle. A properly religious person would actively fight the forces of hell. If hell is real, your passivity is leading to the torture of billions of people, making you more-or less tied for the title of "the worst person on Earth."

Also, no properly religious person trivializes the words of their god.

No matter how many valid criticisms of atheism you have (let's hear them), atheists aren't willfully ignoring the torture of billions of people while claiming to be peaceful and kind.
No matter how many valid criticisms of atheism you have (let's hear them), atheists aren't willfully ignoring the torture of billions of people while claiming to be peaceful and kind.

The only problems I've really ever had about athiests are the asshole ones like you Mecha. You're just as bad in many ways as those foam at the mouth fanatical nutjob religious people spouting at others on how they should live their life.

I think I should abandon all my religious faith, or as an alternative start murdering people to retain my religious faith... simply because of some random guys thought that you're not jewish, muslim, or christian simply because you're not stoning your fellow human beings.

Who wants to be the first for me to exercise my new life of religious change? I've got a pile of rocks in the front yard.

Thou Shall Not Murder.. what a ****ing lousy commandment. Shouldn't even be on there.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be stoning people to death for silly reasons. Either that, or I'll be in prison.
The two women were fucking cunts.

Why didn't they bring in an atheist or at least an agnostic into the discussion?

"America is a christian nation!" No, it isn't, it's secular (officially).
Where was Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris? Ready to argumentatively bitch slap those non-secularites down!? ;) Yes, a real fair and balanced debate.

Oh my god, I've never heard such a load of rubbish in all my life. Imagine if she'd said "Muslims just need to shut up!", those two women were ignorant, arrogant, hypocritical fools.
Thou Shall Not Murder.. what a ****ing lousy commandment. Shouldn't even be on there.

Murder = unjust killing. There's no law against killing. There's plenty of cases of 'right' killing in the Bible, instances where it's OK to kill people. It's not murder to kill a homosexual.

Murder = unjust killing. There's no law against killing. There's plenty of cases of 'right' killing in the Bible, instances where it's OK to kill people. It's not murder to kill a homosexual.

Of course everyone who lived before the Bible were incessantly killing one another and Christians who lived after never killed any one! HAW HAW. To think that we think it's morally reprehensible to murder because the Bible says it is is at best ridiculous and at worst pretty sinister. I'd hope someone has a better reason for not murdering other than fear of punishment from God. I have no idea how people like Aristotle and Plato got any work done with people constantly sneaking up behind them trying to stab them in the back.

Let's look at the facts shall we: Science v Christianity.

The Bible says
The Earth Was Created In 6 days.
Science Says:
Wrong, the Earth took millions of years to develop.
Evidence For The Bible's account:
The Bible
Evidence For The Scientific account:
Geological tests on rock, fossils, ice cuts.
Evidence suggests scientific method, I'll have to go with science on this one.

The Bible says:
Humans were created by God and plonked on the earth.
Science says:
We evolved over millions of years from lower organisms.
Evidence For The Bible's account:
The Bible and the old favorite, were you there?
Evidence For The Scientific account:
Fossils, DNA testing, study of genes and organisms in controlled environments, and of course "Were you there?"
Toughie, but I'll have to go with science again!

The Bible says:
At best, it has no opinion on slavery and homosexuality, at worst it believes Slavery is morally acceptable and homosexuality is plane wrong. Morality is set in stone.
Science says:
We are all of the same species, Homo sapiens therefore we should all have the same rights propagated to us. Homosexuality is not a choice, but a natural trait that can also be seen in animals. While there are some differences between races these generally even out over the population and don't support different standards for each separate race. Morality is most likely some form of shifting and evolving thing passed down through the ages.
Evidence For The Bible's account:
Guess what? The Bible says it's so!
Evidence For The Scientific account:
Years and Years of observation and genetic experimentation. Observations that morality constantly changes, even within short periods of time.
Hmm, I think science wins again.

So, let's see.

Geology - Science Wins.
Biology - Science Wins
Morality - Hm, Science wins.

So it turns out the Bible is fallible, so why do people persist on it being so right about there being a supreme being behind everything? Whilst science can't conclusively disprove it at this point in time the burden of proof shouldn't be on science, in the true scientific method you accept something to be false until you can prove it to be true yet God get's a pass from this? In the face of mounting evidence for some form of event as oppose to a designer that kicked of the universe we should happily sit down and believe this one thing without evidence? The universe is expanding and it's big, very, very big, in which we're not even a grain of sand compared to the Earth. Why would God create all of that just for us?
That lady is right. I, as an atheist, feel incredibly upset by the lack of cards given out in terms of atheist occassions. If it were not for this area of lacking in my life, I would no longer feel anger at religious repression and hypocrisy.
also: "This is a Christian country" Just out of interest, was the word "secular" outlawed or what?

Gah... I can't finish watching this.
"They're imposing on my right to have prayer in schools!"
One can pray in school as long as it is not sanctioned by the state/school. I don't see the problem.
Keep in mind the media loves to find the most extreme people possible to ignite exactly what is happening in this post. I am a Christian and have never and will never try to force anyone to belive what I believe. I have never seen where getting angry with someone who disagrees with me makes them see my side of things and change their mind. I have never seen where two people arguing the creation versus evolution argument have even come close to a total agreement. People are not going to change their minds based on a post. I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. Having a rant on either side of the argument is stupid and only solidifies what each party thinks. I know alot of Christians and have yet to meet one that said "I never used to believe in Christianity until I say this crazy wack job on T.V slamming the government and my neighbors nad forced me to pray." Or on the other side , "I used to be a Christian until one day at the bus stop a guy screamed at me for 10 minutes and told me we came from slugs so now that what I believe."
Keep in mind the media loves to find the most extreme people possible to ignite exactly what is happening in this post. I am a Christian and have never and will never try to force anyone to belive what I believe. I have never seen where getting angry with someone who disagrees with me makes them see my side of things and change their mind. I have never seen where two people arguing the creation versus evolution argument have even come close to a total agreement. People are not going to change their minds based on a post. I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. Having a rant on either side of the argument is stupid and only solidifies what each party thinks. I know alot of Christians and have yet to meet one that said "I never used to believe in Christianity until I say this crazy wack job on T.V slamming the government and my neighbors nad forced me to pray." Or on the other side , "I used to be a Christian until one day at the bus stop a guy screamed at me for 10 minutes and told me we came from slugs so now that what I believe."

There are plenty of reasons why people shouldn't sit back and accept everyone's beliefs for what they are, moderate beliefs as well. Let me give you one. Moderate believers are responsible for this "culture of respect" that surrounds religion; they argue that we shouldn't criticize religion because after all if they're not hurting anyone why do we care? However if we can't criticize religion we're automatically giving extremists ammo to think that their religion is the begin all and end all. If there's no honest debate about religion people will be free to take it too far because they're not having their beliefs questioned and as such they have no reason to question their beliefs themselves. Now extremist belivers will argue with you until the cows come home about why their belief is correct and you'll rarely see one using the get out clause "I respect your belief, you should respect mine" because very rarely do they respect your belief. There will always be a hardcore few who constantly express extreme views, but most are not simply made into an extremist over night, it takes years and years of people telling them what they're told (religious teaching) is the absolute truth and to have faith in that for which there is no evidence. If there was an open and frank discussion and debate about religion on a consistent basis maybe some of those people wouldn't reach that stage of being an extremist because they'll be given ammo with which to question their beliefs.

Also by saying we should respect your views on religion you're embracing a double standard. If I mentioned to people that I believed in communism or that I knew fairies were real most people would either call me an idiot or, if they're feeling particularly kind, have a debate with me. Religion is just another dogma, like Nazism or Marxism (I'm not comparing religion with either of those two, I'm just using them as examples of other Dogma's) except with religion we have to embrace a sort of automatic respect instead of questioning someone's beliefs in them. Also to say someone has never given up faith because of a debate is rather broad. Actually I heard someone at a Dawkin's lecture converted as she listened to his arguments. The fact that the number of athiests is actually growing, particularly in Europe, is evidence to suggest the debate about Religion is reaching people.
I think religion and atheism should be outlawed. So there. :p
Also keep in mind that America was founded on avowedly atheist ideals, and wasn't "one nation under God" until around 1957.

[edit] Wait. Numbers... why should Atheism be outlawed?
I think religion and atheism should be outlawed. So there. :p

that makes no sense can you ban spomething that is the absence of something else? you just post whaever totalitarian idea that leaps to mind

fascists should be lined up and shot as a lesson to the rest of us not to support totalitarianism

57210788: you have every right to worship whatever you like however you cross the line once your faith encroaches on society's freedom especially since it's based on your morality: creationism in schools, pro-life legislation, anti-gay legislation, anti-secularism's these sort of the things that galvanizes the rest us into action take one step forward, we'll push you two steps back ..I refuse to submit to anything pushed by religious institutions no matter how miniscule or benign, I wont allow you (your religion) to decide for the rest of us

oh and that woman who said "this is christian country" needs a swift kick in the crotch ..**** you you do not own the land, **** you you do not own our individual right to do whatever the **** we want ..idiot needs to stfu

"They're imposing on my right to have prayer in schools!" - another example of someone who need to stfu ..go to your own ****ing schools stop imposing your idiotic morality on the rest of us
**** me we have two numbers.
What do we name the other one??
Paula Zahn is a deranged idiot

Karen Hunter: We took prayer out of schools. What more do they want?

well for starters how about you find a deep hole, crawl in and die you ****ing loon

the next person who even remotely pushes their religios convictions on me gets a kick to the side of the head ..I really dont know how you americans stomach it ..I would be in jail by now if I lived in the bible belt

Don't impose upon my right to want to have prayer in schools, to want to say the pledge of allegiance, to want to honor my God.

arghhh! **** you you have NO right to prayer in PUBLIC schools ..attend your own school, honour your god on your own time ..jesus ****ing H Christ on a popsickle stick you'd think that would be self-evident
You're just as bad in many ways as those foam at the mouth fanatical nutjob religious people spouting at others on how they should live their life.
Explain those ways. Also read irony again.
I'm an atheist. I don't actually want you to kill people.
I am simply pointing out that that is what Jesus wants.

Whether or not you abandon your faith when you stop believing in the bible enough to follow it, I guess, is up to you.

You can also keep driving a car after the wheels are removed, but that's not going to get you to heaven either.
Even if you make "vroom vroom" noises and beep the horn.

I simply recommend that you put wheels on the car or get out and walk.

I think I should abandon all my religious faith, or as an alternative start murdering people to retain my religious faith... simply because of some random guys thought that you're not jewish, muslim, or christian simply because you're not stoning your fellow human beings.

Would you like to know the names of those random guys?

Moses, Mohammed and Jesus, respectively.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be stoning people to death for silly reasons. Either that, or I'll be in prison.

Murder is not the same as exectution, as pointed out.

The teachings of Jesus are not "silly".

I am very glad, however, that fear of prison motivates you and not fear of hell.
See? You love secularism too. :bounce:
Read Debbie Schlussel's response to the criticism faced against her.

It's hard to believe their letters because they were all attacking me for my appearance on CNN's "Paula Zahn Now," a week ago, because each letter claims the sender just watched me on CNN. First of all, the video of that segment appears nowhere on the net. Believe me, if it did, I'd link to it.

Is Debbie Schlussel the last person on the planet who doesn't know about YouTube? It sounds that way, but that might actually be a bit too generous. I don't want to get into personal attacks, but it's hard to explain this in a kind and polite way: someone in comments explained that the video could be found on YouTube with a simple search for "Paula Zhan atheists." Schlussel didn't express surprise at the existence of YouTube; instead, she said:


I don't mind receiving the atheist hate mail, since I know that in a few years, these same people will either be Muslim extremists (redundant) or helping the country fall further in its fight against the creep of Islamic imposition on America . . . or both.

What a nut. I sure am glad that CNN appropriated a proper counter-balance to her insanity during the interview.

Oh wait...
Paula Zahn is a deranged idiot

well for starters how about you find a deep hole, crawl in and die you ****ing loon

the next person who even remotely pushes their religios convictions on me gets a kick to the side of the head ..I really dont know how you americans stomach it ..I would be in jail by now if I lived in the bible belt

arghhh! **** you you have NO right to prayer in PUBLIC schools ..attend your own school, honour your god on your own time ..jesus ****ing H Christ on a popsickle stick you'd think that would be self-evident

Dont forget she drove a young mother in to Suicide!
I don't mind receiving the atheist hate mail, since I know that in a few years, these same people will either be Muslim extremists (redundant) or helping the country fall further in its fight against the creep of Islamic imposition on America . . . or both.

so now atheist are da terroriztz?
the next person who even remotely pushes their religios convictions on me gets a kick to the side of the head ..

Stern... your Athiest, therefor you are wrong in every aspect of life! Convert to Christianity and I'll put a good word in for you with the Big Man =)

Seriously though, being a christian, I really wish there had been an Athiest there in the discussion. That black lady was an idiot.

How can you tell them to shut up about their beliefs (or lack there-of, I relly dont care what you want to call it) and expect them to respect yours.

And what pisses me off even more, is when Athiests complain against loud mouth, right wing nut-jobs, and then ALSO complain about Moderates who DO NOT force their opinions on you and you tell them that they better start forcing their opinions on you OR ELSE they are going to hell for disobeying Gods word.

You know what, screw you. Telling you what I believe is NOT going to convert you, and YOU telling ME what I should be doing is NOT going to win you any points either.
Stern... your Athiest, therefor you are wrong in every aspect of life! Convert to Christianity and I'll put a good word in for you with the Big Man =)

/me does Jame T Kirk double foot flying kick to side of Deadline's head

And what pisses me off even more, is when Athiests complain against loud mouth, right wing nut-jobs, and then ALSO complain about Moderates who DO NOT force their opinions on you and you tell them that they better start forcing their opinions on you OR ELSE they are going to hell for disobeying Gods word.

moderates do force their opinions, when they vote against same sex marriage, or abortion, or evolution in schools ..they might be the silent majority however they still support reprehensible ideology

You know what, screw you. Telling you what I believe is NOT going to convert you, and YOU telling ME what I should be doing is NOT going to win you any points either.

for the most part (outside of this forum) I absloutely never tell anyone they shouldnt have faith ...unless they try to ram it down my throat (btw I realise you werent addressing me specifically, just thought I'd throw in my two cents worth) ...for the most part atheists couldnt care less what people believe in (militants being the exception, but that's why they're militant)'s not till they start stepping on freedoms that they start to take notice
that makes no sense can you ban spomething that is the absence of something else? you just post whaever totalitarian idea that leaps to mind

fascists should be lined up and shot as a lesson to the rest of us not to support totalitarianism

57210788: you have every right to worship whatever you like however you cross the line once your faith encroaches on society's freedom especially since it's based on your morality: creationism in schools, pro-life legislation, anti-gay legislation, anti-secularism's these sort of the things that galvanizes the rest us into action take one step forward, we'll push you two steps back ..I refuse to submit to anything pushed by religious institutions no matter how miniscule or benign, I wont allow you (your religion) to decide for the rest of us

oh and that woman who said "this is christian country" needs a swift kick in the crotch ..**** you you do not own the land, **** you you do not own our individual right to do whatever the **** we want ..idiot needs to stfu

"They're imposing on my right to have prayer in schools!" - another example of someone who need to stfu ..go to your own ****ing schools stop imposing your idiotic morality on the rest of us

Even though I'm clearly on the other side of the fence on this argument I'm in complete agreement with basically everything you said. Replace a few words like "creation" with "evolution" and so on and I know exactly your frustration. Point taken.
I also agree with your schools statement. separation of church and state. If 51% of Canadians think gays should marry then that should be the law. I may disagree with it for myself but still respect the law. I realize that I am possibly in the minority among Christians.
I think that abortion is "wrong." But I also think that being overweight is "wrong." Should there therefore be a law against being overweight. Of course not. Thankfully there isn't or I'd be in Maximum security.
What do I think should be tought in school? Math, Writing skills, languages, music, computer skills etc.
**** me we have two numbers.
What do we name the other one??

Apparently I'm "bank guy"

See the 3rd page of the Max Payne 3 thread (under General Gaming)

Although quite frankly I'd be happier with "hung like a moose guy"
Read Debbie Schlussel's response to the criticism faced against her.

What a nut. I sure am glad that CNN appropriated a proper counter-balance to her insanity during the interview.

Oh wait...

Haha, what a fool. The irony of her calling us idiots is completely delicious.

These people are enemies of America, and many of those who think like them are of equally weak mind. If you don't believe in anything, you'll fall for virtually nothing.

haha, this woman has completely lost the plot. She's like rabid dog, backed into a corner and snapping at everything and everyone.

In all honesty though I would never go out of my way to convert people to atheism, I have neither the time nor the inclination, however, I do understand why some atheists do it.
That just got me unbelievably ****ing annoyed.

The black guy was rational, the kind of Christian we need more of... one who actually practices tolerance instead of just babbling about it. Still, wtf is with not having an atheist? All that was were those two women jerking each other off with the black guy trying to interject reason into the discussion occasionally but mostly failing.
I saw this when it was on when my grandma was watching CNN. I was incredibly disgusted.
Guys evidently there is a follow up w/ Richard Dawkins on tonight at 8!
Here is where I heard it.