Combine overwatch incentives


Jun 4, 2006
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After playing through the riot act mod for hl2 today, i thought id go through some of the combine radio sounds in hl2 with gfcscape and stumbled upon one here that cracked me up. Its the lady you here on the intercom all over nova prospect giving out incentives for completing missions, and one of them was

"Rank leader, reminder, 100 sterilized credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction stimulation" :naughty:
you can listen to it here, its a swf file because i have no idea where to upload mp3s for free.

I can easily see why this got cut from the game, but do you think that this could mean the soldiers still have some instinct that hasn't been removed?
Well, they certainly have morale, look at Dr. Breen's speech, and they do still grunt in pain, which indicates to me that some instincts still remain.
Actually, that sound is played over the idle metropolice radio, you get chances to hear it at the beginning of the game up until the apartment raid.

Heres a related one: remindermemoryreplacement.wav
"Reminder: Memory replacement is the first step towards rank privilages"
I bet once metropolice attain 'rank leader' and get the 100 'credits' they wont even care about sex any more.
Don't forget that the Combine don't want a human-shaped robot. They wnat humans, enslaved, but with human qualities for a synth.
wow, its really interesting to check out those voices of the combine. there are more than 100 voices, some of which i have never heard
I e-mailed Marc Laidlaw once, asking why people made the step from metrocop to combine soldier: whether they were coerced, deceived, captured or consciously made the choice because it seemed like a better alternative to their current life.
He simply replied that they wanted to keep it under wraps, in case they wished to expand on it later in the series. Which could be interesting.
Actually, that sound is played over the idle metropolice radio, you get chances to hear it at the beginning of the game up until the apartment raid.

Ah, i have played through the game 100 times, but never heard it before. Ill have to go back and listen to it
The combine get rewards for they're missions ya know.

1.Mission failure results in permanent off-world assignment.

2.Success gives them cred points, which to spend on improving they're an rpg or something.

PS: I wonder how many people have been sent off-world?
I wish the combine were easier to understand :(
On that note, I wish HALF-LIFE was easier to understand :(
I think it's because they talk quick, and are muffled up, and they're killed before they finish a sentence, much of the time.
Surely the fact that they live forever is an awesome incentive?

Assuming you aren't shot, blown up, crabbed, stabbed, bashed, mashed, fried, chomped, or otherwise made deceased in a violent fashion. :E
Shot, blown up, crabbed, stabbed, bashed, mashed, fried, chomped, or otherwise made deceased in a violent fashion.

The 8 main reasons of the combine overwatch's short lifespan, which SHOULD last an eternity.
Assuming you aren't shot, blown up, crabbed, stabbed, bashed, mashed, fried, chomped, or otherwise made deceased in a violent fashion. :E
The alternative is living forever as a stalker.
The 8 main reasons of the combine overwatch's short lifespan, which SHOULD last an eternity.

Not really. They are transhuman, which means as one can see on the stripped models they've still got quite a few human parts. Unless they are increasingly modified for longevity, the flesh will eventually fail. Or unless the combine has some kind of embalming fluid on steriods that'd help slow tissue decay to a crawl.
I didn't know they had mastered immortality in humans yet. Where does it say that? I remember Breen rambling on about how they are close to it, but have to let go of their instinct and mother nature to get there.
...Unless they are increasingly modified for longevity, the flesh will eventually fail. Or unless the combine has some kind of embalming fluid on steriods that'd help slow tissue decay to a crawl.

Y'know, that's actually possible. The Combine aren't stupid: they want humans to work for them, not die off entirely. They've repressed the global reproduction cycle, so every dead human ("modified" or not) is one less under their regime. They're filling their ranks somehow.
Y'know, that's actually possible. The Combine aren't stupid: they want humans to work for them, not die off entirely. They've repressed the global reproduction cycle, so every dead human ("modified" or not) is one less under their regime. They're filling their ranks somehow.

So, i guess no more fapfapfapfapfap.

Waste of resources...
They come...they assimilate us...they use us untill we get KIA...they leave Earth empty and go find another species to terrorize.

The way of the combine.

The overwatch soldiers become a part of the combine, but since they are the last (somewhat) humans left, they?re all men and one way or another, they can?t reproduce. One by one they get killed during missins or battles until there AREN?T any (trans)humans left.
Y'know, that's actually possible. The Combine aren't stupid: they want humans to work for them, not die off entirely. They've repressed the global reproduction cycle, so every dead human ("modified" or not) is one less under their regime. They're filling their ranks somehow.

It'd be far more cost-effective and efficient to simply take some and use them for breeding. Why maintain a set number of ageless ones when you can both swell the numbers and not have to waste time maintaining them aside from tending to damages?
It'd be far more cost-effective and efficient to simply take some and use them for breeding. Why maintain a set number of ageless ones when you can both swell the numbers and not have to waste time maintaining them aside from tending to damages?

Children are hard to raise. They take at least 15 years to reach full size and eat up a lot of resources, so the Combine would not reap the benefits for quite a while (unless they have a way to speed up the aging process, which is rather unlikely).

Cloning, perhaps?
I imagine they kidnap women and keep them all together in a place for the "non-mechanical reproduction simulation."
Poor elites.
They gave something so little(in size) to lose so much.