Combine Vs. Xen - the final solution

Gman is based on many shady characters incl. the smoking man from X files.
His motives need not be the same as any of those freaks.

My conclusion is that gman is on NOBODY'S side, not even Gordons!
Gordon is a weapon, gman will sell him to the higest bidder!

That's what Breen said, anyway...

gman is a b*****d!

You know Marco, out of all the G-man theories I've heard (other than my own :p ) I like yours. And I usually don't get down on other peoples' G-man theories. Personally I'm going to keep on thinking that the G-man has humanity's best interests at heart, but the actual idea of him pitting each side against each other to keep profitting, I like that. I think other people might've said similar things to that effect too, but I like the way you put it.
You know a friend came up with this, its a long shot but I think it makes sense. He thinks that the Gman is Gordon Freeman but not from the future or all that malarkey but another form of malarkey lol. He thinks that the Gman is Gordons exact opposite, from a parrallel universe as you have to say there are some major opposites to the characters, the Gman is very formal, Gordon is not, what I call a couch potato brain lol, he has great brains but watches the footy lol, that sort of thing. Freeman also doe things by the book, the Gman opens the book, rips the pages, draws over the front page, returns it to the library, apologizes for ruining the book. Do any of you see where I am coming from.
Oh well simply put, I know its probably wrong, remember not mine, friends. Hard enough for me to string together the sentences at the moment due to................................ (crappy keyboard, with random keys stop working and I have to hit 'em 50 times to get em to work)
Citadel said:
Hard enough for me to string together the sentences at the moment due to................................ (crappy keyboard, with random keys stop working and I have to hit 'em 50 times to get em to work)

Poor guy. I know mine has a few buttons melted off from cigar accidents:LOL: . BTW I think Marco's theory makes sense and it could turn out to be true. G-Man money hungry evil dude.
Yeah my space bar keeps acting up. And I play games and surf on a laptop, so no easy solution.
hey im on a psp and thats a lot harder to use (computer broke but not my wireless internet)
well, people keep saying that gman is gordonj, but why do they think this? gman bears NO resemblance to gordonm AT ALL!

well, one thing i said was that he was normal pereson, just a tad too wicked.
or maybe im wrong but people just keep sayin hes gordon, but thats very unlikely, if u ask me, these people are just makin the story complicated, but then again, how would we know we're right? valve will never tell US! even at the end of the series!?

PS: gman would notg be after profits of money alone (ie buy out technology) he would also cause tremendous warfare between different races, thus wiping them out, and when he has the chance, HE alone could take control of what is left!!!
alot of people would ask "why... why would the person with control of time and space not take the role of a powerful warlord or master of time, but the role of a minion in a suit?"

well... first if he tried to take the universe by force, all races would see him as a public enemy , thus not fight against eachother, but him alone, and gman wouldnt stand a chance.
he would take a frienly, trustworthy (yeh right) role, so people would trust him and buy weapons off him, and leave it to them to clear the universe of its defences through war, leaving it to him!
ive posted the rest in the "2 questions about gman forum"

gman mentioned the 'contracts' as well as breen

maybe breen and gman have something incommon?
perhaps theyre in the same business, selling technology but breen betrayed gman and gman must make him suffer... using gordon... theyre fighting over the ownership of gordon!
on second thought, nah:|
Gman selling arms? What on earth was he doing in Black Mesa??

They had better get a new name for the Gman, 'cause all these "gordon man!" or "government man!" or even "gun man!" is getting out of hold. Even if maybe they refer to him SOMEHOW in the game, even if it's just "that creepy guy in the suit".

I think Valve needs to resolve the Gman abbreviation along with confirming that the combine were NOT on Xen. Seriously, did anyone see the combine influence on Xen? Any outpost? Structure? Intelligent life at all? (well... technology at least). They should make the Vorts teleport Gordon and co off for a history lesson or something.

How's this for an idea, now I think of it... Could the enslaved Vortigaunts be the strike troops for infiltrating the Xen retreat? The combine obviously have some control over the collars, just from looking at the sweeping vort at the trainstation. And I thought it would be obvious to anyone that the combine can use more than one type of material, let alone one type of metal. What about the uniforms? The guns? The entaglement system? They're all distinctly different to the citadel walls, which in turn is different to the walls outside the citadel, and even its own ceilings. And lets not forget the weapons, the synths, etc. They certainly ain't the same metal. And while we're at it, I like Breen's tiles.

There is too much evidence that the Combine don't inhabit Xen, I don't see how people can argue this for 39 pages! Sheez!
well, i was saying he was in black mesa trying to buy the teleportation technology or gordon off the scientists, but a new theory has just popped ibto my head...
gman has no form and he is appearing as a gaunty man in a suit, the way others would think an average person would look like so he looks like, and to others, he would look like wat they'd be convinced as 'normal', thats why combine dont attack when he appears close to them, or the antlions, cause they think its their ally.
its like that cheesy movie, "harry potter and the prisoner of guantamo bay" where a thing in the closet has no form, but appears as the thing that the person most fears (how did i happen to watch that!?)

so to round it off, gman wanted teleportation, one of the most powerful weapons in the universe (gordon) and gman has no form, hes nothing!
How dide the Gman predict the resonance cascade before it happened, then?
Why was he at Black Mesa beforehand?

And don't tell me he organised the entire messy incident just to test one man...
I aint sayin he made it happen, im sayin he got the teleportation technology AFTER the incident, because you never really encounter gman until the end of the game (besides the times you see him on balconys etc.) so the fact that he survived the incident, proves that he is greater than any teleportation technology, because if he could survive all the species of alien, he could survive pretty much anything, thats why he happened to find him, he didnt cause the di=saster, its coincidence.
selling arms and technology would deminish other races, thus leaving the remaining empires to bow down to him for technology.
Alternative name for G-Man: Briefcase Toting Man, Suit Wearing Man, Suit Wearing, Indestructible, Fearless, Locally Teleporting Man...

My small theory is, while Nihilanths augmentations and surgery scars point to Combine influence and rulership over him, the interview with Laidlaw and Lombardi states, that they are all refugees, running from Combine to Xen.

What I think, it's possible, that in their former dimension, they were invaded by the Combine, and the Nihilanth installed as the dominant figure, controlling the lower lifeforms, most importantly the vortigaunts. An unknown event may have led to a revolt, similiar to the one that happened on Earth, and the Nihilanth forces may have succeded in driving the Universal Union back. BUT! The Combine did not give up easily, and struck against them again, in order to take their planet/dimension, which possibly was of importance to them, due to it's resources or strategic location.

The Nihilanth couldn't do anything, but flee, along with his race. Either they knew of Xen, and utilized teleportation earlier, which is quite plausible, given the amount of teleporters of varying shapes and sizes in Xen of H-L 1. The Combine couldn't follow them, propably due to the tunneling teleport technology being too inaccurate or powerful, which would actually either end up in the void, or go straight through the dimension, ending in another.

Being in Xen, and fearing an invasion from the Union, or maybe just due to the taint of power it was granted by the Combine, the Nihilanth kept the enslavement, and started building a military force to defeat any invasion attempts (call it paranoia), with all resources and workforce devoted to manufacturing the army. To ensure no uprisings happened, a new breed, the Xen Controllers was evolved by him, which dominated the Xenians psychically.

This would explain the relative absence of any buildings in Xen, except for the factory, as well as the enslavement of Vortigaunts, which never really ended, and thus why they considered the N. a lesser master, subject to the Combine, while he wasn't any longer. Also, the drilling machines in Interloper, and the single tail manta rays there, which may have acted as 'harvesters of sort'.

The exploration crews of Black Mesa were unnoticed for a time, until they came in contact with the N. forces ("That is, until the team members started being collected themsleves" -- scientist in front of the main Lambda teleporter). But it wasn't until the resonance cascade that N. started perceiving humans as a serious threat, and decided on a large scale invasion, to destroy a potential enslaver, and maintain the Xen status quo.

I'll finish for now, more to appear later.

Thoughts? Opinions?

-- Mikael Grizzly
Mikael Grizzly said:
My small theory is, while Nihilanths augmentations and surgery scars point to Combine influence and rulership over him, the interview with Laidlaw and Lombardi states, that they are all refugees, running from Combine to Xen.

I personally think Controllers were always bossing over Vortigaunts, even before the Combine invaded their homeworld, because the Vorts in HL2 say that they have "endured these chafing bonds for eons".
99.vikram said:

I personally think Controllers were always bossing over Vortigaunts, even before the Combine invaded their homeworld, because the Vorts in HL2 say that they have "endured these chafing bonds for eons".
Yeah, in the part of xen where you get to the place with many vorts, if you dont attack, they'll stay peaceful, im guessing they, i presonality are not agressive.
Surgical scars do not mean something was created by the Combine. If anything the opposite is true since no synths have such features.

I find it unlikely that they had anything to do with the Nihilanth for the same reason that they couldn't have controlled Xen - they don't have local teleportation technology.
Actually, I never stated the Combine were able to reach Xen.

Also, the Vortigaunts say that they were enslaved for eons. The state Nihilanth was in, clearly indicates, that whatever was done to him, was done long ago, and the surgeon was sloppy.

Besides, it might've been done before developing synth technology, or when it was not widespread among the Union.

Also, the, let's call it, 'antenna' from a deep-gray metal shov... installed in his.. nether regions, is in a way parallel to the mutilation stalker's experienced. As for the surgery... the Transhuman Soldier seen undressed bears visible scars on his body, which point out he was heavily operated on. If they operate on humans, why shouldn't they on other species?

-- Mikael Grizzly
Close this thread before a n00b attack, then.

BUT GMAN = G. Man = Gorden FreeMan!!!!!!!! lol

I thought evolution was supposed to take care of the idiots? Then again .. without the people trying the poison berry for us .. we'd never know.