Coldplay - Speed of Sound

stemot said:
Why do you think they are brilliant? they have no emotion to them, they are boring bland pap.
Swallowed in the sea has the most ridiculous lryics Ive ever heard, it`s pure muck.
They all sound the same and are instantly forgettable, I had play DBTT just to get that horribly average garbage out of my brain.

I could easily say the same thing about Oasis; it's just all down to taste. :)
craig said:
Of course they have emotion.. just because it's not head-banging music doesn't mean that they don't. IMO it's a very contemplative album and it works very well as a whole (definitely much better than DBTT and it's certainly more original).

It's clear when you listen to the songs that the band has thought about the compositions of each music a lot (apparently Chris Martin was putting in 18 hour days at one point) and nothings added just for 'the sake of it'.

This album isn`t a patch on Don`t Believe The Truth, and your right, it doesn`t have to be head banging music to show passion and emotion, but it does have to be something other than just plain boring. Original????? excuse me????? Rush Of Blood to the head part 2 is hardly original, at least Oasis have changed their style this album, I`d much rather have the Yellow/Shiver Coldplay back, than this poor, boring and dull attempt at bontempi music from songs left over from his Rush Of Blood demos (I know they are not, but that`s how they sound).

And if this is originality, please, give me Oasis`s failure to progress anyday (even tho the opposite is the case here).

I will still buy the album to complete my Coldplay collection, but you can now see why Chris Martin was nervous of it`s quality.
Then again, it`ll sell millions just because of the people jumping on the band wagon that is Coldplay, but they are no longer the band I thought they were.
KagePrototype said:
I could easily say the same thing about Oasis; it's just all down to taste. :)

No...really, have you heard it?
stemot said:
No it isn`t, listen to it then tell me I`m not right.

You're missing my point entirely here. :p I'm not saying anything is good or bad, I'm saying it's just silly to argue over someone's taste in music. There's no such thing as a "right" taste in music, because everyone has a different one.
Fact is 7 songs were played (8 if you include Speed of Sound) and the album contains 13 songs, so you're making judgements on the whole album and comparing based on just under 2/3rds of the album.

It's all down to personal tastes in Music too I guess. I love really mellow music and have already found myself whistling tunes from this LP already so when you say each song is boring bland and pap it leaves me thinking "wtf"

Don't Believe the Truth is a good album, but half the tracks are direct rips of other songs from bands like Blondie, The Kinks, Rolling Stones, etc, so it's hardly like Oasis are the most forward thinking self-inspired band ever to come out of England.

For anyone interested from 11pm GMT today at they'll be playing the whole album on the website in the little Coldplayer module on the site
craig said:
Fact is 7 songs were played (8 if you include Speed of Sound) and the album contains 13 songs, so you're making judgements on the whole album and comparing based on just under 2/3rds of the album.

It's all down to personal tastes in Music too I guess. I love really mellow music and have already found myself whistling tunes from this LP already so when you say each song is boring bland and pap it leaves me thinking "wtf"

Don't Believe the Truth is a good album, but half the tracks are direct rips of other songs from bands like Blondie, The Kinks, Rolling Stones, etc, so it's hardly like Oasis are the most forward thinking self-inspired band ever to come out of England.

For anyone interested from 11pm GMT today at they'll be playing the whole album on the website in the little Coldplayer module on the site

So what? comparing Oasis to other artists is just something someone does when they can`t think of any genuine criticsm to level at an album.
I would much rather have an album that sounded like some of the best artists to ever grace a vinyl, that is full of fantastic rockers and melodic acoustics than this boring drivel Coldplay have put out.
I too love mellow music I was, and still am a fan of both Parachutes and Rush Of Blood, but this really is just tracks that fade into one another and have nothing that stands out.
I mean, people say that some of Oasis`s lryics are poor, then go and listen to this kinda stuff, (Birds go flying at the speed of sound to show you how it all began) I mean, it`s just like they thought them up in 20 mins. If it really is true that Chris spent 18 hours over each song, then he must`ve fallen asleep for 17 3/4 of them, because that`s what happens to me when I listen to them.