Community petition, extremely informal, for community recognition reasons


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I would like to see how many people would enjoy this kind-of change to cs

most of the kids that play cs dont even know that kind of kickass thing exists. its a fact. mention bump mapping to 99% of those kids and they scratch theyre head, imagine how this would sweep em off theyre feet and guess what? less cpu/gfx intensive then what they already have in there :p.
Why don't you just ask Gabe?
FoB_Ed said:
Why don't you just ask Gabe?

Did, he said maybe in a future update if we have the company resources (as they are working on tf2 dods etc.) but I just want the community to realize it's possible. I know gabe personally via email and steam (+ snailmail) we have become pretty good buddies, so we talk.
LOL they want animations back ROFL so poor ^^
this is just stupid and dumb
Have you guys tried suggesting things on steampowered's forum? It's a nightmare. I actually got banned because I flamed a mod because he deleted my thread that I asked for support on. People were spamming and trolling me and instead of doing thier job they just deleted my well written post about the netcode. Never again will I try and give VALVe my ideas :sniper:
Bullet holes nice, death animations not so much...would be stupid.
lol the actual css ragdolls create the best death animations ever seen in an online game, changing them back to poor old death animations would just be stupid and a step into the wrong direction! bulletholes and wounds are totally unnecessary.
I disagree. Bulletholes are also a step forward as you said. I know CS has only so much realism but you don't take a bullet to the face without some kind of damage notification (yes, I know and love the "sploosh", lol).
not death animations you tools, ackowledgement that abullet just entered your ****ing chest, in case you didnt notice when a bitch gets shot dosent just slide back a few feet he gets a gaping hole and him and reacts to the massive amount of pain as blood pours from the orifice. Im not even sayin to that extent; I like the arcadey feel but the ragdolls can be implemented with hit animations with havok 2. I simply worry because Cliffe/Gabe dont seen to show must interest in these types of complex physics/animation blending techniques that could add unprescedented ownitude to cs. Death animations are NOT NEEDED FOR THE LAST TIME RAGDOLLS TAKE CARE OF THAT. I simply ask for greater acknoledgement that a bullet hit the target and didnt gently shove him a few feet only to seen him collapse as if his body had been penitrated by a chaingun im a nerd

(edited for decency and grammar) and not well I might add.
I don't understand what you're saying try to make more coherent sentences for the love of God!

bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
in case you didnt notice when a bitch gets shot dosent just slide back a few feet he gets a gaping hole and him and reacts to the massive amount of pain.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
CB | Para said:
I don't understand what you're saying try to make more coherent sentences for the love of God!

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

use logic... when somebody gets shot they dont unrealistically slide a few inches and spray a gallon of blood, they get holes in then and flinch according to the placement of the wound. Interpreting what I said was not rocket science dude just read it over a couple of times.. I cant help it if im going through effexor withdrawal and havent slept in 48 hrs. :devil:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
use logic... when somebody gets shot they dont unrealistically slide a few inches and spray a gallon of blood, they get holes in then and flinch according to the placement of the wound. Interpreting what I said was not rocket science dude just read it over a couple of times.. I cant help it if im going through effexor withdrawal and havent slept in 48 hrs. :devil:

So basically you want players to react more violently to gunshots? I don't see how that would improve the gameplay, first guy to land a shot would get the kill. How do you want to aim or fire when your view will be bobbing up and down the instant you take a hit?

Have you ever taken a headshot and lived? it throws you completely offbalance for a second. I suppose that's what you're talking about here.
are you talkin about animation blending? well, sorry but this is havok1 and not havok2. source bases on havok1, when you want a new engine, you will have to wait for the unreal3 engine
and maybe even a hit animation or two ala after bullet impact one's victim grabbing they're stomache in agony (would not effect first person view in the least just a visual treat)

Sounds like death animation to me...
NO its called animation blending :dozey: ,so you can ragdoll and have an animation running at the same time.
STUPID>>>>>>>>Next you will be asking for players to limp around due to damage or only use of one arm because THERES A BULLET HOLE THROUGH IT. STFU. Stop changing the gameplay. If you want this so badly then make your own mod called bulletholehitboxgrabmystomachguy mod. Otherwise if you don't like the way the game plays then it is time for you to find another game. CS is perfect leave it.

pixartist said:
are you talkin about animation blending? well, sorry but this is havok1 and not havok2. source bases on havok1, when you want a new engine, you will have to wait for the unreal3 engine

Actually, the Source engine uses Havok 2.2, it's Havok 2 which has been modified by vALVE.
adding the zombie thing would be cool, but not til cs2, just can't wait to see what they have done for regular cs:s no beta
Metuo said:
Actually, the Source engine uses Havok 2.2, it's Havok 2 which has been modified by vALVE.
I was under the impression that it was just Havok 1, except heavily modded? Where did you find out this?