Comments & Cricitisms on the Forum magazine

Hell it's been a while since I been on these forums.Anyways looks like the mag is doing great.I hope it keeps doing good. :)
Tr0n, u need to get ur ass moving.... u haven't posted anything yet

EDIT: in the mag i mean
theres a mag now? well i really have missed something, now tell me, will it be free?
:frog: :frog:
heh heh, funny smilies
Where's this mag? Links didn't work, and the only sticky about it is THIS one. I would love to dash off a review or two, but I'd like to look at the mag first! Working link, plz!
The mag thread is down now. It was our first issue, mrBadger is working on an html based mag for the second issue. That one will be up for download once its finished. Im not sure when it will be up though.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
The mag thread is down now. It was our first issue, mrBadger is working on an html based mag for the second issue. That one will be up for download once its finished. Im not sure when it will be up though.

Actually, make that Abom|nation and mrBadger ;)

Yeah, links won't work, I took down the thread... we have a deadline:

15th Nov, and we'll try to hit it :p

Then it will be up for download :)
How silly of me, how could I forget that its mrBadger's and Abom's mag.

Did this just happen recently or was it always like this? I'm confused. :o
No, I mean Abom|nation has been helping me with the HTML design :P

and thehunter.... I need that reply, and same with you Tr0n,

on a side note:

Damn you games developers, not releasing anything soon :flame:
ya, i got MP 2 and the bargin bin reviews almost ready, i'll be sending it soon
meh heh heh heh!

I dunno, i wanna spam:( sorry.....

.....I'm almost done expanding on my review, so it should be ready very soon.
Damn Reefer, if he doesn´t reply soon Im gonna have to use my ´Random People on IRC¨ interviews.