Community Reviewers Program

Give em to Shaker. He is a journo in 'real-life'. Plus he did some game reviews for Dutch websites. He's on holidays atm.
If anyone causes problems with relationships we have with the game developers as you might expect...we'll drop them from the program before they can blink.
Doesn't this simply encompass giving a negative review?
This isnt IGN or anything like that. be honest but dont go out of your way to destroy a game. Darkest of days was a tight budget and only 10 people made this game. It is not going to be perfect.
Doesn't this simply encompass giving a negative review?

Nope. PR companies should recognise when are negative review is justified, it is all based on whether the reviewer justifies their opinions and shows that they have reasons for giving a poor review, not that they are simply bashing the game for the sake of it.
I would love to be a game reviewer. I got loads of time on my hands, so time is not a problem. I spend most of my time at the computer, to be honest.
If anyone causes problems with relationships we have with the game developers as you might expect...we'll drop them from the program before they can blink. Availability changes for individuals so I expect a turnover of reviewers as we go on.

This really casts shadow on the reliability and neutrality of reviews, doesn't it?
When I mean problems...I mean we give you and review and you don't deliver a review. Or you take far too long to produce the review for a specific time.

Not the review itself, you review as you see fit. See Evo's post above for further clarification on this.
Ok. I just hope that you won't get any Bethesda Softworks games to review, their PR department's a bitch.

Anywhoo, since Far Cry 2 lacks a review (surprisingly), I'll send mine in.
Oh, i meant to post before, right after posting in the darkest of days thread but it seems I forgot. Obviously i'd be up for writing a review. For anything really.
Why oh why did somebody steal my NUMBER COMBINATION AT THE END OF MY NAME? Am I *THAT* awesome?
At any rate, I would like to know the time that you'll be deciding, is it sometime today or monday?
Wait, is there a time limit set for this as of now?
I've been through the current entries now and will assign the first person to do a review tomorrow.

People who expressed interest from which I have no review: Murray, Corp Sheepo, hool10, Barnz, Escape.

Anyone I haven't mentioned, means I got your email!
well, you said you're looking for someone who's good at speaking English :P
I've been through the current entries now and will assign the first person to do a review tomorrow.

People who expressed interest from which I have no review: Murray, Corp Sheepo, hool10, Barnz, Escape.

Anyone I haven't mentioned, means I got your email!
Hrey! What about me!? I'll submit a piece very soon.
The heck? I sent it to Pi during your absence.
I asked Pi if he had something from you tonight, but he hasn't got back to me yet. If he doesn't beat you, could you send it to me tonight? glenn at halflife2 dot net
Hrey! What about me!? I'll submit a piece very soon.
Who are you and where did you come from!? I eagerly anticipate your entry now, no pressure.
I asked Pi if he had something from you tonight, but he hasn't got back to me yet. If he doesn't beat you, could you send it to me tonight? glenn at halflife2 dot net
Who are you and where did you come from!? I eagerly anticipate your entry now, no pressure.
I posted on the first page. :O

But since I am a busy, busy college student, I'm going to aim for more indie/casual games if you're interested in having some of us review those.

But yes, I'll get you something by the weekend.
I just sent a review of Scribblenauts in.
I asked Pi if he had something from you tonight, but he hasn't got back to me yet. If he doesn't beat you, could you send it to me tonight? glenn at halflife2 dot net

Dang, I knew I shouldn't have deleted the review. You know what? I give up. This ain't worth my time.
Dang, I knew I shouldn't have deleted the review. You know what? I give up. This ain't worth my time.
I could just get a version from Pi since you sent it to him. But considering you've already tired of the idea that quickly, I won't bother since there are a lot more people who want the positions more.

Thanks to hool10 and Sheepo for sending those reviews damn fast!

Captain, we will certainly see some indie games, if you wish to review a well known indie game and send it, we can go from there. Cheeeeeers
Glenn has been out of action because some idiots dug up all the BT wires on his road. Give it some time.
Friday, I'll give you the shortlist of people on the program.
Glenn is teasing the living shit out of this forum.
That's an unfair accusation! Just speaking with Pi now, before posting up the list of names.
4 individuals chosen are:

  • Sloth
  • Hool10
  • Zombieturtle01
  • Kupocake

Thanks to all who entered, I'll PM details to those successful, also good to stay in touch via Steam community.