Combine vs. Resistance


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
OK, here is the gameplan.

-I want to make a mod that features maps from HL2, or the portions that would be acceptable for MP play. Many of the city maps play this role already. It would be a simpler matter to edit the current maps than create a shitload of new ones from scratch.

-It is going to be simple. DM and TDM to start, and if people like it, then we could add more. Why waste time building SD and CTF if nobody likes the mod?

-As mentioned, it would be combine vs. resistance with just the weapons offered in game. Possibly more if people wanted to create them. We would just need to edit some damage ratios and other information like that (ammo count etc.). Depending on the netcode, the grav. gun could be added by default. It could be a gun that you either spawn with by default, or is a single hard to find weapon (think sword Halo 2).

-There is no story or background, it is just a straight forward DM/TDM based in the HL2 universe.

I forget to mention something, I dont know how to code, map, or model, so I need people from all areas of expertise to sign up. If I can get these people, I would be more than willing to work hard with you and chip in as best I can. As we go, I could hopefully learn some of your trade and help you out. I hope we wouldnt need too large of a team as the components are already given to use in the game.

If anyone is interested, I doubt it, give me a shout at AIM- celtsruledotcom. Email- . Or PM, I am here often so I'd get your response almost immediately.

The best part is- I think we could get this done in a relatively short time period because we have no need to start really anything from scratch. Hope you like the idea (and I am open to suggestions if you are willing to join, otherwise, go screw yourself :P ).
Could be cool. The combine sound intimidating on their radio's.
Well somebody emailed me about this. Lets see how it turns out! Still the more the merrier, I'm sure we're going to need much more help!
Competition strengthens mods. Whatever mod turns out weaker will probably get absorbed by the superior one, like a hungry amoeba. Interesting to watch, and all us fans benefit because we get some quality Combine and Resistance action built with the energy of one-upmanship. It's better than having no competition, and delivering a half-assed attempt.

-Angry Lawyer