Combine Theory

If the mods have reason to suspect that someone is posting "speculation" that is actually from the beta, they'll probably delete it. Otherwise, they'll leave it alone.
Considering that I have never played the beta, I am alright. All my information either comes from my head, HL1 story, or the HL2 E3 vids
Why did they even have the "administrator"? You never physically see him and why is he more important than the G-man? I also can't believe Valve would put in somthing as dumb as cloning Adrian Shephard. It sounds so lame, Yes a clone army used to control the telliportation. You could call this game ...hmmmm I know ATTACK OF THE CLONES. oh wait that was a starwars movie :O You guys can't just copy other movies for plot points. The best theory yet has been that all the combine were cyborgs. Unless their masks make those funny noises like oh I don't know STORM TROOPERS.

I think I might leave the storytelling to the people who make games.
I never understood why they decided to give the main character a Scottish name, I wonder if they will be making a puppet show of Gordon, along with Thunderbirds, Stingray, and Joe Ninety (Thats his age)

Becuase Scotland owns.

quite simply Owns.

no 2 doubts about it.

*dons kilt, sharpens claymore*

I am half scottish, Go ARMSTRONGS, and half Belgian. And on another note, who the hell complains that a game character has a scottish name? Sounds like the whining of some poodle walking stick armed dress wearing englishman to me.

Aight , so nancy you can go home to mummy and fuddle duddle your queen and spank your bishop to the tunes of other whiney Britts like coldsore (cold play).
I am half scottish

Hey, guess what. I am too. Doesn't give me an excuse to act like an arsehole.

Aight , so nancy you can go home to mummy and fuddle duddle your queen and spank your bishop

No, really. Just shut up. This actually qualifies as racism and it's not even funny.

to the tunes of other whiney Britts like coldsore (cold play).

Scotland is part of Britain. Which makes any Scotts Britts as well. And what's wrong iwth coldplay? Of course, eveybody is entitled to their own opinions about that...
well, I just assumed they were on Earth to harvest something, that Valve got the name "Combine" from the "Combine Harvester", an Australian invention that harvests wheat en masse and threshes it, spits out the crap it doesn't need and transports it in one go.

With a Combine Harvester you can collect 1000 times more of what you are harvesting than with traditional methods.

I just thought "Combine" is such an unusual name that they had to have got it from somewhere, so I just assumed if they were here to "Harvest", or rob the Earth of one, or many minerals/resources, then that name would make sense.

I saw some other guys speculating the drop in waterlevel in some screenshots may indicate the harvesting of water, which kind of backed up my personal theory.

...just a thought. :)
that theory is possible . But if THE combine wanted to protect the teleporter thing u were talking about from a possible human invasion on Xen then why are the combine dudes and those other aliens trying to take over earth? If they are invading Earth then it is possible that these aliens react in a behavior so madly. So they want to take over earth and control it as A revenge way. I think im not making sense here but i u no wut my drift is then i appreciate it . but ur theory is very true like. We should hear more theories >
Ezboy04 said:
that theory is possible . But if THE combine wanted to protect the teleporter thing u were talking about from a possible human invasion on Xen then why are the combine dudes and those other aliens trying to take over earth? If they are invading Earth then it is possible that these aliens react in a behavior so madly. So they want to take over earth and control it as A revenge way. I think im not making sense here but i u no wut my drift is then i appreciate it . but ur theory is very true like. We should hear more theories >

Well, it wasn't me talking about the teleporter theory ;)

I personally disagree with the teleporter theory, I don't think HL1 was about controling the teleport itself, but rather, controling the ABILITY to teleport, 2 totally different things, that is, in World War 2, the Allies weren't fighting the Germans for the ability to BUILD planes, they were fighting the Germans for the ability to USE their planes (aerial dominance).

At the end of HL1, we saw that the Humans, thanks to Gordon were able to dominate the ability to teleport, so I think the story will have moved on completely away from the teleportation altogether, except for using it as transportation.

The Xen aliens seem to be slaves of the Humans now, which would make the Combine a 3rd party, which also means this 3rd party doesn't even teleport, they may use the old-fashioned "space ship", and are here to rape the earth of its resources.
I dunno if the vortigaunts are slaves to humans, now. I personally think that they joined the humans' side after Gordon freed them from the Nihilanth's domintation. Or something like that...
I suppose it would be too much to ask if the evil looking guys weren't really evil. *sigh* Talk about stereotyped bad guys, huh?
Thanks to some russian S H I T - S I T E I got spoiled what the combine really are. Damn I hate myself and my everlasting exploring every-freaking-where..

GRRRRR! :flame:
That theory is so f**king great.

But hearing those words about Adrian just makes me crying ;(
an Australian invention that harvests wheat en masse and threshes it, spits out the crap it doesn't need and transports it in one go.

Pah! I know what a combine harvester is! ;) We lost our car arial to one of those buggers. No, really.

Aaaiiieee! The ranks, as a certain person said, are "badgered". Now I'm straight back to Ant Lion...gah. 10,000 posts for Strider? Ouchie ;)
I don't think G-man and the admin would want to clone adrian. Remember, all of G-man's employers wanted Adrian dead, G-man hid him in space/whatever for him to be save and preserved.

I personally liked Opposing Force much, much, more than the original, so I'm hoping for OF2. Not to mention my favorite color is green :smoking:
I didn't like Opf. It didn't feel right imho.

We don't know who's side the G man is on, or what his real agenda is, so cloning Adrian is still quite a good theory.
I really wonder if OP4 really fits into the HL universe well. I mean, yes it does in that there were marines shooting at Gordon and trying to find him (and you do see Gordon), but there were so many things that were just weird with that (don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but the inconsistancies are weird). For example, you see a bunch of new aliens in it and not nearly so many of the old ones. This could be to make it more than a mod, but then again, it just didn't seem quite right to me. Blue Shift was much more plausible, and stuck more to HL's storyline.

On the otherhand, I remember one alien in OP4 that sort of looked like the antlion guard (was fleshy instead of armored, but the general shape was similar).

...Maybe this is what Gordon's been doing these 5 years, killing the new species that took advantage of the portal...
Yeah, I felt the same way about Op4. Strange that Gordon sees no Race X aliens, even though it takes place at the same time and in the same place. It just seemed like they were adding new content for the sake of it. Sure, add a couple of new aliens maybe, but a whole range that happen to avoid Gordon and Barney?? Strange....
I also think Blue Shift was felt more like HL.
I think the antlion guard like alien was a "voltigore".

As for HL2.....perhaps the Op4 aliens will be explained/return.
[sl@yer] said:
Yeah, I felt the same way about Op4. Strange that Gordon sees no Race X aliens, even though it takes place at the same time and in the same place. It just seemed like they were adding new content for the sake of it. Sure, add a couple of new aliens maybe, but a whole range that happen to avoid Gordon and Barney?? Strange....
I also think Blue Shift was felt more like HL.

As for HL2.....perhaps the Op4 aliens will be explained/return.

Dude, it was an expansion pack, of cource they are going to put in new content. New weapons, enemies, areas...
And blue shift blew in my opinion, except for the updated graphics.
That was my point. They added new content BECAUSE it was an expansion pack....adding new playability value. All I was saying was, as was RblDiver, that it didn't fit into the story well.
Fenric said:
no worries, we'll have a spoiler section up soon anyway.

So we will be able to see all of the things that were deleted? I personally think that nothing could "spoil" half-life for me, even if someone revealed all the details.
Heh, sorry, other Brian, but I think that quote refers to a section that was removed a while ago, after this website went down...
BTW what was the rocket that you lunched in the original half-life for?
Not to contradict myself on my original theory, but with all the new movies/screenshots/etc out lately, I may have been a little too simplistic in my thinking.

First, I'm really thinking, now, that there are a multitude of factions in HL2. The Admin and his Combine troops...Barney and the rebels...Eli Vance and the freed Xen aliens...and the G-Man (who does HE really work for? Is is just me or does his little statement about "the right man in the wrong place" to Gordon in the E3 vid make it look like he has his OWN plans and is playing all the factions against each other?).

Second, I originally made the mistake in thinking that things were restricted to City 17. We now know that the entire planet is being stripped of resources (apparently in direct connection to the original events at Black Mesa...but stripped by who? We've always ASSUMED is was the Xen aliens, but the revelation that we may be ALLIED with some of the Xen aliens sheds some doubt on this). From the E3 vids, I believe that City 17 is portrayed as a safe haven...a kind of "walled city"...protecting its citizens from the ongoing invasion outside (in one of the E3 vids, one of the giant Big Brother monitors is saying that City 17 is a place of safety) at the cost of placing its citizens in a police state.

Soooo...we have friends allied with Xen aliens (Eli talking to a vortigunt) but other Xen aliens as hostile and aggressive as ever (zombies and headcrabs)...a city established as a protective enclave from the Xen invasion but, in doing so, becoming an oppressive police state ruled over by Big Brother'esque video monitors and gas masked Combine soldiers...a rebel force against the Combine with another familiar face in its ranks (Barney) that may or may not be allied with Eli and the Xen...the G-Man, being as criptic as ever, possibly playing all sides against each other for his own purposes...and big Gordon Freeman in his hazard suit, awakened after 5 years (oh, yea, five to six years has passed...after all, YOU ARE GORDON FREEMAN), working for any number of the above factions.

Things are far more complicated then I imagined...and I like it.
Race-Xlaunched an opportunistic invasion of earth shortly after the resonance cascade scenario in HL1, they came from the same general area in space that the Xen aliens came from - but it was a different border world. I think their invasion got defeated by Shepherd when he killed their boss guy at the end (the guy who could teleport Race X aliens), ie, the big green dude...
Nice Theory.Just as an addtional question,who do you think the "benefactors" are?
(The Big Brother guy mentions something about the CItidel being donated by generous benefactors)
but other Xen aliens as hostile and aggressive as ever (zombies and headcrabs)...a city established as a protective enclave from the Xen invasion but, in doing so, becoming an oppressive police state ruled over by Big Brother'esque video monitors and gas masked Combine soldiers

The headcrab is one of the unintelligent aliens, which probaby has no "mind" only instincts. And you have to remember that the zombies are just humans festered with the headcrab parasite. And the combine soldiers might very well be wearing those masks to protect themself from that parasite..
I wonder, though, if the act of absorbing/assimilating/whatever-ing a human brain makes the Headcrabs any smarter?