Columbine 2

goddam draconian US gun laws!! had the teacher been armed he wouldnt have had to tackle him thus saving him from paying for dry cleaning his regulation gray slacks. See? guns solve everything
glad the douchbag got stopped before he killed someone. why do people go on rampages on innocent people. i can see running into a drug lab and shooting up the place downtown or killing pedophilers and shit like that....but why innocent people??
Somehow I doubt that they are concerned with who they are shooting.

Anyways, glad he was stopped.
glad the douchbag got stopped before he killed someone. why do people go on rampages on innocent people. i can see running into a drug lab and shooting up the place downtown or killing pedophilers and shit like that....but why innocent people??

Bob, sorry. I can't make the cake sale. I've already made plans to shoot some children today. Maybe next time.
Columbine 2: Electric Boogaloo
if al the childrens had a gun they would have turned him into a human cheese grinder a la 1920's style

so yeah guns would have been the solution
Crazy is as crazy does.

Can we avoid the "Gunz iz gud" and "Gunz iz ebil" discussion? We don't need to have a great big 'correlation =/= causation' discussion again, do we?
inb4 discussion about guns being used as dildoes.
inb4 suggestions on not debating whether or not guns are good or ba-

Aw crap.
Inb4 Stern doesn't know what he's talking abou-

[sarcasm]goddam draconian US gun laws!! had the teacher been armed he wouldnt have had to tackle him thus saving him from paying for dry cleaning his regulation gray slacks. See? guns solve everything[sarcasm]
glad the douchbag got stopped before he killed someone. why do people go on rampages on innocent people. i can see running into a drug lab and shooting up the place downtown or killing pedophilers and shit like that....but why innocent people??

Because they see it as being easy. They don't like things hard.
Goddamn Ameri...

Oh **** at least you can blow your politicians brains out when they try and **** with your rights like aussie politicians **** with us. ****ed with a rusty dildo fashioned in the form of a cactus.

/fbi, asio, nsa computers start flashing wildly

Oh hey we should start trying to guess watchwords for added FBI raep.

I'll start: black dawn, scorched prairie, saladin's revenge