
Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Just bought my self a copy of CoH with all the side gubbins of opposing fronts. Had play the first one some time ago when it was first out and loved the campain.

Easily the best RTS of all time. Love it to pieces.

When is this kick ass eastern front out?
It came out yesterday, and I saw a pretty impressive shoutcast of one match. However, there have been a lot of complaints (like at Game Replays) about the Soviets being massively overpowered. I haven't played the game myself yet; I'm at college and my laptop can't run CoH, but from what they've been saying their complaints appear to be valid. I think I'll hold off until the first patch is out.
Eastern Front came out yesterday, and I haven't played it yet but it looks pretty badass. I've heard about the balance issues too, but that's pretty easily fixed so hopefully it won't persist for too long.

I might just god damn play this again.
So I should get it? Which one should me get? All dem?
So I should get it? Which one should me get? All dem?

The game you mean? Yes, you should. It is the best RTS of the last decade in my very humble opinion. You basically only need vanilla and Opposing Fronts. Tales of Valor isn't worth it.
Eastern Front came out yesterday, and I haven't played it yet but it looks pretty badass. I've heard about the balance issues too, but that's pretty easily fixed so hopefully it won't persist for too long.

Balance issues are not "easily fixed" :|
But guise sovites were overpowered irl!!
The game you mean? Yes, you should. It is the best RTS of the last decade in my very humble opinion. You basically only need vanilla and Opposing Fronts. Tales of Valor isn't worth it.

Yeah I got Jamaican for a second there. I was looking in to it since it's on sale and I'm cool like that. I'm a pretty terrible RTS player though and even in practice I can't remedy it. I mean some of the first games I played were RTS games and year after year I never seem to get better. I always over micromanage or try to macromanage so I can accomplish everything. I either end up neglecting my base/resource collection or neglecting my units and they die. No matter what the case of the moment I end up dead.

C&C, Red Alert 1,2,3, Warcraft 1,2,3, Starcraft, Earth 2150-60, Medieval 2... that's just the ones off the top of my head and I sucked at all of them.

At least FPS games work out for me... and RPGs... but who can suck at an RPG.
It's ok. I could never get into Supreme Commander, so I guess it balances out.


I guess in the defence, once is a "mass mass mass mass attack attack" the other is just a micro fest.

Probably why I like Starcraft so much, a mix of both.
The CoH games are on sale atm on Steam. 2,49 for vanilla, 3,74 for OF and 8,74 for ToV. The three games together sell for 11,49.
I had CoH, Opposing Fronts and wasted my money on Tales of Valor. ToV was good, but it was a short campaign and the controllable tank turrets didnt change much to the gameplay. It was more of a MP release.

But CoH is amazing. I'll never forget a LAN game my hallmate and I had back in Uni, we were the Axis and fighting 2 Allies on hard on the MP map where theres a beachead to the south. They pushed us both back to our HQs after about an hour of us pushing forward. We were trying to churn out engineers to repair our HQs as well as build tanks to distract their tanks.

Then, when we had about 1/8th of my HQ left, I realised I had enough resources, and out came the 3 summanable panzers and a king tiger, and hear my hallmate next door just cheer with relief. We brushed them aside fairly quickly, built what we could and just smashed through one of their lines and desecrated their HQs with tigers, panzers and artillery. The whole time we had engineers swarming our 4 or 5 tanks constantly repairing them, and they threw a few of those big allied tanks at us, their equivelant to a king tiger, cant remember what theyre called. Think they began with a p?

Doesnt sound tense, but it was probably the greatest RTS moment of my life.
they threw a few of those big allied tanks at us, their equivelant to a king tiger, cant remember what theyre called. Think they began with a p?

Pershing. And yeah, that is one of the great features of CoH. A game is never lost. Even when you seem to be totally beaten, you can still manage to stage a comeback.
The 3D models for the Infantry of Eastern Front somehow just don't feel like they fit in well with the vanilla 3D models of CoH IMO..
I had a great comeback before. 4 of us with 4 computers in a 8v8 (two humans on each team). I was airborne. The axis had over half the map and were pushing towards our hqs. After failing miserably for ten minutes to try and take the roads back I just decided to stop trying to hit them head on and let my allies do their best to hold them off while spending my resources dropping paratroopers, heavy weapons and at guns just outside the southmost enemy base. I managed to take out most of the base before they were able to rally against me but I had managed to sprint the rest of my scattered paratroopers (with recoilless rifles) to the enemy base and was able to handle the counter attack with the help of paradropping an at gun behind the enemy tanks. Then when they tried to move units away from the frontlines my allies were able to move in and grab territory like crazy. I continued to move north and take out the enemies one by one while my allies smashed them from the sides. It did help that I'd played the game far more than my friends :p
I'd read it.

I wouldn't understand it, though.
I didn't know the relic dev team split. What's the new company called? Are they working on anything interesting?
I don't know much about the details, but they went on a massive hiring spree about 6 months after CoH was done, there were rumours about internal conflicts, and every game they've made since has the 'design-by-commitee' feel. Oh and they inexplicably laid off their community liaison, essentially telling the community they didn't give a shit what people thought, even though the Homeworld series thrived off of interaction with the devs, and even though a large number of the changes in the big CoH patches of '07 were taken straight from Battletest (community-made mod to balance the game).

That and the whole CoH: China selling out thing.
CoH: China?

Company of Heroes Online is an MMO real-time strategy computer game co-developed for Microsoft Windows by Relic Entertainment and Shanda. The game is set to be released in 2010 by Windysoft in South Korea, and Shanda in China. Company of Heroes Online is going to be a completely persistent Company of Heroes campaign. Players will build their character up from private to general through new multiplayer cooperative missions, gameplay modes, and PvP combat across the battlefields of World War II. Though THQ has not disclosed any details about Company of Heroes Online being released outside Asia, former Company of Heroes franchise leader Tim Holmon did announce that other markets were being looked at in a statement on August 10, 2009.

Picked up the gold pack yesterday for a whooping £3.74.

I'm loving it so far, although the campaign hasn't really held my interest for more than a couple of missions. I enjoyed the demo years ago, but now I remember why I never originally bought it - I'm shit at this game. :LOL:

I don't think my brain is cut out to keep track of so much stuff happening at once. Anyone got any tips or links to guides or whatever for a beginner? I've only really been doing skirmishes against the easy AI so far - which has been a cakewalk really, but I never actually feel like I'm in real control of what's going on. I'll retreat some units or station an MG/AT gun somewhere "just in case" and end up forgetting about them for 10 minutes while I'm busy doing other shit.
Yeah I got Jamaican for a second there. I was looking in to it since it's on sale and I'm cool like that. I'm a pretty terrible RTS player though and even in practice I can't remedy it. I mean some of the first games I played were RTS games and year after year I never seem to get better. I always over micromanage or try to macromanage so I can accomplish everything. I either end up neglecting my base/resource collection or neglecting my units and they die. No matter what the case of the moment I end up dead.

C&C, Red Alert 1,2,3, Warcraft 1,2,3, Starcraft, Earth 2150-60, Medieval 2... that's just the ones off the top of my head and I sucked at all of them.

At least FPS games work out for me... and RPGs... but who can suck at an RPG.

I used to play Age of Empires a lot. That one might be easier. I usually just get the villagers set up on resources and building for the first two ages, then spend the last two ages focused almost entirely on military (with the occasional upgrades & farm rebuilding). So it's not too difficult to manage.

I also used to play Warcraft I (and a little of II) when it came out. Warcraft I is impossible for me to go back to. I tried once, and discovered that right-clicking doesn't do anything (or at least I didn't find the option to make it work). I have no idea how I used to play like that.

Just bought Company of Heroes so I have yet to try it out. The demo seemed pretty fun but I only got through half of it before I had to go to sleep. Hopefully it's not as hard as Rome:Total War -- bought that game last month and after spending 15 hours with it, I was still playing like a total idiot. It would probably help if their 80-page manual provided something useful like a tech tree, but I got barely any help out of it. Sometimes it makes cryptic remarks like "At one point, the Marius Event will happen. We're not going to tell you when, but we will tell you that it unlocks a whole new tech tree. But we're also not going to tell you what this new tech tree is."
Age of Empires (1, 2) is a different beast than CoH. AoE is much more macro than micro... really tough macro at that.

CoH is about the closest thing to Real Time Tactics without fully being so. The minutiae are key for battles themselves, whereas macro is mostly decided ahead of time. As in, 'am I going for tanks, infantry, light armour? What commander abilities am I going to use (spam)?' and what build trees will aid in those decisions. Teching is very expensive and in some cases not essential. In 1v1's the first 10 minutes most players don't even know what the other player is going for techwise--it's just outmaneuvering and attempting to outplay the enemy to gain an early game territory advantage.

As for tips to win easier? Play Brits.

Or if you actually want to actually be good and understand the game, go to and find some high ranking replays.
Hmm, well back when I played Rangers were viable as well. I wasn't aware they nerfed Brits? Unless they radically changed the way Brits work, Sim City should still be a guaranteed win.
I bought it but I haven't even installed it yet. I still have red alert 3 to play that I got on whatever sale that was. I'm really banking on Starcraft 2 to be a game I can actually get good at. I figure it has the same functionality (in my brain) as chess. I learned how to play chess and half heartedly played a handful of games from the time I learned until a couple years ago. Then one day, mostly because I had nothing else to do, I decided to learn how to play effectively and, after a few attempts actually won a game with something other than luck or facing an idiot. I suppose if I payed enough attention and focused on the game... actually learned all of the functionality of units and how best to perform specific tactics and strategies... then I'd be good at at least one RTS. I hope that RTS is Starcraft 2... but who knows when that will show up.
It's obviously the latest reality game, titled "Camping On Hills".

Geez guys.
Started downloading steam version of CoH today. Then read this. God damnit Relic!
Started downloading steam version of CoH today. Then read this. God damnit Relic!

Wow I never even knew that there were third-party games that when specifically bought over Steam had problems with the offline mode, gonna be more vary about buying from Steam in the future..

Probably stick to Gamer's Gate instead since all that does is require a one-time activation of your serial right when you install the game and nothing more, at least not when I've bought games of'em.
I've been playing this and I have to say I'm impressed. Probably one of the most tacticle RTS games I've played. The importance of an individual unit is so great that a single tank or squad can change the outcome of a battle. In my first attempt to play online though, I ended up playing the Germans whom I had no experience with and failed horribly. Also the system resources required to run a 4 on 4 when the battle gets in full swing is much greater than anything in single player. I hope by the time I learn to play all the factions, people are still playing... since there were only a few when I tried it out.
The multiplayer is still incredibly active and deservedly so. I have been playing CoH since beta regularly since it came out and really cannot stress how good a game it is to people - even those who aren't big RTS fans. I wouldn't listen to those who say so and so are overpowered as there are always ways to overcome an opponent if you know how. As the previous poster said, it is a really tactical game yet immensely fun at the same time!