comp not booting after new case

Sep 3, 2003
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i just recieve my x-dreamer case II today and whent straight to opening it up. i moved everything fom my old case to new case as usual.
then i noticed the temp sensor so i decided to remove my fan and heatsink and place the probe on the that tiny thats on the processor (talking about the 2400 here) and reattached my heatsink/fan. (this is where all the problems start) so yea now im all happy that i got my new case and dvd burner and so i finished hooking everything up tyo the back.
so then i pushed the power button for the first time on my new case. all the pretty blue lights went on, fans starting turning, and 3 seconds later, everything stop moving and there was silence.
so then i thought of a few ways to fix it: i first i reseted the bios using the jumpers, but nothing changed. so then i i thought that maybe the probe from under the fan was causing this problem so i removed the heatsink/fan again and removeth prob and just put it to the side for a while and then re attachedthe fan.
aha! this time it didnt shut off after 3 seconds; it stayed on! so then i got in my chair, turned on th monitor and waited for something to appear on teh screen. nothing appeared :( the light by the power button on the monitor was still at the standby color (orange). fans were spinning, lights were blinding me, but other than that the computer seemed useless. ( didnt hear any of that cracking noise that u hear when ur comp is hard at work)

so my question is WHERE DID I GO WRONG!?!?!? was it the probe between the proccessor and the heatsink the thing that F***ed everything up? or is it the evil case?

i hope i havent caused any permanent dmg. the processor and mother board is fairly new...

well... any responses is greatly appreciated
Did you make sure that the connectors from the front of the case were on the right pins on the mobo?
Could be wrong, but it sounds similar to one of my machines when I'd just built it. Turned out the back of the motherboard had been in contact with the case itself, so was shorting itself out and not running correctly or atall (twas random)
the only connetors that i used were: power on, reset but, and power led. those are in correct

i checked if the board was shorting it self me removing it from the case and just laying it on the carpet and connecting everything and the samething isstill happening: it turns on but my monitor doesnt even get a signal and i dont hear the usual noises the comp makes when it comes on like te hard drive noises
This worked for me when I had a similar problem:

Reset CMOS. During the reset, unplug the 2 power connectors to the mobo, and take out the battery on the mobo. Leave it for a minute, put the battery back in, plug the connectors in again and put CMOS back to the normal pin layout.
just tried that no changes

do u think that when i put the probe on the die between the hsf, and the processor, taht screwed up the processor because the hsf was that complete touching the die of the processor? (the probe wasnt under the processor, it was above it but under teh hsf)

i guess if there arent any solutions, i could always try to exchange the processor and mboard...
Well, arent you supposed to put it under the CPU? In between the pins, then leave it at the center right under the core?

I dont think that would have screwed it up, though.

Make sure that allt he hardware on the mobo is firmly in place. Also, try it with just the bare basics: CPU+HSF, RAM and vid card. If you can try swapping some components.
yea i tried the bare basics already but i like i said, it worked perfectly fine in the old case but it was running at like 63c and the old case did have and space for fans so swapped the case and in doing so i may have dmged some components. the reason i didnt put it under the processor was becasue the wire wouldnt fit between the pins because the wire was so huge. the wire they use for the probe is like the same size as the power switch wires.

well i guess ill be exchanging both the mboard and proc for a different one tomarrow and lay off the games tonight since the comp im using really sux, especially when combined with my slow 56k.
I have had this issue before many times....I use 2 temp probes on my CPU...

What you need to do is reset the power supply. To do this flip the switch on back for 10 sec, you may or may not hear a whistle from the capacitors draining, I can since I am using a 430W. This can also be heard on my friends 400W and another 350W, so it is normal. Then flip the switch again to on, at this point your PC should come on, and then off again for about 2 sec. That means the power supply has been reset correctly. Your mobo will turn on after that, but it will die again if it did the first time...

Your CPU and mobo have a smart burn shield that activates when the CPU Cooler is making no contact with the die, this is caused by the obstruction of a sensor or a bent shim. If you have a shim, keep it, but cut a slot in it to fit the sensor. If not, reseat the sensor somewhere else on the CPU.
i did what u told me to do to the psu. i haerd the sound u were talking about and the mobo turning on for 2 seconds but off.

i dont have any shims, and yea my mobo and cpu does that taht smart burn shield thingy thats why when i incorrectly place the sensor probe in between the cpu and hsf, the sensors sensed that the cooler was making no contact and turned my comp off after 3 seconds or so as what i said in the first post. i knew about this thats why i removed the probe and now the sensor did sense that the hsf is in contact with the cpu. so this time, the comp stayed running instead of turning off after 3 seconds however nothing appeared on the monitor, no hard drive noises like normal.

edit: went out to exchange the mboard and proc for new ones of same models and it worked. i guess it was my own stupid fault that something got dmged while i was moving the stuff. thnx for all the replys
No prob, just glad to see you are back up an running :)
Hmm it sounds like the motherboard is shorting itself out by touching the case itself... Are you using standoffs for the mobo? if you are you should take the mobo out of the case and test it outside to see if it works.
Yeah, I have heard that soyo's require plastic standoffs otherwise they short. I guess from the silver paint? :sniper:
Heh, just reading this post and about to reply with the simple fact that no beeps or anything, which must mean you blew the chipsets.
May I inquire what board you're running?
Well maybe he didn't short it out by touching the case, he might have just shorted it out while transfering it over with a little too much static electricity running through him.
well, if he didnt do any damage to anything it has to be just some wrong connection.. most likely could be a cable flipped around...
one computer i built, i connected the floppy IDE cable incorrectly, and i was mad i bought a bad floppy.. but i left it alone, then one day,!! *light blub* i flipped it around and all was good!