Combine can pay for.. sex simulation? What?!

"don't think so.. that's the whole point of what Breen was talking about that, that they must conquer their primal instincts; the most primal of all being sex. It's not that they don't want reproduction (although they might want that as well), it's that they want to control the human race by repressing the very things that make them human, like free will, sexuality, etc."

Well I kind of disagree, there has been people joined the Combine in there free will…

The only reason that I can think of why the Combine obtained sex suppression field, is that the Combine can avoid wars lasting hundreds of years…

Yes, you may think It sounds silly , but it happened in history before ( that wars lasting hundreds of years).

The Spanish Empire would be a perfect example. In South America in some Spanish provinces they’ve been wars with Native Americans that lasted hundreds of years.

You wonder how the Spanish had such problems against them, will simple, they united against them, outnumbering the Spanish (something that the North American Indians did not do). With neither side gaining ground, wars in South America lasted for generations, in the long run the Native Americans have won. with the colonies revolting against Spanish empire, and the rebuilding promising that the Native Americans can keep their land and live under their nation…

Into this day, they keep their land and remained as their own people, while living under the country, and not living in Indian reservations…

This is going to show you why the Combines do this, if you compare some history…
you can say that the Combines thought of every scenario…
The Native Americans in the North never united because they couldn't... they had no common language at all. Each individual tribe had its own dialect. You are very right though with why the Combine are stopping human reproduction... we did a similar thing in America:

We used disease to kill off the Native Americans... genocide if you will. We didn't try to conquer them, we exterminated them. That's pretty much what the Combine is doing, only they're trying to do it without killing the current population so that they can absorb them into the Combine Whole.

Oddly enough, the supression field may have worked in the Resistance's favor:

If they aren't thinking about Sex at all... then I bet everyone was much more rational on the whole and alot more productive.
"The Native Americans in the North never united because they couldn't... they had no common language at all"

Langolier said:
The Native Americans in the North never united because they couldn't... they had no common language at all. Each individual tribe had its own dialect. You are very right though with why the Combine are stopping human reproduction... we did a similar thing in America:

We used disease to kill off the Native Americans... genocide if you will. We didn't try to conquer them, we exterminated them. That's pretty much what the Combine is doing, only they're trying to do it without killing the current population so that they can absorb them into the Combine Whole.

Oddly enough, the supression field may have worked in the Resistance's favor:

If they aren't thinking about Sex at all... then I bet everyone was much more rational on the whole and alot more productive.

Not only necessarily say killing the human population. It is more like killing the free people of Earth…

When the Combine cloned the Next Generation of people of Earth, will perhaps brainwashed them with their propaganda, and say stuff like, look at your history you were divide people, now you are united under the Combine…stuff like that of teaching school. And perhaps saying that your longest Empire only lasted 1300 years or so AKA the Romans while we can last forever…

They will perhaps also cloned people in the past too…like Napoleon or Alexander…
Danimal said:
This thread has been done before... Last year.
This is that same thread, I made it.. ages ago. Someone revived it in page one. Look at the dates. xD
i don't think combine clone humans, just mapipulate them, i don't think the combine have the tech to do that like they don't have the tech to use local teleportation
They probably can clone things, but it's cheaper in the long run just to adapt something that's already alive. You have to wait 20 or so years before a cloned person becomes strong enough to be in their army, too...

-Angry Lawyer
Laivasse said:
Hah, great...does that wav sound out at any point during the game??


The woman on the announcement speakers also says something about "Mission failure will result in permanent off-world work".

She also says that "Mind-reprogramming is adviced for reaching higher ranks" or some crazy sh|t like that!

'Hidden' clues in the story ^^
ríomhaire said:
He says
"Will they shut off the supretion field and let us breed?"
He dosn't say there is a conection. The supretion field could supres anything

Exactly... I think it's the forcefield surrounding the city. You know- in the streets- you see people raising their hand infront of forcefields to identify them, thus allowing them access through- granted they'd have to have the clearence.
This is why there are no children in the game? Methinks the combine must have been in control a very long time, the youngest person in game is probably Alyx, and thats probably because vance raised her in black mesa after the resonance cascade incident was cleared up. Does anyone know actual dates from the 7-hour war to gordon returning?
Flashlight said:
This is why there are no children in the game? Methinks the combine must have been in control a very long time, the youngest person in game is probably Alyx, and thats probably because vance raised her in black mesa after the resonance cascade incident was cleared up. Does anyone know actual dates from the 7-hour war to gordon returning?

I don't think that's ever stated.

It probably is safe to say that Alxy is among one of the youngest humans around. If there are any children, they are probably in Combine Controlled Orphanages being readied to become Top Elites.
mapipulate them?

"i don't think combine clone humans"

Then why do they have these metal cases with people inside them…you know in the building you get in…

It looks like to me that they are cloning generation of humans living under there rule…or troops. They may not have families but live under a system of some kind…

Are Combines are going to erase our history? If so, I guess that’s just enough for me to go up against them, don’t get me wrong , I think there uniforms are cool…

If you ask me now be pretty student for the combines to race history…it is good to gain knowledge of your oh and adapt to that knowledge… This is why the Romans were so successful, not just adapt, but also gained knowledge…
Er there's a part in highway 17(or is it sandtraps?) when you see two people on a rock. One is dead and the other is trying to bring him back,the guy says something about Lazlow(the deadguy) about being one of the finest minds of his generation.
zyko_madman said:

The woman on the announcement speakers also says something about "Mission failure will result in permanent off-world work".

She also says that "Mind-reprogramming is adviced for reaching higher ranks" or some crazy sh|t like that!

'Hidden' clues in the story ^^

what woman, where?
She sounded like generic calm telephone speaker no. 5, as well as a AI Brit.

She definitely didn't sound like Cortana.