CoD Online

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I just started downloading from Gamershell :p 40 minutes to go..:S
Originally posted by Doobz
first of all, both games use the Q3 engine, and secondly, just because it uses an interface similar to RTCW doesn't mean it's more similar, it's all about the gameplay, and the gameplay is far better and more realistic than either

ROTC uses the Q3 Engine. MoH:AA uses the Q3 Engine. Yes.
But CoD uses the ROTC engine, so its using a modified version of a modified version of the Q3 engine. But whatever. And the part about the game being far better is an opinion, not fact. Thanks.
Personally, i loved the game, worth every second of play time. I'm very much going to buy it when it comes out, along with half life 2 and a new pc hopefully:D
Im gonna go with Max Payne 2 rather than this myself, but Im sure both games will rock.
Half-life 2 i need to buy.....freedom fighters is a must have fighter......max payne 2 is gonna be the big ka boom of noir story telling in a computer game....Call of duty is fresh and fruity way to be involved in the war of our fathers father
My must haves are 1. HL2 2. MP2 3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

then I have slight interest in CoD, MoH: PA, FarCry, and DX:IW.
IS there a demo of STALKER out? i havent really found out much about it lol
No demo of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Watch one of the 5 trailers though. The one where they go seamlessly from a video of Chernobyl into the game rendering of it is amazing, gets me every time.
Originally posted by Bass
The one where they go seamlessly from a video of Chernobyl into the game rendering of it is amazing, gets me every time.

Yah that part's kinda scary actually. When I first saw it I had to think back quickly to figure out where the game engine started! Colors, textures, perspective were all spot-on.

Gonna be such an awesome six months for games! It's a shame I have to leave the house for work!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I do have to say that this demo impressed the heck outta me. The anti-aircraft fire and the air raids going on while you fight is almost sensory overload, and I haven't had that much fun in a while.
As for the difficulty, it sounds as if its the game's first level, or at least one of the early ones.
Just set the difficulty to highest and it'll be harder, you get killed almost by being shot once.

I love it though, i hated the levels in MOH:AA where you fight on your own so often, that was so unrealistic.COD rulez!

Yeah the air raids and AA fire was amazing, really added atmosphere.
i got halfway through no the hardest setting then i got a error while proning, it said something like "grass_sprite could not match with troop_16j_null. The sounds did not match."

so I'm gonna start it again
Heck! Brilliant demo!

If they do all of the other missions like this, I will buy it... definitely.
Indeed! I 4M TEH V373R4N!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneone!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!!1!

seriously, When the game gets out I intend to complete it on Veteran.....only way...
Yeah, the easiest one is just too.. easy. It doesn't make the enemies look stupid though, they just get less chances to attack.
Originally posted by Thing'e'
Yeah, the easiest one is just too.. easy. It doesn't make the enemies look stupid though, they just get less chances to attack.

i believe the difficulty only changes the ammount of damage done to you.
The demo was some of the msot amzing gametime i have played....
the wierd thing is my firend's brother is on the Dev team.... look for the stalingrad level when it comes out. :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
The demo was some of the msot amzing gametime i have played....
the wierd thing is my firend's brother is on the Dev team.... look for the stalingrad level when it comes out. :)

your friends bro worked on MOHAA?
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
The demo was some of the msot amzing gametime i have played....
the wierd thing is my firend's brother is on the Dev team.... look for the stalingrad level when it comes out. :)
Stalingrad? My my, the devteam is REALLY original :P
Anyway, I agree its amazing... My hair really stood up :)
Well, untill the screen went all garbled, it CTD and gamma was all screwed (staring at the screen was like staring into the sun). Happened 2 times, I've only played like 1 minute of the level, if even that :(
Anyone been too close to the mortars when they go off? This really cool "shellshock" effect. You get thrown to the ground, vision all blury, sounds almost muted and the world seems to be in slow motion. Then all of a sudden there is this shrill whistling sound as you are brought back to speed. Awesome effect.

I love how your teammates aren't invincible. Really good for the atmosphere and reality of the game when you are running along with your squad and a German would fire and one of your guys goes crashing down. Reality gritty, realistic feeling game. Shame it's on the engine it's on. It looks good but imagine what it could have done if it was on Source :eek:
um... your teammates are defintly not invinciable... do you see them get blown away by the mortars, or mowed down when they try and clear a building?

Also, the stlingrad level is alot like the begining of Enemy at the Gates. but cooler and wih betterAI.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
um... your teammates are defintly not invinciable... do you see them get blown away by the mortars, or mowed down when they try and clear a building?

Also, the stlingrad level is alot like the begining of Enemy at the Gates. but cooler and wih betterAI.

no one said they were invincible skippy.
My robotic killing domo-kuns are invincible.
correction, the captian is invincible at the end of the level i got on the mg42 and mowed down everyone but him.
Originally posted by MadGuy
LOL: everybody knows there will be stalingrad level..:P it was in some of the videos

That and the fact that every WW2 game seems to have a Stalingrad level.
Originally posted by MadGuy
LOL: everybody knows there will be stalingrad level..:P it was in some of the videos

How does this pertain to me saying "yup" the fact that my friends brother worked on MOHAA?

Are you saying that sinc i said I wa simpressed by the stalingrad level that I'm jsut making this up?