Community Service

Jul 11, 2003
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What kinds of community service have you done?

Right now, my group and I are planting some trees for this park. We need 40 hrs. of service to pass high school.
I have zero service hours, and I'm a sophomore. I need 40 by the end of senior year.

The entire idea of community service hours bothers me. Unless they can provide us with an acceptable thing at the school to do for credit, it should not be required. The work degrades you like a petty criminal. Nevermind the fact that I came to school to learn, not do menial labor.

I'm aware that not all volunteer jobs are labor and many can help you with your learning/career path, but I live far away from my school in a suburb/rural area. I have to pay a lot of gas and take a lot of time out of my schedule just to get a little bit done. Everything that is reasonably near is manual labor, too.

Sorry for the ramble. But this "community service" requirement pisses me off. I didn't break a law, my parents paid taxes for my education. Teach me the subject matter (which they already suck at doing) and stop making me do menial tasks.
Mr-Fusion said:
Can someone fill me in on this community service thing?
We have to do 40 hours of community service by the end of senior year to graduate.
In order to pass high school (for us at least), you would need to do a certain amount of communitry service. For example, planting some trees, helping out at the hospital, ext. I'm not sure if all the hrs. are the same. I think it depends on the district.
you guys could clean my room or as brits say tidy up.......
I think I speak for every student in England when I say.."HAHAHA GUTTED!!"
Tidy up sounds better than clean up. I don't know why this is.
Hmm I never had to do any community service in my school, but I heard a few others in my area had to. But anyways, to hell with community service, if I'm gonna be doing work I'll be getting paid for it, not like I owe this damn town anything anyways
pAiNtHeAsS said:
What kinds of community service have you done?

Right now, my group and I are planting some trees for this park. We need 40 hrs. of service to pass high school.

Ooh, tree planting, that's good.

My school doesn't require community hours, but I've done 77 hours worth of volunteering at the arboretum for the past two summers. Basically, I'm in gardening, which is the nice word for "TORTURE!" since I end up digging up weeds and smelling the horror that is fish emulsion three hours a day all summer long.... and yet I keep going back :) because it's fun, even when you do the same work for free that the interns get paid to do ;(. Last time I went (last week), I brought the environmental club from school there and we all got to harvest some exotic invasive tree potatoes that grow on vines. They'd fall from the sky and we'd run around collecting them in plastic buckets :cheese:.

Other fun things:
Beach Cleanup -- every March I pick up other people's trash along beaches and bayous with the environmental club. We get to walk around wearing orange gloves and dragging along giant black trashbags. Ahhh, too fun.
Recycling -- go around school picking up recycling bins and dumping them out.
General volunteering -- whatever there is to do... yesterday I ended up teaching little kids origami at some Christmas event. Today I spent two hours sorting out nearly-rotten fruits and washing nearly-rotten peppers at a place that helps out immigrants.
dfc05 said:
Ooh, tree planting, that's good.

My school doesn't require community hours, but I've done 77 hours worth of volunteering at the arboretum for the past two summers. Basically, I'm in gardening, which is the nice word for "TORTURE!" since I end up digging up weeds and smelling the horror that is fish emulsion three hours a day all summer long.... and yet I keep going back :) because it's fun, even when you do the same work for free that the interns get paid to do ;(. Last time I went (last week), I brought the environmental club from school there and we all got to harvest some exotic invasive tree potatoes that grow on vines. They'd fall from the sky and we'd run around collecting them in plastic buckets :cheese:.

Other fun things:
Beach Cleanup -- every March I pick up other people's trash along beaches and bayous with the environmental club. We get to walk around wearing orange gloves and dragging along giant black trashbags. Ahhh, too fun.
Recycling -- go around school picking up recycling bins and dumping them out.
General volunteering -- whatever there is to do... yesterday I ended up teaching little kids origami at some Christmas event. Today I spent two hours sorting out nearly-rotten fruits and washing nearly-rotten peppers at a place that helps out immigrants.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not..

"We get to walk around wearing orange gloves and dragging along giant black trashbags. Ahhh, too fun."

I burst out laughing when I read that.. Are you joking or what?
I have to do 75 hours of community type stuff To me its not THAT bad unless your some kind of cynical moron who cares nothing about anyone else. It wont kill you will it?
in an ideal world, community service would be something involving finding an educational faculty thats not completely full of shit. you'd be doing a service to the community by keeping their kids from going to school to get dumber.
hmm they should have that in the UK sounds like a good thing to me

in an ideal world, community service would be something involving finding an educational faculty thats not completely full of shit. you'd be doing a service to the community by keeping their kids from going to school to get dumber.
Only in america my friend :D.
When I was a kid I spent alot of time painting a picture to beautify the town square, and actually won a contest with it along with some other kids, so it got displayed there! <preens>

I know that doesn't count as community service though.