CoD Online

you right ther never was

were in one right now :eek:

off to the game!!!11

There is no world war right now

only between you and me about ww3 :D
Great game, just lags on this comp. For sure it wont when my new ones are up.
ikm workin on beatin it on hardened im half way about i didnt even do easy thats to easay =P

IRON SITES PWN! lighting oh my!!
fun fun good game

nw909 that was the easiest game ever, just aim down the barrel (set it to right mouse button) and practically snipe everyone

Well I loved it, it was fun... a little too easy, and a little too short, Im definatly buying it (i had it on the 3rd difficulty setting)

You have to bomb several axis tanks, simple as that, the machine gunners are a btch but if your teammates survive then they mainly aim at them. You are under a commanding officer and if you do what he says and dont run off gunning enemies on your own its simply easy.

I beleive there are 4 tanks to bomb.

Find good cover

Snipe em with your givin gun (your default, the secondary assault rifle is too jumpy)

SHORTNESS: WAY TO MUCH, MUST BUY GAME (hl2 will still outrank it)

OVERALL: 9 (not average)

anyways its was good, i suggest you download it for some fun

soldiers hobble and limp after being shot puffs of realistic looking blood fly from every bullet that makes inpact on you or charlie

now i gota wait ;(
fun barell scope thing is


I LOVE IRON SITES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Don't spoil it for the rest of us.

oh pish, its not like im reveiling a huge storyline plot that will ruin the entire game!

its a demo, its fun by playing
World War 2 games have pretty much the same storyline-the world at war, except, each is different cuz ur part of a different battallion
That is such an amazingly cool game, and it runs smoothly on my comp! Heres hoping HL2 will do too.......
Basically, if that runs smoothley, Half-Life 2 will, its only my speculation but even though it has better graphics, its got more technical shit to make it optimized, so it all should even out

okay im just talking randomly
My comp = P3 1ghz, 512MB sd ram, gf4 mx 440, most of the game settings were on normal, a few low, and at 1024x768. If HL2 looked that good as was as playable, i would be so happy :)
It was ok, felt like MoH:AA2 or an expansion pack to be 100% honest (not saying thats bad, as MoH:AA is a fine game and most of that team made this game). Based on the small glimpse however, there isnt enough new stuff to peak my interest
Originally posted by Murray_H
My comp = P3 1ghz, 512MB sd ram, gf4 mx 440, most of the game settings were on normal, a few low, and at 1024x768. If HL2 looked that good as was as playable, i would be so happy :)

im the same specs as you any I ran normal settings with no shadows at about 15-10 fps

it is still a good experience but I can see it alot better at 25 fps with most details at high....

tell me your settings you used...

whenever I looked towards players it started to lag alot....

when I looked at the ground it was totally like 30 fps but I couldnt shoot anyone.....

Tell me
People think that CoD is trying to be a MoH:AA , but CoD's closest relative is really RTCW, I mean, the death scene, the loading scene and the interface is very close to RTCW's.
Man, that game gave me orgasm. Can't type, need to play more!
Originally posted by Tredoslop
People think that CoD is trying to be a MoH:AA , but CoD's closest relative is really RTCW, I mean, the death scene, the loading scene and the interface is very close to RTCW's.

Thats cuz CoD is using the ROTC engine
its basically ROTC graphics/interface with MoH gameplay, I mean for godsakes the objectives were even repeated from AA (ie. blowing up the panzers, ala M1L3 in AA "Sabotaging the Motorpool").
Im aware of that, I was just saying thats why the engine/interface is similar. I mean its never hard to tell a Quake engine game when you see one.
Also, I have a problem, when I look closely at a wall , the texture seem to appear as a software texture.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
how do u find ur FPS?

I was estimating.

I know what its playable (24> fps)

And when its not :D......;(
/me whispers to The Duke "This is one of MOH:AA's children your playing now"...
/me says its a hermaphrodite and eats cabbages, what do you expect...
Screw it! It sais that the archive is corrupt. I'm gonna redownload it tomorrow utrom. And now I'm of to bed.:)
Originally posted by BWMASTER
/me whispers to The Duke "This is one of MOH:AA's children your playing now"...

*Realizes you didn't get his rather hilarious reference*
Originally posted by Bass
Thats cuz CoD is using the ROTC engine
its basically ROTC graphics/interface with MoH gameplay, I mean for godsakes the objectives were even repeated from AA (ie. blowing up the panzers, ala M1L3 in AA "Sabotaging the Motorpool").

first of all, both games use the Q3 engine, and secondly, just because it uses an interface similar to RTCW doesn't mean it's more similar, it's all about the gameplay, and the gameplay is far better and more realistic than either
its a great ww2 experience, its what Mohaa should have been!

cheers to the cod team i say:)
MoHAA creators are back-stabbers, they make MoH:AA so shitty(In comparison with CoD) and they make CoD real nice.
Nooo!!!! The installation file is corrupt!! FFS!!
this game is different from both mohaa and rtcw

its unique

and awesome