Combine can pay for.. sex simulation? What?!

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
GCF Scape --> Source Sounds --> Overwatch --> Radio Voice --> "reminder100credits.wav" --> "Rank leaders, Reminder: 100 sterilized credits qualifies non mechanical reproduction simulation!"

Funny easter egg?
Cool. Nice find. :thumbs:

They earn 'sterilization credits' from killing non-compliant humans I think.
I'm gonna play that for my girlfriend, let her know that there are alternatives.
So where do I get these "sterilized credits" :naughty:
Hah, great...does that wav sound out at any point during the game??
Arrowhead said:
ok, I'm lost. so where is this .wav?!
Download the GCFscape and load it up.
Then load valve / steam / steam apps / source sounds
Then extract root / hl2 / sound / npc / overwatch / radiovoice / reminder100credits
Heheh, never noticed that before.

So, "non-mechanical"... that can either mean it's mental stimulation without requiring any sort of... um... kinetic physical interaction, or that it doesn't involve mechanical means (i.e., not a synthetic creation). So... what's that mean? An artificially induced fantasy or a technobabble prostitute?
sounds like its just one more reason to be a combine. Life is good when you kill civs.
are there any other way's of getting to these file i can't get that program to work on my computer.
(my computer sucks)
i dont think so, wat exactly is wrong, does it give an error message
yea it say's: The application failed to intialize properly (oxcoooo135).
is there any way to fix these??
Very nice find, I could have sworn I saw this in-game.
try uninstalling it and reinstalling it, that usually fixes problems like that
You probably need the latest .net framework for your pc. Do a windows update and look for anything .net, or just have a look on microsofts site. I've had that same problem with some of my own programs on other people's machines.
can any body put up the sound file?
also thanks for the advise i'm trying that right now/
Try Jed's MV, 1.3 can't actually browse HL2 models but it can play through the sounds inside the .gcf. I presume this program still works even without the latest frameworks.

Ensure that Steam is not running when you try and browse the .gcf, however, because if both try and use the same file Jed's MV will crash.

I'd upload the sound file itself, but it's nearly 300kb, even when zipped, and that's too big to attatch.
thank you that worked fantasticly

i think i hear that in game or something like it. are there any others like this one?
OR someone could just attach the sound in a zip, its barely 30kb zipped.
Yeah someone hurry up and upload it for us please
I honestly don't understand why my archive was 200 kb :eek:

I'm really starting to think that my long-suffering WinZip has corrupted or something...
I think its safe to say that we know the REAL truth on why Barney was undercover and so eager to get back to work all the time...

This thread has been done before... Last year.
where the hell do you hear this in the game tho??????????

and thats fliping awsome!!!
rpgprog said:
sounds like its just one more reason to be a combine. Life is good when you kill civs.

But then, isn't it always? Good find though.
I'm still curious as to how exactly they stop reproduction. Does the field keep men from sportin' wood, this prevent the act of intercourse or just kills off lil'troopers or effects female eggs?
I always kind of thought that when the man..loved the woman..and like...they went to do it...and like...

Okay well see timmy...its...


The dude would whip out the dancing benjamin and boom, the big light in the sky would come down and BBZZT, no more benjy.

You know! Just like when you're trying to get into the capitol building.

Why do people keep metioning a sex suprestion field. I know Breen says it's banned but does anyone mention a field, maybe they just put drugs in the food.
From what I do understand, right as your comming out of the train station you can hear Breen talking, and he mentions something about a suppretion field keeping people from havving sex.


But wtf do I know.

He says
"Will they shut off the supretion field and let us breed?"
He dosn't say there is a conection. The supretion field could supres anything
I think it probably just kills the eggs, humans would revolt way faster if they weren't allowed to have sex :D
Dear God. Your spelling makes Baby Buddha cry. The word is 'suppression'.
Ennui said:
I think it probably just kills the eggs, humans would revolt way faster if they weren't allowed to have sex :D

I don't think so.. that's the whole point of what Breen was talking about that, that they must conquer their primal instincts; the most primal of all being sex. It's not that they don't want reproduction (although they might want that as well), it's that they want to control the human race by repressing the very things that make them human, like free will, sexuality, etc.